Your Love Horoscope For The Week of January 8

Proceed with caution this week Zodiacs – I’m not messing around when I say there are serious cosmic forces messing with our love horoscope this week. Several of you will feel combative and will be forced to watch what we say. Find out which Zodiacs are affected by Mars and Jupiter’s meet up. Things are getting testy this week and it’s definitely a way to ring in the New Year. Find out your love horoscope for the week of January 8 below!
Your Weekly Love Horoscope
March 21-April 19
Aries, your love horoscope is kicking off in high gear as the New Year treks in. While you may be feeling a bit career oriented, when it comes to your love life things are under repair. This is the perfect week for you to break free from any feelings of being controlled or negativity but make sure you aren’t lashing out at a loved one. You are your own persona and an independent one at that. So, while it’s crucial for you to stand your ground, if it’s oriented around work don’t snap at babe. Think before throwing a ram tantrum or else you’ll be faced with mass amounts of regret. Your Aries love horoscope is going to start off the yea on a more serious note but it all ends in good fun.
On the 6th, Mars and Jupiter met up which has cultivated serious intensity in your weekly love horoscope. You may be coming on a bit too strong this week so try and reel it back a bit. On January 9, Venus and Pluto meet up and you might feel as though you are ready to go in love; Pluto is aligned with your long term planning sector. Before diving into serious commitment, have a serious talk about shared goals and what they might look like. On January 13, Venus and Uranus square up with one another. You may love the idea of love but are starting to feel suffocated Uranus gives Venus a little reality checking nudge. Spend a bit more time cultivate yourself and indulging in your freedom.
April 20-May 20
Be careful not to come across too intensely this week, Taurus. You tend to be incredibly passionate about your beliefs – which isn’t a bad thing. However, try to reel back the fervor when articulating your message to those you love. You might alienate or scare babe off. If you both have been trying to agree on something calmly, this week might be challenging for you to keep an open mind. Your love horoscope energy is ramping up in a good way until January 26. Chemistry could get combustible though so beware; you are a bull after all.
On the 6th, Mercury and Uranus trined and Mars and Jupiter met up. This all has an effect on your love horoscope. You are seriously on fire this week. A person of interest, or yourself, could unexpectedly have an emotional outburst and blurt out a secret confession without fair warning. This could spark an intense sexual attraction or a crazy fun hookup. However, before being a bull in a China shop, think things through before doing anything you might regret. Mars and Jupiter are in your relationship right now which might cause you to take a leap in your relationship. Perhaps you are thinking of taking the next step of commitment.
If you’re a single bull, Jupiter could spark a strong attraction o someone – perhaps from another culture. You may be tempted to give the relationship a green light. Instead, take time think things through and make sure you’re ready for an intense level of honesty. On January 9, Venus and Pluto meet up which alters your Taurus love horoscope. There is no way you will be able to skirt around the truth that day. Venus is sparked in Pluto in grounded Capricorn and your outspoken ninth house. Make sure you are listening to what your partner has to say and make sure you are speaking from the heart.
On the 13th, Venus and Uranus square off with one another; you may want what you want and when you want it but that might back fire. Be mindful of what you are saying to people close to you. You coming off as blunt might be offensive to someone and hurt them. However, make sure you are also mindful of those who are trying to dump their problems on you. Ease off respectfully if that’s the case.
May 21-June 20
Until January 17, your motto should be “connection.” Your erotic nature is about to blossom with the New Year jumping the gun; it’s definitely a powerful and surprising way to start 2018. You will have a great sense of intensity both physically but mentally. If you feel the urge to talk to your partner about deep desires, this is the perfect week to do so. This will foster intimacy in your relationship and you’ll feel more connected than ever. However, don’t reveal any personal details with your sex life to your friends or those around you – it’ll cause serious problems for you. Keep it between the two of you. On January 9, Venus and Pluto meetup. The planet of love is now aligned with transformation and your eight house of intimacy. You might find yourself having some soulful conversations full of confessions and truth.
