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Your Post Break-Up Playlist

Your Post Break-Up Playlist

You post break-up playlist is going to change based on where you’re at in the breakup. It may start with sad, woe-is-me tracks, but eventually escalate to “fuck you” songs about your ex.  So here are all the songs that should be on your post break-up playlist.

1. Cry Baby – Demi Lovato

I listened to Demi Lovato religiously during my last break-up and this song still stands out to me. It’s a great track to cry to if you’re in the crying mood, which you probably will be fresh after ending a relationship with someone.


2. Casablanca Sucked Anyways – A Day To Remember

This one hits you right in the feels, like all ADTR songs do, but this one especially if you’re reeling from a break-up.

3. Three Cheers For Five Years – Mayday Parade

Probably any song by Mayday Parade would work for a post break-up playlist. I specifically choose this one because I always had it on repeat and I found it relatable and relevant to my situation. Their songs “The Last Something That Meant Anything”, “Stay”, or “Hold On To Me”, would also be great to have on your playlist. 


4.  Wicked Game – HIM

I chose the HIM cover of Wicked Game, because it’s the one I know best, but literally all HIM songs and albums are what any heartbroken person should be listening to when they need some solace. Lyrically, Wicked Game resonates best with someone who has just been in a relationship, and depending on your situation and state of feelings many other HIM songs will too. 

5. Dead Lover’s Lane – HIM

If you’re still feeling sentimental, and need some poetic verses to validate your feelings, Dead Lover’s Lane uses a lot of Gothic imagery to describe the pain one goes through at the end of a relationship. Uses a lot of Gothic imagery, this song details the feelings of having your heart ripped out, leaving you with nothing but empty. The whole album Venus Doom, perfectly describes all the sad, bitter feelings and is worth a listen when you’re at your lowest. 


6. Still Broken – Blue October

So many of Blue October’s songs are so filled with emotion. You could easily listen to Should Be Loved or Picking Up The Pieces for a post break-up or if you’re feeling really angry, The End is applicable to that. Still Broken, though, felt more sad, sentimental and we often feel lonely after a relationship has ended. This song encapsulates that lonely feeling. 

7. Broken – Seether feat. Amy Lee

This seriously was everyone’s break-up song in 2005 and the song couples like to use to serenade each other. It’s a great track when you’ve reached that stage that involves romanticizing your pain. 


8. Love Hurts – Nazareth

This song just says it all. “Love hurts, love scars, love wounds, and mars.”  It’s a softer ballad that you can listen to while lying in bed staring up at the ceiling, wallowing. 

9. Forgive and Forget – A Day To Remember

Warning! This. Song. Will. Make. You. Cry. If your heart is feeling heavy and you put this song on you’ll fucking lose it all over the place. So don’t listen to this in public. It’s the song to listen to when you need a good cry at 2 AM after your heart has been shattered. 

10. Always – Panic! At The Disco

Always is a reflective track, that’s a lot more peaceful with a sweet melody. It’s for when you’ve gotten over the initial shock and heartbreak and can take a minute to reflect on the relationship and see where and how it went wrong, before all the anger sets in, which is the next stage in your break-up.


11. Are You Happy Now? – Michelle Branch

When you’re feeling angsty and most of the crying is out of your system this is a classic song to turn on to get out some of those bitter, pent-up feelings. 

11.  I Hate Everything About You – Three Days Grace

For extra angst and anger, when you really want to let it out, this song is a classic. Most Three Days Grace songs from their self-titled and One X albums are pretty aggressive sounding and could work on an post break-up playlist. I’d highly recommend “Gone Forever”, in addition to this one. 


12. Same Book But Never The Same Page – A Day To Remember

“I cant stand it. I don’t get it. Nothing ever seems to work when you’re around, you’ll always build me up to bring me down”, is the chorus’ catchy yet crushing line that feels so applicable on a post break-up playlist. Depending on how good or bad your relationship was, or why it ended, but A Day To Remember has plenty of other songs that you can relate too. 

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13. Invisible – Christina Grimmie

This song will make you feel unstoppable and ready to kickass. It’ll also remind you, that you can in fact live without your ex and that its not the end of the world, just because its the end of the relationship.

14. Somebody That I Used To Know – Gotye feat Kimbra

This song lyrically is especially painful, but I always found it uplifting. Having those songs that validate your feelings, and let you know that it’s ok to feel hurt, angry, or bitter are the perfect songs to have on your post break-up playlist.


15.  Absolutely Final Goodbye – Christina Grimmie

This upbeat tune will have you feeling pumped and feeling good post break-up, and even be the perfect song for that much needed work-out to get those feel-good brain chemicals going again. Because after being drunk and wallowing in self-pity, you eventually have to start doing things to make you feel happy. 

The title says it all, but incase you need some lyrics “This is my absolutely final, I am really leaving goodbye. Every time I take you back you do me over, goodbye “. It’s a great track to turn on when you’re thinking of getting back together with your ex, and need a reminder not to. 


16. Goodbye To You – Michelle Branch

When you’re at the end stages of your break-up and you finally reached acceptance that its over, Goodbye To You by Michelle Branch will have you reeling once again. It’s ok to feel sad about something being over, it’s that longing feeling we get to experience those happy feelings we did with that person, but there are reasons why it’s over. And sometimes it should stay that way. 

17. Sorry Not, Sorry – Demi Lovato

We’re gonna end this playlist the same artist who started it, but this song is best for when you’re past the emotional stage and couldn’t care less. So apathetic. It’s the perfect track to have a on repeat when you’re no longer crying over your ex, but need  a reminder of why you probably shouldn’t get back together with them. It’s also a total ladyboss song that will you have feeling all sorts of confident and kickass. 


Music is an important part of the healing process from a break-up. Did these songs help you move on from a past relationship? What are some other songs on your post break-up playlist not included here? We’d love to know in the comments!

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