Your Horoscope For The Week Of April 16th

Aries season goes out with a bang this week, as an Aries always does! There is a deep impulsive need for freedom across the board, so this is a week of rebellion and revolution against any and all forces holding us back. There is a selfish tone to this week, so take the time to honor your own needs and give others the space to do the same. However at the same time, this week is also especially relationship oriented. Your experiences with others at this time are actually opportunities for you learn more about yourself. Conflicts or hurt feelings may come to the surface, but only so they can be worked through and eliminated for good. Keep reading for your horoscope for the week of April 16th!
Although Aries is the warrior of the zodiac, the stars this week may have this group softening up considerably. Utilize this powerful opportunity and take some time to get in touch with your emotions and your creative side. This is a great time to experience art, either as the creator/performer or an audience member. Spiritual or occult exploration can prove to be particularly valuable at this time if you are so inclined. At it’s best, this is a chance to uncover and understand the deepest parts of yourself, the motivating forces behind all that you do. Once you become aware of such patterns, you can begin to transform them.
This is a powerful time for Taurus to experience a rebirth of sorts. Now is the time to confront and work through anything (especially emotions) that you’ve kept hidden or brushed under the rug, in fact it might become impossible to ignore these things now. This week is an excellent opportunity for you to establish a solid sense of security in your life, how ever that may look for you personally. Allow yourself to flow with any challenges that come about this week, as such experiences will grant great rewards. Although the week may be difficult (albeit cathartic), the weekend will be an especially creative and romantic time.
You may feel the pace picking up a bit this week as thoughts and communication start to flow more freely. Seeds of ideas may begin to grow at this time as you take action to bring them to fruition. This is still a time in which you will learn lessons through tension and perhaps conflict in your communications and relationships. They key is to cut to the deeper meaning of the discord. What does it teach you about yourself? How can you utilize that knowledge to improve your life? There is certainly an emotional tinge to this week for you, so allow yourself to get in touch with your feelings, let them guide you.
At the start of this week, you should take the time to pamper yourself and make sure you feel comforted and secure. Nurture your senses with good food, music, scents, etc., and consider how you can practice this type of self-love everyday. This is also an excellent time to handle any financial matters or make an important purchase. As the week goes on you will find yourself to be far more talkative and socially inclined. Intellectual activities should prove to be especially satisfying. You will feel right at home as the weekend comes along, quite literally as you will be more focused on domestic matters. You may likely choose to retreat to your home over the weekend, perhaps to process the events from the week. What did such experiences teach you about yourself?
Bold and theatrical, Leo is often front and center in the spotlight, but this week you may be inclined to put on a more wild show than usual. There is an urge to shock and awe, to break the status quo and do something totally “out there.” At the root of this impulse is a deep drive for total freedom from societal limitations, so be sure to channel this powerful rebellious energy towards a constructive purpose. These urges will settle down considerably as it gets closer to the weekend, and for the next month, your focus will shift to security (especially financial) and material matters, as well as comfort and luxury.
You should be feeling yourself get back up and running this week. In fact you may feel inspired to do so much that you leave most of your tasks unfinished. Your impulsiveness at this time can become troublesome if not directed effectively. The realms of emotion and relationship will be at the forefront for you this week. Allow yourself to get in touch with and explore any feelings that come up so that you can learn more about yourself and how you relate to others. Beware of argumentative or overly-critical behavior towards others this week.
This week will put an extra emphasis on relationships for social butterfly Libra. However, it probably won’t be all rainbows and sunshine without a little storm first. This is the time to confront any issues in your relationships, especially since they will probably become quite difficult to ignore now. Your interactions at this time are intended to bring you greater self awareness, as you learn about yourself though how you interact with others. If you successfully work through such issues, there is an opportunity to experience deep closeness with one another.
Although it may still come with a few challenges, this week will prove to be a rather pleasant one for Scorpio. This is an excellent time to pamper yourself and soothe your senses. You may especially enjoy going out in nature to simply appreciate the natural beauty of the Earth. This is also an excellent time to handle any financial matters or to make an important purchase. Relationships will also be a main focus this week, but with an emphasis on the issues. Be willing to work through any emotions that come up so that you may experience renewed closeness.
Although relationships can always be likened to a mirror, this is especially true for Sagittarius this week. If you pay close attention you can learn valuable insight about yourself through your interactions with others. Noticing this “reflection” and taking the time to learn from it is your main focus at this time. The emphasis is on relationships, but only so that you may go deeper into yourself. You may need to be a little selfish at this time and that’s o.k. You have a boost of energy this week to get some hard work done, but beware that same energy may get your temper riled up.
Cautious and reserved Capricorn should be feeling a bit more spontaneous and feisty this week. You may feel a strong urge to break free from some rigid structure or other limitation that has boxed you in, and now is a great time to go for it. Focus on cultivating what is working for you and eliminating whatever is not. Beware of material attachment at this time. You must be willing to let go of something that longer serves you, no matter how comfortable you may have become with it, so that you may receive something better in its place.
This week is your time to shine! Although there’s been a rebellious streak in every sign for a while now, this week will be a high point, and revolutionary Aquarius will fit right in. In fact, since you’re the pros when it comes to breaking free, you may be looked up to by others as a leader during this time of deep personal liberation. The spotlight will be thrust upon you so go ahead and take your spot on center stage. Share your valuable talents and ideas with your audience, you may have more to offer than you think.
Soft and gentle Pisces may feel a bit more rough-and-tough this week, and certainly at least more brave. You should feel more able and willing to go out and grab exactly what it is you want from life now. Your physical energy will get a boost at this time, utilize it to get some hard work done. Beware of overly combative or argumentative behavior, but confrontation may be necessary. Conflicts may come up in relationships at this time, but if worked through effectively, they will yield a deeper understanding and closeness with yourself and each other.