If you are compassionate and tell the truth, it’ll only benefit your relationships. There could be serious chemistry brewing for your love horoscope Gemini. If you’re single, opening up to someone new might seem taboo but could cultivate a potential relationship. People could start to check you out. If you’re picking up signals, run with them. On the 12, Mercury and Saturn meetup; the communication planet is aligned with serious Saturn. Again, it’s the perfect day to share your feelings or reveal a secret you’ve been hiding. Venus and Uranus square up on the 13 which could cause problems. If you’re looking for instant gratification – you’re not going to get it. As a result you might pursue someone entirely not worth your energy. If the attraction is with an unexpected friend, take it slow because it’s hard to backtrack if you don’t like the outcome.
June 21- July 22
As a Cancer you’re prone to being highly sensitive and having your feelings on high alert; this week is no exception. Fortunately, you won’t be having serious mood swings or bringing about your broody self; you’ll be feeling sentimental. If you’re a coupled crab, chances are you’ll be feeling appreciative and gushy with your babe. It will be quite clear that your partner is appreciative and will return the love. With that being said, your relationship could reach new heights this week. While you’re likely to want to engage in deep conversation this week, your partner might be a bit reserved. If you feel that’s the case, try dialing back the intensity until they open up. This shouldn’t set you back from having those conversations though; be patient Cancer. Partnership is the theme of the month for you Cancer since a parade of planets reach your romance and relationship sector.
Mars is going to be in Scorpio until January 26 so cosmic forces are in the air. It is ramping up your attractiveness (not saying you aren’t already attractive); you’ll be magnetic this month. You could find your sex appeal magnified. On the 6th, Mars and Jupiter met up which had a bold impact on your romance sector. You will finally be able to wear your heart on your sleeve and let people know how you feel. Careful not to come on too strong. Venus and Pluto meet up this week on the 9 which could signal an important time in your relationship; or will help if you’re single and looking. Use this time to reveal more of your vulnerable side Cancer. Sharing and opening up could bring about new prospects. Venus and Uranus trine January 13 which could require you to take a pause/reality check. Make sure you and your babe have the same goals for the future because it could cause some serious tension. Time to look at things from a wider perspective so your love horoscope can grow.
July 23- August 22
Love is on your mind this week and it might involve work. While this might seem like an enticing option, it’ll only get you into trouble in the long run. This person is most likely already in a relationship. Regardless, it’ll end up with devastating consequences. Your love horoscope isn’t joking around so don’t mess with it. This is the perfect week to think before you act. Leading with your heart requires double, if not triple checks this week. You could be prone to serious mood swings this month thanks to intense Mars in Scorpio and your fourth house of foundations. This cosmic energy will be around until January 26 and you might still be dealing with a holiday hangover; you might miss your family or have had a feud with a combative relative. If you’re feeling out of sync with yourself, slow down.
Mars and Jupiter met up on the 6th which may have had you taking emotional risks. Allow yourself to be transparent with people and don’t fear hurting people’s feelings. Those people might very well need a wakeup call. January 9, Venus and Pluto meet up which helps your ability to get deep, show support and enhance intimacy. However, take a step back and make sure you aren’t micro managing your partner. Set boundaries with each other and don’t allow yourself to get codependent. Your love horoscope for 2018 has great things in store if you put in the work. Make sure those emotional boundaries are upheld on January 13; Venus and Uranus square off and it’s a tough-love transit. Don’t come off like a know it all but do speak the truth. As long as you do it with compassion you should be fine.
August 23-September 22
Fate is in the cards for your love horoscope this week Virgo. You might find yourself head over heels with someone you only intended to be a casual hookup. This very well has the potential to go somewhere but you might not know it yet. Allow yourself some space between the situation and you’ll be able to come to a decision on what the best line of approach is. Make sure this is a healthy alliance so you don’t kick start your year with a bad romance. Your love horoscope has been pretty serious since Saturn began its three-year trek of Capricorn and your fifth house of romance on December 19. This is the perfect time for single Virgos to pick prospects who present less drama. As for the coupled Virgos, this week is the time to be expressive yet direct about what you want in a relationship.
Venus and Pluto meet up on January 9; the planets of love and game-changing Pluto have some cosmic cards up their sleeves. Things are prone to accelerate fast during this time. Something that is a casual fling could get serious or offer seriously karmic connection. Don’t allow yourself to get obsessive and possessive regardless of being the recipient or instigator. On January 12, Mercury and Saturn meetup; things could start feeling a bit more serious. It’s time to get your emotions in check. If it’s a recent relationship, make sure it’s something you want in the long run. There’s no point in spending valuable 2018 time on something you are no longer interested in. January 13 has Venus and Uranus squared. It could be difficult to ignore something that’s bothering you; especially if it disturbs your relationship. Your love horoscope depends on you not blowing up. Handle things with caution Virgo.
