The cosmos have a transformational year ahead for you in 2018. Your Aquarius 2018 yearly horoscope is going to be one of the biggest years for your career in over a decade. You’ll have the opportunity to establish yourself as a leader in your field and four eclipses will help usher new personal goals and closer relationships. Every single aspect of your life is going to receive some sort of a makeover this year so buckle up Aquarius. Expansive Jupiter is in your career house until November so your ambitions are about to take you far. It very well could help you relocate to a new city or an executive suite. This truly is one of your luckiest career years in over a decade. There will be two eclipses in your sign that could bring about a surprisingly outspoken and trailblazing figure in your field.
Your friendships and relationships could undergo some major shifts, even the ones you consider to be the closest. People will need to be willing to accept the new Aquarius that’s about to emerge. After May, you could get a sudden opportunity to move, buy or sell a home. You could even have an opportunity to expand your family. While one part of you is ready to settle down and get into a professional groove, there could be fluctuating circumstances that will challenge your efforts. 2018 is a year where you will become highly influential and important though so don’t take that for granted. You may not always take yourself seriously but take your career seriously and you’ll see great progress. The most fundamental changes to your daily life could begin this year.
Saturn, one of your leading planets, is secure in its home sign of Capricorn which could provide groundbreaking stability. By the time summer rolls around, Mars retrograde will provide a calm time where any chaos in your life will be soothed. Your 2018 motto: passion, power and popularity.
Your relationships are going to experience a huge evolution this year since the four change-making eclipses touch down on the Aquarius and Leo axis. Your personal needs and your approach to relationships will get a makeover. This could bring about a sudden split or a sudden engagement. The wind could blow in any direction. You need to find out how to balance the “we” and “me” element this year. You are generally a highly independent person as well as a people-loving sign so you need to learn where to compromise if you want your love life and relationships to make strides. Your love life as well as social life will be highlighted all year Aquarius. These cosmic forces however will be strongest for the first four months of the year. You’ll be meeting new people and several of them will intrigue and impress you.
Focus on having a good time and figuring out what possible dreams and ideals the two of you share before you take things seriously. In January, you could find yourself swarmed with admirers who will take you more seriously than you do them. You’ll be able to manage it since it’s what you do best. The lunar eclipse that takes place at the end of January will reveal you’re more open to a relationship than you anticipated. Keep your heart open this year and don’t shut down. However, March might be a frustrating time for your love life. Several unrealistic prospects will be trying to get a hold of you. Spend 2018 with people who make you happy rather than stress you out.
November will prove to be an incredibly passionate month for you and December will be the perfect time for you to connect with someone who’s practical and responsible. That might not be your go-to type but it’s what you deserve and will make you happiest. 2018 is all about making connections Aquarius.
When it comes to your career – cheers! Cheers to your success. Expansive Jupiter is going to soar through your chart until November and bring new possibilities. 2018 is the year to take calculated professional risks Aquarius. You might settle into a steady gig or get promoted through the ranks. There is a high possibility you take an important new job that requires relocation or travel. Work and money go hand in hand in 2018 for you. You may not feel like you have control over what you want but you truly do. Progress and success will be easy for you to grasp. Any business ties you make in January and February will be the most influential throughout your year. Don’t allow yourself to burn out though Aquarius. Several changes are about to take place in 2018 so prep yourself.
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