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10 Would You Rathers: UMN Twin Cities Edition

10 Would You Rathers: UMN Twin Cities Edition

Ready for the toughest decisions to make at University of Minnesota Twin Cities?! Here are 10 Would You Rathers for UMN Twin Cities.

Ready for the toughest decisions to make at University of Minnesota Twin Cities?! Here are 10 Would You Rathers for UMN Twin Cities.

Would you rather. . .

1. Wear Iowa colors at a home football game or Madison colors at a home basketball game?

2. Be hired as Goldy’s manager or Goldy himself?

3. Have 3 classes per semester on West Bank or 1 class per semester in St. Paul?


See Also
College is definitely a major adjustment, which can be more difficult on some people than others; especially those of us that were spoiled as a child.

4. Be a Campus Connector driver one night every weekend or never be allowed to ride the Connector again?

5. Live in Como with no car or bike or live in Prospect Park but be forbidden from using the light rail?

6. Live in Bailey but always eat in 17th or live in 17th but be forced to always eat at Bailey?

7. Hop on one foot across the Washington Ave. bridge every day or ride on the roof of the Connector to go from class to class?


8. Live in a dorm for 4 years straight or live where you want but only be able to eat in dining halls for 6 years straight?

9. Have unlimited Gopher Gold for 4 years or have a free prime parking spot for four years?

10. Run a mile from Coffman to Dinky on the coldest day of the winter or the hottest day of the summer?

What are some other Would You Rathers for UMN Twin Cities? Share in the comments below!
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