September 23 – October 22
Don’t rely on your family if you’re looking to amplify the success of your love horoscope this week Libra. This week you might find it impossible for someone in your family to remain impartial about anything if you ask for advice. If you are having a dispute with the person you are dating, make sure to sort it out on your own. Make sure you are confiding in the right person; chances are they might begin disliking your partner so it’s best to turn to someone you trust. Your love horoscope might have you feeling all sorts of things as Venus is in Capricorn and your emotional fourth house. Spend this week taking care of yourself and don’t rush into any of your relationship goals for 2018.
On January 9, Venus and Pluto meetup and people are going to have a hard time reading you. If there is something you’re feeling vulnerable about and want to keep a low-pro, you’re more than welcome to do so. By the time January 13 rolls around, Venus and Uranus square off and someone’s insensitive behavior could hurt you. Before blaming them, check in with yourself and make sure your emotions are in check – it’s not to say your feelings aren’t valid but perhaps figure out why it hurt so badly. Don’t allow this square off to create drama in your life. Wait a day to talk things through with babe if you get in an argument. Not all things are bad with your love horoscope, Libra; patience.
October 23 – November 21
Anything you say can and will be used against you this week with your love horoscope, Scorpio. Think twice before you talk or say something that could be considered offensive. It’s best to convey your feelings that will strengthen your relationship not harm it. Focus on the positive right now and let things cool off for the week. If you are recently dating someone and want to have a meaningful conversation, remember they might not be used to it just yet. Gauge the conversation and use your intuition to help get your point across if it’s important. On the flip side, you’ll be attracting a lot of attention to yourself until January 26. Keep in mind how much energy you are exuding; it might exhaust you. Thanks to Mars and Jupiter’s meet up on January 6, the chance to voice your desires is now.
If you’re single, you could find yourself drawn to someone who is too elusive to resist. Enjoy the new chemistry you’re experiencing rather than trying to predict the future. It may be a short lived experience but it will be a memorable one at that. On January 9, Pluto and Venus meet up and conversations get hot and heavy; especially when coming from the heart. The love planet, Venus, and Pluto can create transformational moments so keep an eye out. You don’t necessarily need to use your words though to convey your message; body language usually says it all. Things could get rocky on January 13. Venus and Uranus square off and the edge angle could spark some battles. If you’re in a relationship, you might not be able to hear the other person’s point of view. Don’t waste your energy fighting and save the conversation for another day.
November 22 – December 21
Your love horoscope for the week requires taking a long hard look at which battles you’d like to pick. Before things get taken too far, consider if fighting with your babe is worth it; specifically concerning finances. Your partner might be feeling as though you are treating them unfairly and they are at your mercy for somethings. Regardless, make sure you remind your partner you are simply trying to help out rather than be controlling. Take it easy this week Sagittarius and try to let go of the reigns. Your love horoscope is off to an intense start this month. The super moon ignited in Cancer was in your eighth house of sex, intimacy and secrets. Any buried feelings could make their way to the surface. Your eighth house is ruled by extremes so there could be big chances on the horizon for your relationship.
Until January 17, your stable second house is in Venus and Capricorn which could bring about practical concerns. If you’ve recently started dating someone, this Venus cycle is going to help you figure out any relationship logistics or concerns you might have. This is the perfect month for you to weigh the pros and cons of your recent love affairs. If you’re a coupled Sagittarius, this is a great time to get inspired and figure out some fun things you and your babe can do together. On January 9, Venus and Pluto met up. Any fears you might have could slow you down. You might need to have some deep conversations with your partner that evening. No worries though, Pluto is in your security sector and the planet of love won’t disappoint you. Good vibes Sag.
