You Know You Go To Quinnipiac When

Okay okay, so you’ve committed to QU congrats ! Not too long until you’re on campus and can finally call yourself a class of 2021 Bobcat. But let’s get serious, what does it mean to be a Bobcat and how do you know and feel that you truly are a student at Quinnipiac. Well, the answer is quite simple actually, you know you go to Quinnipiac when…….
1. The Clock Tower
You and your family or friends have taken numerous pictures of the clock tower and have posted it on every type of social media. Different angles, filters, sunsets, sunrise, the whole 9.
2. Sleeping Giant State Park
“What?? You’ve never hiked the Giant.” “Do you even go here” DON’T be alarmed when you are asked these questions because if you go to QU you probably will be. But heres a little secret to avoid this.. HIKE THE GIANT and don’t forget to take tons of pictures as proof.
Lets face it, you probably weren’t a big hockey fan before coming to QU. Just be prepared because like it or not, by graduation it will feel like a part of you. The games are fun but be careful, tickets sometimes sell out in seconds!
4. Walking to and from class.
Heres a tip, if you want to keep your sanity do not and i repeat DO NOT cut across the green. Just follow the (not so yellow) brick road. Unless of course you’re sitting, thats a different story ! otherwise NO TOUCHY.
5. Snow Day!!!
Yeah… Pretty much don’t count on it. Quinnipiac is the worst of the worst when it comes to class cancelations. Although you may get a class canceled here and there *Being Hopeful*, I wouldn’t count on it Be prepared to walk in a blizzard or have your class canceled .00001 seconds before you leave for class.
6. Whats your major?
“Health Science”, “Health Science” “Health Science” “Health Science” “Health Science” Health Science”, “Health Science” “Health Science” “Health Science” “Health Science”, “Health Science” “Health Science” “Health Science” “Health Science”Health Science”, “Health Science” “Health Science” “Health Science” “Health Science”Health Science”, “Health Science” “Health Science” “Health Science” “Health Science” “Health Science”, “Health Science” “Marketing” “Health Science” …You get the point.
7. So basic..
Don’t be shocked when every person you meet is either from New York, New Jersey, Connecticut or Mass. In other words if you’re not, what are you doing here? No offense intended to our international students.
8. The Almighty Qcard
Looking to spend 40 dollars. Thats easy just misplace your Qcard. Don’t worry its not the end of the world, we’ve all done it once or twice, or maybe even 20 times. On the bright side, you’ll be able to introduce yourself to the cute old man who handles at Qcard problems when you lose it. Don’t expect him to remember you though, even if you’re one of the people who goes through 20 cards. And yes I said when you lose it, not if you lose it. It happens to the best of us. Sooooo college.
9. The Dining Hall
Ladies and gents, as freshman I can assure you that you’ll be spending a good chunk of time in the caf. But heres some inside advice, don’t be “that kid” who uses a tray like you did back in middle and high school. Its time to put your balancing skills to work and carry everything by hand. It may not be the most ideal way, but its the bobcat way. Oh and good luck tapping in to pay while holding piles of food on ceramic plates, your drinks and whatever else you have with you!
10. The Bobcat Den
The biggest mistake you can make as a freshman is calling the Bobcat Den by its name. BIG NONO. Its called the Rat guys, never forget it. Otherwise be prepared to get yelled at and be given “the look.”
11. Droogies
We all came to college hoping to find our life long best friend. Lucky for us QU makes that happen by introducing us to Droogies. Possibly the best fast-food restaurant in the area. delivering from early hours today past midnight for those days when you get the late night munchies. You know you go to Quinnipiac when you realize that they have the worlds best milkshakes in the world and you spend all your Q cash on them.
12. “Thursty Thurs” (Fri, Sat, Sun, Mon, Tues and Wed)
Lets face it, us Bobcats love to party. Everyone has their favorite spot. Whether its Toads, Clubhouse, Gotham or a frat like ZBT. One of these places is sure to become a “dorm away from dorm” for most students. And don’t worry there are Uber’s everywhere ready to take you and your friends wherever you desire to go.
13. Debt
Speaking of partying, paying to get into some of these clubs doesn’t come cheap. But the number one money eater.. The Bookstore. And yes, we still shop there all the time.
14. Wifi
As millennials we live and breathe WiFi. Luckily we have Bobcat Net. Only problem is that the service crashes a little more often than we’d like it to. During those 10 minutes before the site is up and running again, it can seem like the end of the world. You will definitely hear an uproar. My advice, steer clear of high tempered bobcats during times of crisis.
15. Grades
Heres the bottom line, Quinnipiac isn’t a school where you can put in minimal effort and expect an A or even to pass for that matter. QU values students who go above and beyond. Don’t be discouraged though! A’s aren’t impossible and aren’t only earned by the really “smart kids.” Just be sure to stay focused, get involved, make good decisions, do your work and study. That may seem like a lot but thats what makes us who we are here. But finally, and most importantly you know you go to Quinnipiac University when are having the time of your life and are proud to call yourself a Bobcat.