
Your Love Horoscope For The Week of October 15

Your love horoscope for the week of October 15 are here zodiacs. There’s a lot of astrological movement going on this week for all of us. On the 15th, Mercury opposes Uranus so you might feel some weird ideas pop up out of nowhere. It’s okay to share them, just make sure they aren’t offensive because Jupiter and the Sun are close by. That heats up any confrontational energy. Luckily that’s a good day to have some major revelations. On the 17th, Mercury enters Scorpio and our communication, ideas and thoughts will become more profound. Keep in mind any personal truths aren’t universal truths. Wait till November for things to get real profound. If you’re born at the beginning of Scorpio, on the 18th, express your vision to the world.

On the 19th, your love horoscope will have you feeling a bit radical and freedom seeking thanks to the New Moon in Libra, exactly opposing Uranus. Something unpredictable can shake your life up zodiacs. Time to make some life-altering decisions! Finally, by the 22nd, Mars enters Libra and our desire to be known slows down. Things will be winding down the second half of October so brace yourselves. Here are your love horoscopes for the week of October 17. If you missed last week’s horoscope, check it out here.



March 21-April 19

Your love horoscope for the week of October 17th, is looking interesting Aries. When Mercury rolls into Scorpio on Tuesday, you may however have an unhealthy attachment to your partner. This week it might be kicked into high gear until November 5. Fight the urge to regulate not only your mate’s life but the world around you. Take this week to look at your own insecurities and why you might be feeling this way. Love isn’t about control Aries. On the bright side, the New Moon in relationship-oriented Libra happens on Thursday!

It will highlight a time for major love connection possibilities but will also be in opposition Uranus; a reminder that space and partnership are both desires at the time. Get creative trying to balance these opposing forces and your love life will start picking up. On the 22nd lusty Mars joins Libra (your committed-relationship house) until December 9th. Any budding relationships will start taking center stage then. Things could get official. Mars only dips into your chart every two years so use the confidence and charisma it gives you to pursue a partnership.

It could also dial up any tensions bubbling at the surface so keep it cool, and deal with all these issues directly. Once the new moon starts, the independence you’ve been longing for might lose its appeal. You could meet someone who changes your mind over the next six months.


April 20-May 20

Hey there Taurus. Your love life is about to get seriously mental… in a good way. The planet of communication, Mercury, moves into your partnership sector on Tuesday and hangs out till November 5. Thanks to Jupiter and Mercury joining forces on Wednesday, you and your mate are going to have an opportunity to see eye-to-eye for the first time in a while. Regardless of making a major decision about your relationship or signing some sort of document together, conversations are about to get deeper and more gratifying. The second part of the month is going to be a lot calmer for you so get your game on while you can. Since the 14th, Venus and Libra cruise through your sixth house.

This will put you in the mood for desiring healthy lifestyle choices and relationships. On the 22nd, Mars jumps into Libra’s bandwagon until December 9 so if you’re a coupled bull, wellness kicks and projects are perfect to tackle together. If you’re a single bull you could meet someone doing humanitarian work or at the gym. Your sixth house rules pets, so if you’re thinking about getting an animal, this could be a good time. Remember, Mercury in Scorpio will have intimate conversation sparked or turning to matters of commitment. Your love horoscope isn’t too shabby Taurus.


May 21-June 20

Hey there Gemini, this week your love horoscope is flaring up. The second half of October brings you into your passionate fifth house from the 14h until November 7th. Lusty Mars and Venus will be hanging out in Libra so you’ll be feeling fierce and on your “a” game. Mars only makes it into your chart every two years, so enjoy the sudden glances from people checking you out. However, careful since your ego could boost, raising the likelihood of drama and diva antics. You also may find yourself attracted to a “bad” boy/girl with a brooding demeanor.

Enjoy it while it lasts because when reality sets in, you’ll realize that might not turn out so well. On the 19th, Libra’s new moon is going to kick off a fresh start for love. There’s going to be a six month chapter of romance coming up in your life. On this day Uranus and the sun will also be in opposition so you may find yourself running hot and cold towards someone. Don’t lead them on and then say you don’t want to be tied down. Love interests could be running hot and cold on this day, confusing you with mixed signals. You also have yourself a rich social life, so take this time to enjoy your diverse friends.


