Welcome back zodiacs; hope you’re enjoying Sagittarius season. Soo… as some of you might already know Mercury is in retrograde. For some of you this might shake up your love horoscope for the next few weeks but big celestial events are happening! Prep yourself for high energy with the new Supermoon on Sunday, December 3. This supermoon, known as the Cold Moon or the Long Night Moon, gets extremely close to earth. It’s going to the biggest, brightest and only supermoon of 2017. Experiences, sensations and memories will be coming in hot! If you feel like your emotions have been next-level, this is probably why. Thank you supermoon! Check out how Mercury and the upcoming supermoon will affect your personal love horoscope! Buckle up zodiacs because this month is going to be one hell of an experience!
Your love horoscope is about to get incredibly raunchy, Aries! You will have a strong desire to remain in fantasy-land when it comes to your love life. If you fall into this mindset, you could miss out on an incredibly seductive sexual encounter with someone close to you. You always have an idealistic mindset when it comes to matters of the heart but are also a romantic. You usually want to see the good in a lover or budding relationship. However, you might miss the big picture when you do this. Thankfully the universe is conspiring to give you some seriously sexual potential until January 26, 2018. Grab your babe by the horns and don’t waste this sexual vibe. Your love horoscope is going to be fuego this upcoming year. Brace yourself.
Venus is in Sagittarius which is your expansive, open-minded ninth house until Christmas. You’re feeling flirty, festive and in the mood for wild adventures. Even though Mercury is in retrograde until December 22, things will still go according to planned. Keep yourself patient and planning, Aries. If you are a single ram, chemistry could be revving up with someone from a different background or culture. Thinking about a long-distance relationship? You are known to be quite the independent zodiac and don’t need someone holding you back. However, a few extra miles could make the heart grow fonder. If you’re in a relationship, time to figure out holiday travel plans! Book yourself an B&B. There’s no point in letting Mercury in retrograde shake shit up. No point in staying in your babe’s childhood room.
On December 9 till January 26, Mars will be in Scorpio and your intimacy levels will sky rocket. Mars is in your erotic sector and you could have a seriously mind-blowing rendezvous. Don’t think your exempt from catching feelings though, Aries. All this sexual energy contrasts with Venus in your no-strings attached zone. However, it’ll push you towards finding a keeper. Keep an eye out for the green-eyed monster (that being you). Don’t allow yourself to get caught up in issues of trust and insecurity. If they are legit though, Mars will force you to deal with them explicitly. Don’t jump to conclusions and get paranoid. Take a breather ram!
Hello Taurus! Get ready to stir the pot with your love horoscope this week. Things between you and your mate are going to get shaken up. It’s clear you want to get down and dirty with your partner and should have zero trouble letting them know. It’s on the top of your list. Let them know you want to have more intense moments in the bedroom together. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to strive for an insane level in your sexual relationship that you both haven’t met. Possible? Absolutely!
Intimate moments are on your agenda this week and for most of the month. Venus and Sagittarius are synced in your eighth house of merging. These two planets will be together until Christmas day so you might be feeling a serious mindset. You’re craving a serious commitment with no gray areas. If you’re single, a consensual and clear-cut fling is highly desired. Until January 26, Mars will be blasting through Scorpio. Your seventh house of committed relationships is seriously highlighted. Mars only comes around once every two years and things will pick up speed for you if you’ve got a budding relationship.
Keep in mind, you don’t want to rush into anything just yet. If you are single and pressuring your babe to say “yes” or make it official, make sure it’s something you want first and foremost. Secondly, the cosmos will work in your favor if you’re patient. Giving a, “sure I’ll meet your family over the holidays” will stress you out and cause some serious arguments. On the other end, you could feel anxious about not having someone come home with you for the holidays. Take a breather, Taurus. Mars will give you serious appeal. If you’re single you could attract someone who wants to get serious. If you’re in a relationship, breathe, do fun activities together and get crazy in the sheets. You need several emotional outlets to let off holiday stress. Don’t take it out on one another.
Welcome back, Gemini. Last week Mercury went into retrograde in your partnership sector. While you might not have felt the effects last week, you will this week. A frustrating conversation on Wednesday is highly plausible. You might walk away feeling as though you can’t get anywhere with your partner. Stop trying so hard to dictate the narrative because that isn’t going to jive with your partner. Take a step back and genuinely reflect if you’re doing this. If you’re on the other end of the situation, speak up and don’t allow yourself to be bossed around. You won’t be able to agree on anything until communication is perfected. It might be a matter of being realistic with yourself – have you set unachievable goals? If you’re a single Gemini, you might have a steamy encounter with a colleague or someone you met through a work event.
