You Know You Go To Penn State When…
There is something always going on at Penn State University. College is all about individuality, but all Penn State students have definitely experienced these situations. You know you to Penn State when…
1. You almost always wear comfy clothes.
We make up for it by going all out when we go out.
2. You find yourself hating Ohio State.
Football pride forever.
3. Scheduling classes is the bane of your existence.
Lionpath…enough said.
4. There’s a construction zone on every other street.
Everywhere you go, there will be somewhere getting renovated/built.
5. OrderUp is your spirit animal.
It makes drunk eating 100% easier.
6. You wake up earlier for game days than you do for class.
Much more excitement when you’re going to tailgate rather than going to your 9a.m. chem lab.
7. You are basically friends with the squirrels around campus.
They’re freakishly human-like here at PSU.
8. You go into McClanahan’s, and come out poor.
Especially when buying PSU apparel.
9. THON is the most magical weekend.
After 46 hours of dancing, you’ll want to crawl into bed and sleep for a century, but it will all be worth it.
10. You get defensive when other people say their schools are the best.
“Well first of all…”
Do you have any other signs you go to Penn State!? Share in the comments below!
Featured Image: weheartit
Hannah is a public relations major at Penn State University. She is also an active council member of Kappa Delta sorority. She loves reading, writing, and relaxing on the beach!