You Need To Try These No Heat Hair Curling Methods

If you have straight hair, you know the envy you feel when you see a curly-haired goddess. While curling irons can help you achieve that sought-after look, they can also damage your hair immensely.
These no heat curling methods allow you to have curly hair without the heat damage!
1. Braids
This is arguably the easiest and simplest way to add texture to your hair without heat! Simply sleep with a braid in and spray some hairspray on your head after you unravel them in the morning!
Braids are super versatile in that you can get many different looks depending on the type of braid you do!
Fishtail braids will give you lots of texture that almost resembles crimping. Many small braids can achieve something similar.
For a dramatic deep wave do one or two big braids. If you want a more complete look you can french or dutch braid your hair into two braids. This will take the braid texture all the way up to your part line so there’s no straight hair showing at all.
This is all around a great option for beginners who want to use no heat curling methods!
2. Bantu Knots
Bantu knots are actually just a bunch of little buns all over one’s head.
Taking a small section of hair, begin twirling it around your fingers. Use the direction of the curl to make a mini bun. Secure the bun with a bobby pin or two. You can also use small elastics for extra security.
Repeat the above steps on your whole head and sleep on them. In the morning, unravel the buns and be amazed!
These curls are extremely voluminous. They go all the way up to your part line so you can convince people it’s your natural hair! Take larger sections if you want big curls and take smaller sections if you want little ringlet curls.
This method is one of our favorites for no heat curling.
3. Headband Curls
Headband curls might be the comfiest no heat curling method to sleep on.
Begin by putting a headband around your head. The front will be on your forehead and the back will be over your hair.
Take small pieces of hair and wrap them around the headband multiple times until the whole piece is wrapped. Start with hair by your ear and work your way to the center. Do the same coming from the other side until all of your hair is secured by the headband. It’s helpful to have an elastic headband that will keep the hair securely tucked.
When you take this method out in the morning you’ll have beautiful ringlet curls that rival ones made by curling wands!
If you have a pretty headband this look can double as an actual hairstyle that’s great at keeping your hair off your neck and out of your face!
4. Bendy Rods
This method uses flexible rods to make gorgeous curls.
We begin by bending the rods a bit at the top like a fish hook and hooking it around a piece of hair. Then, wrap the hair around the rod like you would a curling iron and bend the bottom of the rod upwards. Repeat this until all of your hair is secured by a bendy rod.
For extra security, we like to use ponytails or scrunchies to make sure the hair doesn’t slip out. There’s nothing worse than having all perfect curls except for one strange pin-straight piece!
These curls are gorgeous and very consistent because of the size of the rod.
5. Foam Rollers
Foam rollers make us nostalgic! The key to foam rollers in your roller placement.
We like to part our hair on the left and right side so that there’s a section about two inches wide in the middle of your head. Fill up this section going straight back with foam rollers before rolling the sides of your hair. It should look like a mohawk.
This parting method gets rid of the crease that foam rollers tend to create because the curls from the mohawk section will fall over the rest of your hair, masking the creases.
Use the biggest curlers in your set for big curls. For wild and crazy curls use many small ones.