This is the perfect week for you to get in sync with your love horoscope Gemini. Venus spends the entire month in the most committed part of your chart. If you are in a relationship, this is the best time to reconnect and start socializing. Dress up and make your rounds to the holiday parties. If you’re single, you could meet someone with long term relationship potential. Not bad for your love horoscope! Charming Venus hangs out in your zone and you’ll start feeling some balance until Christmas day. Mature decisions about your relationship are on the horizon.
Mercury is your ruling planet and you’ll be extraordinarily affected by its mischief. Prep yourself for miscommunication and confirm any plans you’ve got. If you’re single, keep in mind anyone who resurfaces isn’t worth it. They are not keepers. Someone might reappear when you least need them to. This week is also a great time for lighthearted adventures. Mars circles Libra and your passionate fifth house until the 9th. Remember not too make any rash decisions because chances are you’ll make a fool of yourself. Don’t get obsessive and anxious! Chances are these feelings are about something you’re covering up for. Take it easy because your love horoscope is on the rocks until December 22.
Last week Mercury went into retrograde and your love horoscope might feel the effects slightly. However, sultry vibes are everywhere for you, Cancer. Mars moves into your romance sector for the first time in two years Saturday. This planet will be posted up until the 26th of January, 2018. This is the most important transit for stimulating your passions and it’ll finally come to light for you. If you’ve been without a partner for longer than you’d care to admit, things are looking good for your love horoscope. You could find someone who’s willing to fill the void. Chances are it will be the greatest love of your life and will begin with sparks. If you’re in a relationship this is the perfect time for sexual healing or expanding your sexual desires in an erotic way. Delicious!
Overall December is going to be steamy, especially this first week. Hot Mars blazes through robust Scorpio and your passionate fifth house. This will be the case until January 26, 2018. Your magnetism is off the charts, Cancer. While things are heating up, make sure to watch out for drama. Mars is emotionally reactive and you are already quite the emotional zodiac sign! You are prone to responding first, and sometimes a bit too emotionally. If you’re in a relationship, this is the perfect time to unite with babe on a common goal. Motivate one another and keep each other on the right track. If you’re single, use fitness as a means to destress from the holiday craziness. Who knows, you might meet someone at the gym or on a run!
Your love horoscope is anything but crystal clear lately, Leo. There are several gray areas of your love life right now and the word straightforward isn’t approaching any time soon. Mercury is now in retrograde in your romance sector. If you’re a coupled Leo, you might be second-guessing whether or not you’re good enough. Are you doubting your level of intellect and spiritual connection with your partner? If you are a single lion, you might be going through a re-evaluating process right now. Everything you thought you knew about love might be integrated with new lessons. You will eventually figure out what serves your heart in a more fulfilling way. Things are on the right path, Leo.
Holiday heat might be turned up until December 21. Your frisky fifth house and passionate sector are illuminated by the Sagittarius sun. You are in a mistletoe state of mind and it won’t change until Christmas Day. Venus is also in Sagittarius so romance will fuel for those single lions. Get yourself dressed up for fun dates and nights out. You deserve to celebrate as the year comes to an end. You might attract several suiters who enjoy you doing what makes you happiest. The only catch is Mercury in retrograde until the 22nd.
With that in mind, pay attention to any red flags and suiters or current beau’s reveal. Address them ASAP or else it’ll bite you in the ass. This time is going to help you figure out if there’s a larger issue at hand. Maybe the person is having an off day. Don’t assume anything just yet! Emotions heat up on the 9th with Mars in Scorpio. Your sensitive side will come out. You may be feeling pressure to meet your babe’s parents. Take a breather. The holidays stress us all out a bit. Make sure you are having direct conversations. Careful for the possible return of an ex. Things could get a little rough with your love horoscope until the 22nd, Leo.
You’re totally turned off by love right now, Virgo. Your love horoscope has you totally not in the mood. Things could get confusing at home or with a family-related decision. This might haze up your love life. Chances are there is some serious miscommunication now that Mercury is in retrograde. You might find this time to be incredibly unsettling as you might bump heads with a sibling, even your partner. Your partner and a family member could butt heads – try not to freak out. Try and realize you can’t control the outcome. It’s entirely out of your hands. If you are single, talk of intimacy and sex is possible. Pay attention to anyone who will listen if you’re ready to have a deep convo.
For the first three weeks you are going to be incredible sensitive. Your moody fourth house is ablaze. Before you start showing everyone love, make sure you are showing yourself love. Take a time out and find some serious solitude that’ll soothe your soul. Pamper yourself or do anything that generally relaxes you. Whatever cheers you up! Your fourth house which rules family and home is highlighted so make sure you’re enjoying cozy nights with your babe. Mars hangs out in Libra until December 9th.
