Pay special attention to all forms of communication this week. You may learn or uncover important information, or perhaps you may choose to utilize your communication skills to set something big in motion. Whatever the case, with all things that you read, say, and hear these next few weeks, take the time to reflect and consider the underlying meaning and how you may learn and grow from it. Journaling is an excellent tool to help process and keep track of your thoughts and feelings at this time. Keeping reading for your horoscope for the week of March 26th!
Relationships may get shaken up a bit this week as we all begin to feel a selfish urge towards freedom. Problems will arise here if you are too attached to another, so for things to go smoothly you must honor another’s personal freedom as well as your own by cultivating a healthy sense of detachment. Irritability and combative behavior may run high for many this week. Confrontation with authority figures is likely, and although that’s not exactly bad in itself, beware of unnecessary trouble!
This week (and next) is an excellent time for Aries to get some hard work done. Although you’ve been particularly boisterous lately, you may now be inclined to settle down and focus on responsibilities. In fact, if you don’t face your responsibilities this week, you may face consequences. In some cases this may be necessary to eliminate unnecessary limitations and work loads that you’ve taken on. Your challenge right now is to balance work and fun, order and disorder, long and short term satisfaction.
Consistency and predictability is so important to Taurus’s sense of security, but this week may be challenging as disruptions and unexpected changes are quite likely for you. That being said, you also have the chance to encounter surprise gifts from the universe if you are open to receive them. This week you are being asked to be more flexible, to release resistance and go with the flow. The better you embrace spontaneity this week, the more smoothly it will go. That being said, beware of a tendency to over-indulge the beginning of this week.
Continuing with your introspective period this week, you are being asked to consider what it is that you really need and whether or not you are asserting and fulfilling those desires. You will likely have experiences this week (and the couple following) that bring clarity to how you can better honor those needs. On the other hand, perhaps you will be shown how you’ve been too focused on your needs rather than the needs of others. Your thoughts and experiences right now are serving to bring you back to your center, so journaling for the next few weeks may prove to be particularly valuable to help you keep track of everything going on.
This will be an especially social week for domestic Cancer. Now is a great time to have friends over to your home or perhaps throw a party. The end of the week leading into the weekend is an excellent time to get work done, think spring cleaning! You will feel especially relationship-oriented over the weekend, so you may want to make some plans ahead of time; just be sure that any plans you make are in alignment with your best interest and will not conflict with any duties or responsibilities.
This week may prove to be a challenge for Leo. It’s likely that there may be some outside force that seems to limit your self-expression or the attainment of your desires. This may be a time when you are shown where you’ve been a bit too selfish and indulgent and must now submit to order, authority, and responsibility. But in most cases, this is a time when your self-assertion is being put to the test and you must courageously break through any limitations if you truly seek to attain your desires.
Virgo’s analytical nature continues to be focused inwards this week. Observe yourself and see what is and isn’t working for you in your life, especially in terms of how you think and function. Are you really doing and getting what you want? If not, what needs to change and how? Pay attention to your internal dialogue this week. How do you treat yourself in your head? Focus on detaching yourself from thoughts that are harmful and instead cultivate those that are encouraging and compassionate. Now is the perfect time to consider a major change or readjustment in your life, although it’s not quite yet time to act on such an impulse, just ponder it.
Your uncharacteristic streak of rebellion and selfishness reaches a peak this week. You are driven to get what you want even if you have to get a little angry about it, nothing can hold you back. If you have not yet fully started speaking and acting out for your own self-interest, now is the time when you’ll likely reach a breaking point. You may feel especially inclined to spend more time alone rather than with company this week. Beware though, your strong need for freedom may put a strain on your relationships.
You have a wonderful chance to get plenty of hard work done these next couple of weeks if you’re willing to buckle down and focus on establishing and working towards your long-term goals. There is certainly a conflicting urge towards short-term satisfaction, but the key is to strike the balance between them. It’s likely that you may be especially irritable this week if you let yourself become too emotionally rigid rather than fluid.
This week may be especially emotional for Sagittarius. It may feel as though the universe is pushing your buttons. Any conflict that comes up now simply serves to help you better understand yourself. What are you feeling? Why? Issues may arise as your desires and self-interest clash with rules and authority, or perhaps more likely with your own self-imposed limitations. During this introspective period, you are being asked to take a deeper look at your buried emotions and work through them so that they no longer hold you back.
This week could go one of two ways for you: you may utilize this energy to power through lots of work quickly, or you may start many tasks without completing them. Although Capricorn is typically especially good at following through with their work, you may find yourself more often getting bored and moving on to something new. If you can stay focused, you have much physical energy at your disposal for heightened productivity. Don’t allow yourself to get distracted from what you truly desire. Beware of excessive irritability or combative behavior this week, physical exercise is a great outlet.
Your relationships are of particular importance this week. You may feel especially social or romantic, or perhaps you feel it is time to sit down and talk or set boundaries with some loved ones. It’s certainly possible you’ll also feel especially combative, but if so, be sure to use that energy constructively to attain your desires, rather than impulsively biting people’s head off in a rage. Beauty, luxury, and comfort are especially important to you this week, so maybe take a day (or two!) to pamper yourself.
Continue to pay special attention to your emotions this week. Let your feelings point out to you what is and isn’t working in your life right now. Take the time to feel and work through any unpleasant emotions that come up, especially through conflict with another. You have strong healing powers now, both for yourself and others; sometimes the best way to heal is together. You may be starting to feel especially intuitive, but be sure to take time to breathe and come back to your center if you feel yourself picking up the emotions of others.
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