December 22 – January 19
Your love horoscope is begging you not to spread yourself thin this week. While it’s a known fact when you’re “in” you’re “in,” you might need to remind your partner of that this week. You are the type of person who gives your all; this week, make sure you aren’t over extending your love or else you might end up drained. Take care of other things in your life aside from your relationship: work, friends, family and your health are all important. Don’t let your love-life become consume you. Venus will be in Capricorn until January 17, so if you’re a single Capricorn, all eyes on you. What’s more is that sexy Mars is in Scorpio and your free-spirited sector until January 26. Don’t allow anyone to cage you in; make sure you aren’t sending any mixed signals though Cap! On January 6, Mercury and Uranus trined and you may have had some unexpected confessions come to the forefront.
Treat this moment as a vulnerable moment and make sure it gets the attention it deserves. Don’t let your feelings be kept secret and bubbled up. It will only hurt any relationship development you’ve been working towards. On January 9, Pluto and Venus meetup which works wonder for your love life. If you are a single Capricorn, the planet of love merges with alchemical Pluto in your sign. You won’t have to try and turn heads; you’ll be doing it with all those cosmic forces you’re giving off. Not only will you be a magnet but your intuition is at an all-time high. This will make it ways to solve any relationship problems you’ve been sensing. Beware Cap; on January 13, you might explode and suppressed feelings bubble to the surface… more so erupt. Any issues at home or with family could throw you off balance.
January 20 – February 18
Watch out Aquarius – things could be a bit rocky with your love horoscope this week. If you’ve been feeling any jealousy, betrayal, manipulation or mistrust bubbling inside you, you could explode. If you are holding any feelings in, it’s most likely making you emotionally sick. While you like to avoid conflict, it’s getting to the point where you’ll no longer be able to. If you want to salvage any relationships you’ve got, its best to talk about it calmly. Luckily, if you are willing to put yourself in an uncomfortable position, things could improve. With Venus and driven Mars in Scorpio and your tenth house of goals, your love horoscope is feeling a bit of pressure. You might be feeling nervous to see where a new relationship goes or someone might be pushing you to commit.
While Mars is rather conservative so you might feel as though you need to feel it out or play by the romantic rules; talk about buzz kill. Don’t buckle down or give into pressure. Beat to your own drum and do whatever makes you happy. On January 9, Venus and Pluto meet up as well as the Sun and Pluto. The Venus-Pluto meetup creates some intense love mashups for you. Check in with yourself and make sure you aren’t feeling any jealousy or possessiveness. Don’t project any of your insecurities onto someone else. However, the Sun and Pluto meetup does you good. You will feel incredibly perceptive so whatever vibes you’re picking up on, trust. If you are sensing good chemistry, turn up the love. Follow your intuition Aquarius.
Watch out for January 12 and 13. The Mercury and Saturn meetup calls for a reality check though. Don’t allow yourself to play the victim and take responsibility for whatever role you played in a situation. On the 13 the Venus and Uranus square up makes you a bit testy. Don’t be mean! Don’t start arguments to get a rise out of someone in your life unless you are trying to end the relationship. Take a step back this week Aquarius.
February 19 – March 20
Is there one person you can trust with all your secrets; better hope so because this week your love horoscope would be extremely thankful for it. This is the perfect week to sit down and vent out all your relationship drama or whatever is bothering you about your love life. Vent out all your darkest romantic moments this week with someone you trust. You’ll be reminded how lucky you are to have a friend who has your back and can turn to.
On January 9 the Venus-Pluto meetup might introduce you to a soulmate. You are the only zodiac with a solid love horoscope this week Pisces – lucky you. There could be a simmering attraction brewing with a friend or someone you met online. Karmic Pluto and the planet of love Venus are linking up. It might feel as though you’ve known this person your whole life or met before. However, on January 13 beware of the Venus-Uranus trine. If you are in a relationship, feelings of possession or jealousy could brew. Step aside and let things cool off. Your social sectors are heating up though which is a good thing, Pisces. If coupled, don’t allow yourself to bicker about petty things. Take a break and hang out with your friends.
How’s your love horoscope?!
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Hi, I'm Leah, a Los Angelino living in Boston! I'm a grad from Northeastern University with a Bachelors from the College of Arts, Media and Design. I'm obsessed with going on adventures, photography, writing, being a Taurus and finding hidden gem restaurants, musicians and places to travel. I live for tacos and you can't keep me away from a cute farm stand. I also live for Instagram ... oops!