You might be tempted to spend serious cash on your babe or romantic interest. After the 9th, Mars gets groovy with Scorpio and your social house. If you are single, this is the perfect time to meet someone. New date prospects are here and you should have dates lined up in no time. Beware Mars makes you a bit combative and chatty. You’re a bit argument prone so the bickering might begin.
Your love horoscope faces issues around divisions of labor with your babe this week. Seems like everywhere the two of you turn there are blurred lines and unclear tasks divided between the two of you. It doesn’t make it any better that the communication between the two of you isn’t clear at the moment. You are both feeling exasperated and confounded. Take this week to figure out tactics for better communication between the two of you. Red-hot Mars is in your sign until the 9th so try and soak up all that confidence and charisma you’ve had going on lately. This celestial event only happens every two years so enjoy the last remains of it since it won’t happen for a while.
The next Mars cycle will last from December 9 to January 26; that’s not to say you won’t be as confident but new celestial energies are in store. For the second Mars cycle, sultry Scorpio lights up your second house of self-worth. Now we’re talking! With Mars here, what you want and desire will be a lot clearer. Most importantly, you will know exactly what you deserve. Don’t sell yourself short Libra and don’t settle for less. There’s a word in Sanskrit, or the third chakra, that directly translates to knowing yourself worth (Manipura). Reward yourself this week with a little splurge but nothing that will make your finances scream.
If you’re in a relationship, hit a couple’s massage or day trip. Make sure you don’t come off as entitle or demanding when it comes to clarifying your needs though, Libra. Mars can make you a little aggressive. It’s important to be clear about what you want but don’t cross the line. If you’re in a relationship, finances could become a heated topic, especially with Mercury in retrograde. Instead of going crazy with holiday gifts for your babe, why not split a shared experiences – after all, they say spend money on experiences not things. Since the 1st, romantic Venus has been traveling through your outgoing third house and Sagittarius. Make the rounds at the holiday parties with babe. If you’re single, let friends introduce you to any eligible bachelors/bachelorettes. Online dating could be a serious success right now but be mindful – Mercury is in retrograde until the 22nd.
So long Scorpio season! However, that doesn’t mean your love horoscope is a bust – not in the slightest, actually. If you’re single, the ideal love might magically appear in your life this week. Jupiter is now in your sign and links up enchantingly with Neptune and your true love sector on Saturday. Damn, the love horoscope of a Scorpio is unreal. This potential new prospect has all the potential in the world and it might just feel like a fairytale. Prepare to be swooned. This is a great time for single Scorpios to go out and socialize, especially with the holidays around the corner. Hit up some fun activities that tap into spirituality, music, art or anything glam for that matter. These are all insanely cosmic places to run into a potential partner. Yes, more than usual.
From December 9 to January 26th, fiery Mars returns to your sign for the first time since 2016. This unusual visit from the sexiest planet in the solar system gives you some off-the-charts magnetism. Per usual, you’ll turn heads. However, test Mars can make you come on a bit too strong so cool the intensity a bit. Do be direct about your desires but don’t feign. If you are in a relationship, don’t expect your partner to know exactly what you want – they aren’t mind readers. Just because you’re highly intuitive doesn’t mean they are.
Venus is going to be in Sagittarius and your second house of luxury and security until Christmas day. Stability is amazing and can be incredibly sexy believe it or not. You could have cosmic chemistry with someone you’ve met and chances are you could feel the urge to settle down in serious territory quickly. This is the perfect time to dress up and hit the town with your babe if in a relationship.
Sagittarius season is in full effect and your love horoscope is finally here! With Mercury in your sign and in full-on retrograde, you might come across some testy waters this week, Sag. Your love life might hit some serious turmoil until later this month – you can thank testy Mercury for that. Keeping your eye on communication for the next few weeks is key. Not only are people looking at you as though you’re speaking another language, but you might get yourself in trouble with your babe. Don’t try so hard to get them to understand your view point this week. Put the brakes on any serious conversations you’d like to have unless it’s absolutely urgent. The best thing you can do for your relationship is let go of the need to be right. Don’t fool yourself; you know you have that tendency.
Since it is your celestial season, you are still the star of every scene though, Sag. Love planet Venus is in Sagittarius so you’re flirting game is quite strong – but so is your feisty attitude. After the 9th, Mars is going to make you a bit more irritated with clingy people. You’re feeling like a fee-spirit and will not have it for people breathing down your neck. If you are single, this is the perfect time for online dating! That will for sure keep away the clingers. Chemistry can spark with a friend or someone you meet through mutual connections. Keep being your wise, wild self!