June 21- July 22

Thinking about making any decisions about love lately Cancer?  Since Mercury moves into your true love sector Tuesday, it’s no wonder romance is on your mind. On Wednesday, Jupiter magnifies your desire to tell someone how you feel about them. If you’re a single crab, get ready to mingle. This is an ideal time to schedule coffee dates. Texting won’t do it for you now – you’re craving real convo.

If you’re a happily coupled Cancer, big decisions could be on the horizon for you whether it is family, moving in or taking any next steps. Mars hangs out in Virgo until the 22, so you might be feeling some emotional intensity. The love planets will shift into Libra, your fourth house of security and bonding. Mars will be hanging out until December 9, a visit that happens only every two years. You could be feeling all the feels, even with family.

Harmonious Venus will hopefully downgrade any of the tension that might arise. Don’t feel pressured to pair up for the holidays if you are a single crab. Carve out some alone time for yourself. On the 17th, chatty Mercury rolls into Scorpio, your romance zone. Be bold about any desires and needs you’ve got. Watch out for any flamboyant and expressive speech. Also watch out for flirtatious behavior on your end. On the 19th, Libra’s new moon could bring you closer to love. Things will be shaking up with your love horoscope.

July 23- August 22

This week your love horoscope brings you an optimistic, expansive and meaningful conversation between you and your babe concerning fam. If the two of you are getting more serious, talks of your personal history and roots are discussions to be had. You won’t feel uncomfortable bringing up any of your childhood struggles. In fact, the two of you might heighten your bond with this vulnerability. There could be talks of moving in together; if you’re a lion beyond that phase. If you’re ready, go for it.

Until the 22nd, Mars is in Virgo, so it’s still a good time to talk money with your babe. Mars hangs out in Libra on the 22nd, and you’re demeanor will become a bit more relaxed and comfortable until December 9th. Hang out with friends since they are a great source for matchmaking. Group hang outs are a yes. On the 17th, Mercury goes into Scorpio. The communication planet is going to be in your affectionate fourth house, so you’ll be feeling nostalgic and mushy. Your love horoscope wants you taking things to the next level Leo! Are you ready?


August 23-September 22

Has your partner been indulging lately? If so this is a good week to have a conversation about their spending habits. You might be feeling a bit of resentment inside your relationship which could be a bit sticky this week. Luckily, you’ll have an opportunity to increase your cash flow after Thursday. Be willing to discuss any changes you need your partner to make this week. Start communicating with one another; it’ll be for the better. Venus will still be hanging out in your sensual second house until November 7th. Craving security and consistency? On the 22nd, Mars enters Libra and you’ll be feeling a sense of commitment. If you are feeling any pressure of having to bring someone home for the holidays, or even where to spend it, relax. Work will have you already preoccupied so try not to bring home any tension you’re feeling.


September 23 – October 22

The New Moon has things in store for your love horoscope Libra. Something in the cosmos tells me you’re ready for a change. The annual Libra lunation is a time for you to focus on your intentions and reflect on where you want to be the next year. This extends to your love life of course. On Thursday the New Moon opposes Uranus, the planet of liberation, now in your relationship sector. It’s critical you feel supported by your babe this week as you attempt to try new things. Make sure this is clear to them. Get out of your comfort zone and don’t compromise your relationship. In fact, your relationship might just need your daring self to step out a bit.

Mars joins Libra on the 22nd till December 9th will have you in an entirely different head space; a biannual transit. Take advantage of the fact you’ll be feeling on top of it. You’ll be turning heads this week if you’re a single Libra. Passion is sparking up whether you’re single or coupled. Now is a great time to switch up your look. Make note that Mars can make you a little combative so don’t swing into argument mode. Be mindful of balance this week Libra and your love horoscope should shine. On the 19th, it’s your personal new year. Set those intentions and remember, if you are coupled, don’t get angry that you’re craving a bit of independence. Don’t hate; individuate!

See Also


October 23 – November 21

Alright Scorpio, your love horoscope is here. Last week Jupiter moved into your sign making you feel like a cosmic fairy godmother. You’ve been granting a lot of wishes. Now it’s time to focus on your love life and get those desires met. Mercury will be in your zone this week, so you have the ability to tell the universe what exactly it is you want. Write it out any must-have qualities you want in a partner if you are single; it’ll work. If you are in a relationship, write what you want to see improve. Better yet, have a conversation with your babe. You’ll be happy you did.

