You Know You Go To West Chester When…

June 6, 2017

Since going home for summer break, it has occurred to me that there is a piece of me that is still on campus. Below is a list that every Rammy supporter will understand and relate to. You know you go to West Chester University when…
1. You own LL. Bean Duck Boots…
2. …and you wear them with a flannel to dages.
3. You pray to be hit by a car on Rosedale for “’free tuition”.
4. You wear purple and gold on homecoming even though it’s hideous.
5. If it’s 60 degrees or warmer, you can be found porch drinking or in the quad.
6. You are loyal to either Riggtown, Amore or Chris’s and would defend your opinion to the death.
7. You’ve tripped on cobblestone walkways-sober.
8. You’ve tripped on cobblestone walkways-drunk.
9. You know how to parallel park- but you’ve gotten at least 3 parking tickets.
10. You will never use the phrase “RAM THIS” seriously.
What are some other signs you go to West Chester University? Share in the comments below!
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April Marjoram Gibala
A senior marketing major at West Chester University, with a passion for dogs and Dunkin'.