Writer’s block is real. It’s so real that you can find yourself staring at a blank screen for hours. I’ve been there. I’ve struggled with writer’s block more times than I can count.
Between this internship, the poetry books I’ve written and the novel in the works, I’ve stared at blank screens for painful amounts of time.
Sometimes all it takes is a quick peek at a writing prompt and it all comes flying out. All it takes is one simple idea and off you go! Let’s take a look at a few writing prompts and see if we can get those creative juices flowing!
A lot of these are more geared towards poetry, as that’s my primary outlet, but they can all be used in storytelling, or journaling, as well.
Write about the feelings to experience when you love someone who doesn’t love you back. You don’t have to write it in poetry form, if that’s not your thing, you can write it in story form.
Create a character who is in love with someone who does not, or can not love them back. Put all of your feelings into that character and make them you. Let them express the hurt and even anger if that’s what you feel. Use this character to let out the emotions that are running through your mind and your body.
If you’re in a confusing time in your life, this is a great one for you. Life can be confusing sometimes. It can be hard and frustrating and sometimes you don’t know how to navigate it. Use this prompt to your advantage.
Create a character who has a major life decision in front of them. It can be the same, or similar to your own if you want, or it can be completely different. Help this character go through the process of deciding which course of action they want to take in their life and use your storytelling talent to explain how they got to that conclusion.
I like this one. Though it can be a little hard. Writing about our flaws and our mistakes can sometimes force us to relive those mistakes. For women (and men!) like me, who have been through extremely abusive relationships, it can be hard to relive the mistakes we made in those relationships by not reporting the abuse. However, I have found that in writing about it (you can find several articles with tips on how to deal with an ugly breakup, self-care tips for yourself after going through a breakup and even an article detailing red flags about controlling behavior if you search my name on this website!) you can express your feelings. You can sort them all out with a simple journal entry if that’s your thing.
One of my favorite writing prompts. It is very dear to me. My best friend in the whole world…I met online. Until the above mentioned bad relationship I was in, we were thick as thieves and told each other everything. We helped each other through some incredibly tough times. Breakups, divorces, custody issues, job changes, school, you name it, we went through it together. Now that my controlling relationship is over and she’s back in my life, I’m so grateful. I don’t know what I’d do without her. I didn’t fare well for the year and a half she was taken away from me.
The easiest of all these writing prompts. At least for me. I do it every day. I write about the person I used to be. The one who let a horrible man into my life and take everything, and everyone, I knew away. I write about the person I am becoming. The one who is strong, and brave.
Use this kind of prompt to tell your own story. Write about a time when you needed to do something you didn’t know you had the strength to do. No matter if it was standing up to a friend, a parent or a co-worker. Remind yourself of the bravery you found that day.
One of the cutest writing prompts! I love this idea! Instead of trying to come up with something entirely new, use this trick to play off something that you’ve already written. Take the last line of a piece of work that you really enjoy and use it to begin a new piece.
There is a silver lining in every situation. It may be really hard to find at first, but it’s there. Think back to a time when you thought everything was going wrong. To a time when you maybe didn’t know which direction was up. When you thought there was no possible way good could come out of that situation. But then it did. Use that. Use that to bring hope to others.
Take this prompt and use it to let a little emotion out. Use it to let go of some hard feelings that may be pent up. Did you meet someone that you were really into, but it just wasn’t the right time? Did you let them go with the hopes that they would return someday and things would work out? Did they ever return? Use this prompt to tell a tale of heartache or triumph. It can go either way.
One of the harder writing prompts. This one is difficult for me because I’ve had some significant losses in my life. Thinking back on all of them can be hard. Even thinking back on the loss of the person I thought I was involved with during my abusive relationship. Through education after leaving, I’ve learned he’s what’s called a narcissist. He made me fall in love with him by mirroring who I was so that we would seem similar. When he was bored with it, the ‘mask’ fell off and I saw who he really was. I fell in love with an idea. A fake. I struggled with missing that for a while.
Use hurt like this for your own prompt. What do you miss? Are they things you feel like you shouldn’t miss but do? Are they people you’ve lost that meant a lot to you such as family or friends, due to illness?
Possibly the most fun of all the writing prompts listed here. Take your daily routine and write about it. Except, blow it way out of proportion. Instead of saying you brushed your teeth, make it an epic battle between your toothpaste and the germs in your mouth. Talk of war and death and the victory of a clean mouth. Instead of saying you picked out your clothes, talk about a fashion show put on by your drawers and the best outfit winning. Turn it into a fun story. Make it yours.
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