Venus is still hanging out in Libra, your fantasy-fueled house. On the 22nd, Mars will join until December 9th. You might find yourself daydreaming about a certain someone. If you are single, snap out of it. It’s probably someone you shouldn’t be daydreaming about; break the cycle. If you are a coupled Scorpio, now is a great time to escape near the water. A night away is perfect. Your twelfth house of closure forces you to face the music this week. Your love horoscope insists you don’t place all the blame on someone. Take responsibility for your part of the equation. Manage any urge you have to snoop too. If you can’t trust someone, let it be known. Don’t jump to conclusions.

On the 19th, Libra is shining on a New Moon. Again, closure and fantasy will be tempting you. Turn that next page on your romantic playbook. The cosmos have you feeling courageous so stand your ground. Now is the time. You might find yourself attracting soulmate potential. The sun and Uranus will also be in opposition so manage your stress limits that day. Don’t let anyone push your buttons. Keep on, keepin’ on Scorpio. Don’t let that Scorpio stinger out.


November 22 – December 21

If you’ve been craving a breath of fresh air in your social life, your partner might find that a bit unsettling. They might want to join in on the fun but feel you’re not dedicating enough time to the relationship. Encourage them to focus on themselves and explore their interests. You don’t want to start feeling suffocated in the relationship. Another possibility is your partner asks for more space. If that’s the case, take your own advice and do you.

You could be having second thoughts if you committed too quickly around the 22nd. Mars joins Libra until December 9th so you could be feeling a bit freedom-seeking. If you are a single Sagittarius, Venus in Mars could spice up a friendship. What was once platonic could get steamy. On the 19th the Sun and Uranus are in strong opposition. If you feel caged in, be mindful not to start arguments. Don’t let your online flirtation or wandering eye get the best of you. You’ll be digging yourself a seriously deep hole. Don’t get impulsive Sagittarius.


December 22 – January 19

Now that the second half of October has arrived, your love horoscope takes a more serious turn; thanks to Venus entering Libra on the 14th, in your tenth house of structure. Mars strolls through Libra on the 22nd until December 9th. You’ll feel an early holiday traditional romance vibe. If you are a coupled Capricorn, you’ll shift into power-couple mode. If you’re single, start looking for more serious prospects. Don’t get tunnel vision though! This should be a time where you have fun. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself attracted to a coworker. The tenth house rules your career, so you might find yourself yearning for someone in the office. Perhaps someone significantly older or younger could trigger an attraction for you?


January 20 – February 18

If you are a coupled Aquarius, your love horoscope demands you don’t underestimate your partner’s business savvy characteristics. They will be the ultimate person to talk to this week. You might be looking to make a vital career decision. They’ll be able to help you break down any pros and cons. If you want to make a new professional move, like launching your own business, this is a great time. Strategize with your babe. Now that the second half of October is here, your expansive freedom-loving ninth house is aglow. Until November 7th, Venus will be hanging out in Libra, eventually being joined by Mars on the 22nd.

Your sense of adventure will spark and you’ll regain the reigns of fun. If you’re a single Aquarius, you could click with someone soon. Your love horoscope for the duration of the month will be about exploring any deep feelings you have and focusing on yourself. Set any intentions you might have for the remainder of the month.


February 19 – March 20

Your love horoscope intensifies now that the second half of October has arrived. On the 14th, Venus shifts into Libra. Your eighth house of merging is going to be highlighted by Mars on the 22nd. Feeling like you can truly depend on someone? You can. With that, your bond will deepen. Get in touch with your sensual side on your own by exploring a movement class. Mars will be here until December 9th so you could catch sight of the green-eyed monster. Don’t let yourself get possessive or jealous Pisces. Work through any trust issues you might be having. Pregnancy, cohabitation or an engagement could knock on your door though before the end of the year. The remainder of October remains relatively calm for you Pisces so stay focused on your well-being.

Let us know what you think about your love horoscope! Drop us a line!!
Featured Image Source: weheartit.com

Hi, I'm Leah, a Los Angelino living in Boston! I'm a grad from Northeastern University with a Bachelors from the College of Arts, Media and Design. I'm obsessed with going on adventures, photography, writing, being a Taurus and finding hidden gem restaurants, musicians and places to travel. I live for tacos and you can't keep me away from a cute farm stand. I also live for Instagram ... oops!

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