This is your last popularity spike, Sag. Not saying you won’t be popular, but you might start feeling a bit run down after January 26th. Mars will slip into Scorpio and your twelfth house of rest and closure. This only happens once every two years and while it can turn up the sex in your life, it can also get a bit stressful and weird. There could even be passive-aggressive vibes, old resentment or unresolved feelings coming to the surface. If you’re single, you could get caught up in getting attached to someone whose unavailable right now – that includes emotional baggage! Complications are the last thing you need right now so make smart decisions!
If you don’t get out of your head this week Capricorn, your December love horoscope might be faced with some complications. Your refusal to look at a relationship realistically might be the issue. Stop attempting to make it work with someone who has made it clear they no longer want to be in a relationship with you. There might be a situation in your love life that is giving you false hope and although it’s an uncommon situation, one thing is the same: false hope. This week focus on seeing a relationship realistically and not for what you’d like it to be. You’re only hurting yourself in the process. Your energy is better spent for someone who deserves it.
You are truly fueled by rose colored glasses, Cap. From December 1st to Christmas day your dreamy twelfth house is highlighted by Venus in Sagittarius. This is stroking your imagination in a big way. If you’re single you might be swept up by attraction or nostalgic about a past love. Snap out of it Cap! You are incredibly prone to idealizing people now so take this week to figure out what you truly want in a soulmate. Make sure they are trustworthy and available! If you are in a relationship, this is a great time to reconnect with babe and hit up one of your favorite dinner spots. Date night!
The cosmos are urging you to move on and close a door on a past romance. You need to stop making excuses for someone who is stringing you along and never fully commits. You should know your self-worth and know that games are child’s play – you’re above that! Sort through your complex feelings now. With Mercury in retrograde, watch for your passive-aggressive behavior. Don’t let any breaches of trust get to you. Be cautious of this until the 22nd, that’s when Mercury stops playing it’s tricks on you. This is a powerful time for forgiveness and healing so do the work! Don’t believe everything you hear but don’t get paranoid. Your love horoscope will shape up eventually Cap!
You can thank Mercury, the ruler of your romance sector, for you’re confused AF love horoscope the next few weeks. Don’t shoot the messenger! Mercury is now in full-on retrograde until 22nd. Luckily you have several other planets merging in other departments in your house. They will help you re-evaluate where you stand with a current partner, past love or your current status. Talk with your friends about whatever it is you’re feeling because they will help you with matters of the heart. You might feel a bit confused and tangled when in this department. Just trust that Mercury will chill its tricks out and thins will eventually lead to clarity.
This month you might feel several pulls when it comes to your love horoscope. To get serious or ride solo? Romantic Venus is in freewheeling Sagittarius and your social eleventh house until Christmas day. You don’t appreciate being told what to do and your individualistic streak could be flaring up right now. If you’re in a relationship, focus on hitting some solo adventures or individual group hangouts. As been the case for a while, Venus is also in a tech-savvy house that can boost your online dating prospects if you so desire.
Things could get serious faster than you’d expect if you are recently coupled. Until January 26, Mars will blaze through Scorpio and your tenth house of long-term planning. If you feel pressured to lock someone down – don’t. Slow and steady wins the race. If on the other end of the situation, make sure you don’t feel pressured to follow someone’s agenda. The holidays can be a stressful time and extra pressure to merge – screw it and take things at your own pace.
Welcome back, Pisces. Don’t kill me but your December love horoscope has some turmoil in the works. Blame it on Mercury in full retrograde! If you’re in a relationship, any business connections you have with your babe might cause some dilemmas. The both of you might have a hard time reaching a decision together and you might realize you both have contrasting ideas of where you see the business. If this is the case, this could be a large issue and will affect your success potential. If you aren’t on the same page how can you both win? Same concept applies across the board with your love horoscope, Pisces. It might be clear you aren’t looking at your relationship the same way either. That’s a problem but like all issues, they can be sorted out!
You have your eye on the big picture this month when it comes to your love horoscope. Romantic Venus and Sagittarius are shining a light on your long-term plans house until Christmas day. With the holidays and New Year around the corner, security feels like a sweet spot. Couples could enjoy some fun holiday traditions together like snuggling by a fire or meeting your babe’s family. If you’re single, you could be attracting more serious prospects this month. Someone older might stroll by and catch your attention. Let your friend’s set you up if they keep saying they have someone “perfect” for you. They could be on-point.
On December 9th until January 26, Mars blazes through Scorpio and your adventurous ninth house. Flirtatious admirers could flock to you right now. If you are too wrapped up in couples land, Mars will get you back out into the world again. Give your babe some breathing room – it could do you some good!
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