
Your Taurus 2018 Yearly Horoscope

Lucky you Taurus, your 2018 horoscope is primarily dominated by your ruling planet, Venus. This is the most powerful and connected force in the sky this year. On New Year’s day, Venus is supercharged and that will kick start your 2018. Your Taurus 2018 horoscope fundamental theme? Relationships. Believe it or not but excited changes with family, personal goals and your career have arrived. Get ready for the reinvention tour. Two is your magic number in 2018 for work, love and stimulating projects you’ve been considering. This New Year allows you to connect with vibrant new people who might be drastically different than your go-to crowd. For the first time in years, things will feel more magical than threatening. Any goals or aspirations you have will not be turned away this year. Dream big and notable and things are bound to happen for you.

Taurus 2018 Yearly Horoscopes

Any existing relationships you have can deepen both with long term and new friendships. For the first time in 77 years, revolutionary Uranus enters Taurus until 2026. When I say big changes are going to occur, a brand new bull could emerge. You could revamp your look or career path based on an eye-opening experience you have in 2018. Cosmic forces don’t run low thanks to several eclipses taking place in your family, professional and home sectors. New work-life balance standards will reveal themselves in 2018.

Pluto and Venus in Capricorn will help you make big changes to your life that might upset the status quo if necessary. Don’t be reluctant to make these moves since the cosmos and universe are backing you up 110%. By the time the Sun enters Taurus, Venus will already be there. Make sure you are spending 2018 surrounded by beautiful people who enrich your mind, body and soul. Don’t allow yourself to compromise or settle and certainly don’t allow others to make you feel rushed into making hasty decisions. Mother Nature has your back this year and wants your horoscope for the year to be dynamite; trust her, it will be.

In October, Venus goes retrograde; don’t panic, even though it is your ruling planet. Venus will go retrograde in Scorpio and direct in Libra by November. Relationships will be altered and will benefit from extra attention. Things could get serious. Your 2018 yearly horoscope begs you to take a hard look at what type of world you’ve built for yourself. Figure out what works and what doesn’t and ditch anything that doesn’t suit you. Use 2018 to be more constructive. You are a lot more resilient and the planet of radical change, Uranus, will enter your sign in May. Anything you’ve taken for granted or clung tightly to might leave your life. There is one area of your life that needs shaking up in 2018; your image. Consider a makeover, and truly showcase that part of yourself you’ve been hiding from everyone.

Taurus 2018 Love Horoscope

Your yearly horoscope with romance takes center stage, Taurus. Your committed zone of your chart will be lit by Jupiter all year. This will be a refreshing change since you’ve had restrictive Saturn hanging about your zone from 2012 to 2017. Companionship has felt like an ongoing battle for years now. You’ve probably convinced yourself you’re going to end up alone at some point. Any hard-won battle wounds you’ve gotten over the past few years have left you wiser. Your love life will showcase your hard work in 2018. Use all the knowledge you’ve gained in love to form health partnerships in 2018. The universe has been reminding you since May of 2017 that status and popularity don’t make you safe. Stability in 2018 is going to come from self-love and someone mutually willing to nurture a relationship.

If you’ve had a hard time letting your loved one’s know how your feeling, your Taurus 2018 love horoscope lets it be known that being candid is always the best policy. Allow yourself to become more transparent and open in 2018 and your love life will improve drastically. Your 2018 love horoscope has huge advantages. No one will be able to resist your charm and attractiveness in 2018. You’ll gain popularity and love prospects will fly out of no-where. Saturn and Pluto will be in business-minded Capricorn but will help you sort out any inappropriate candidates. It will be especially easy in the beginning of the year and the last two months of the year to determine what you want. April and May are the most lighthearted months for you when Uranus and the moon alight. You could adopt a more playful approach to dating.

When Jupiter enters social Sagittarius in early November, another flood of love could approach. Pace yourself – but you already knew that Taurus, you hate being rushed or pressured into things. In October and November your ruling planet, the planet of love, goes into retrograde in serious Scorpio and ends elegantly in Libra. For your 2018 love horoscope, it’s the perfect time to get sophisticated and focus on culture. Get fancy and dress up. Set your intentions for 2018 and things will work wonders in your love department. If you’re in a relationship, joint intentions will be helpful. Stick together and demolish any obstacles the two of you face. 2018 is a year of extra-strong support, especially with career endeavors. Crazy deep love is in the cards for your yearly horoscope Taurus. Don’t be scared of Venus in retrograde weakening your love because it will genuinely strengthen your bond. Things will get more romantically serious.

See Also

Taurus 2018 Career Horoscope

When it comes to your career, you know what you value but what do you genuinely believe? Trust your gut and know which activities and people are worth your time and effort. It will become very apparent in 2018. Life is too short to spend time with people who don’t serve you. Figure out what your priorities are career wise in 2018. You will need to meditate on what your values are and what they add up to this upcoming year. It’s crucial you take time to know what your boundaries are in the workplace. If you set clearly defined goals, you’ll be able to pursue them and they will feel right. Saturn and Pluto touch upon earthy Capricorn all year which will help firm up a solid foundation for you. You will have plenty of energy and any inventive outlooks you’ve had will help present unreal opportunities for you.

Your 2018 career horoscope will be opened with the sun and Venus in conjunct. Responsible Capricorn will help make sure anything you say will be well-received. While the first half of 2018 will be busy, allow yourself to be patient and content with your line of work. Finances may steadily flow in but increase through the summer and autumn of 2018. You could experience a burst of good luck with finances when Jupiter enters Sagittarius in November. Use 2018 to network and negotiate. Don’t settle for anything less than you deserve Taurus. You’ll have influencer status until 2026 tanks to Uranus entering Taurus. If you’ve started an indie project, your name will finally be on the map. Your entrepreneurial ninth house will slowly build a foundation for your own enterprise. Expect the two eclipses in your career corner to bring job changes and unexpected offers.

You spent a majority of 2017 dedicated to developing better habits and tending to your wellbeing. This year, you will be able to stay fit with the help of your friends. Your 2018 motto: life isn’t about finding yourself. It’s about creating yourself.

Are YOU ready for YOUR Taurus 2018 Yearly Horoscope in the comments below!

Featured Image Source: weheartit.com

Hi, I'm Leah, a Los Angelino living in Boston! I'm a grad from Northeastern University with a Bachelors from the College of Arts, Media and Design. I'm obsessed with going on adventures, photography, writing, being a Taurus and finding hidden gem restaurants, musicians and places to travel. I live for tacos and you can't keep me away from a cute farm stand. I also live for Instagram ... oops!

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