Breaking up with people can be tricky. Being broken up with can be disheartening. It is clearly uncomfortable for both parties unless of course one of you is a sociopath. If the split is mutual or both people feel they lost a spark or were happier without each other, it isn’t going to be a fun experience. Clearly the longer you’ve been dating the worse each of these become, but regardless, these are by far the top ten worst ways to possibly break up with someone.
I’m not sure if this has been a thing since the dawn of time or it has just become popular, but this is just downright confusing. Like, I’m not sure it would hurt as much as it would just be frustrating. And, quite frankly, it reflects poorly on the person that is ghosting, not the one being ghosted. Honestly, you need to grow a pair and tell the person what is going on.
Another avoidance tactic to picking up the mess you made. When you just send a text, you easily remove yourself from the situation and don’t take responsibility for the decision you made. If you have been intimate and dating for more than a couple of months then this is completely unacceptable.
I feel as though this one is more effort than it is worth. Like how are you so scared of breaking up with someone that you decide to act so horribly that they are forced to dump you?
I’m talking about right before. I’m not saying the whole month of December, or their whole birthday month is off limits. I’d say within a week’s timeframe of any given event.
If you are in a long distance relationship and they make an effort to come all the way to you, it would be bad enough to dump them when they get there. But worse?! Spending the entire time with them PRETENDING to like them and then dump them when they least expect it- on their way home.
Forget heartbreak, this is just pure evil for logistical purposes. Do you know how annoying it is to move all of your shit and then move it back out again. Don’t ask someone to move in with you if you are unsure about your future with them for at least 6-12 more months. It’s just a bad idea. Don’t do it, don’t use one of the worst ways to possibly break up with someone.
So I might be the only person left on the face of the planet that still likes and uses voicemail. The thing is, a lot of people don’t, especially not to be broken up with. Also, what were you hoping they wouldn’t answer when you called so it would go straight to voicemail or did you slydial them? Get a life.
After you were physically intimate and vulnerable is not the time to break the news that things aren’t working.
Sort of related to making them dump you only WORSE because it’s not like you a bad boyfriend/girlfriend and simply annoyed them for a while. No, you actually cheated on them. You are already hurting them why you gotta make it worse. No respect.
Don’t be the person talking to everyone and their mother about how you want to dump this person without letting the dumpee know. You don’t want them to hear through the grapevine and have to confront you.
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