The summer before one’s first semester of college is a whirlwind of emotions for most people. There is so much to be excited about – from football games and parties to making new friends and having a chance at freedom – but at the same time, there is not one single person without some worries in the back of his or her mind. This is a huge transition in your life, and it’s not meant to be easy. With that said, here are a few questions that are 100% normal for you to ask yourself as an incoming college freshman!
Maybe you’re going to the school that you’ve dreamed of going to your whole life and you don’t have a single doubt in your mind about it. If so, that is AWESOME. However, if you’re anything like me, you looked at tons of schools and went back and forth about it for a very long time until you made a final decision on a whim because you didn’t want to worry about it anymore. Whether you are in one of those situations or you fall somewhere in between, there is probably something you’re concerned about. Is this school too big? Is it too small? Too close to home? Too far? It’s okay to second guess your decision.
Here’s what you need to know: the situation you are in is just that – your situation. You’ve already committed to the school, and there’s no going back now. While that sounds scary, it is a good thing, because you have the opportunity to make the most of your time in college, wherever you have decided to go. I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. Maybe you don’t agree with that, and that’s okay, but the way I see it is that the decision to go to this school is part of the plan for your life. Whatever decision you have made is the right one, whether you can see that now or not. Plus, you can always transfer later on if you absolutely hate where you are.
Every single person going to college is at the start of a new journey, which means you are all in the same boat. Even if you already know people from high school who are going to the same college as you, you’re going to want to meet new people. College doesn’t have to be high school 2.0. When it comes to meeting new people, it is important to keep in mind that everyone is looking for new friends as well. At the start of college, a lot of people will probably stick around the friends they already know, which could make it seem like everyone already has a friend group and this could be intimidating. Chances are, these people would rather be out making new friends, but may be too shy to. So don’t be afraid to go out and introduce yourself to a new person, or even a group of people.
There are so many views that accompany Greek life, especially at big schools. There are good ones; immediate friends, fun parties, and something to do at all times, but there are also bad ones; buying friends, too much drinking, prevention from participating in other activities. Of course, your perspective will be dependent on your personality type, but everyone has their own opinion on going Greek. If being in a sorority or fraternity is what you’ve always dreamed of, then your first year of college is the time to make your dreams come true. If not, don’t worry. There are so many opportunities to make friends outside of Greek life, and you will not be shunned by those who are involved in it. If you’re on the fence about actually being in a sorority or fraternity for whatever reason, what I’ve heard from so many people is to just rush. The rush process is a great way to make friends, and you don’t have to accept a bid.
Girls…this one’s for you! Don’t stress over it. You’ll fit in no matter what. Remember, you can’t go wrong with school colors!
First of all, if you have any AP credit, that will help you a TON to get out of a few classes. There will be requirements to graduate and requirements for your major, so look into those before considering a class schedule. Looking at classes can be so overwhelming, but that’s what advisors are there for. They will help you pick the right classes for you. What you need to do is make sure that you don’t overfill your first semester. There is no need to dive into a difficult schedule. Ease in.
The dining halls are going to have some really good foods that will be so tempting, but you won’t necessarily put on the freshman 15 if you’re mindful of what you eat and how often. This is entirely in your power and up to your motivation and level of self control. I know I’ll be spending a lot of time in the athletic center!
Here’s what we’re ALL going to: we’re going to act like adults, and we’re going to grow. It’s so surreal to think as an 18-year-old just out of high school that it’s suddenly time to be grown up and make your own decisions and live on your own, but we are all going to get through this. It’s okay to miss home or even to wish you could eat some of your mom’s cooking and have someone help with your laundry. Just remember that you have to grow from somewhere, and college is the perfect place to ease into adulthood. Your home will always be your home and your parents will always be your parents.
This is the college freshman experience we’ve heard about our whole lives. Whether we like it or not, living with a roommate your freshman year of college is like a right of passage. You’ll get used to it!
No matter what school you are going to, there will be TONS of organizations to get involved in. Everything from acapella groups to community service organizations will be there. There will definitely be a place for you. Don’t stress about it, but take the opportunity to get involved in something at your school.
Yes! Obviously, I can’t say that nothing bad could happen, because that would be a lie, but campus safety is typically very good. There is always a good police department that is dedicated to keeping students safe. You have to do your part too, though. Don’t walk around alone, especially at night. Know the way that your campus’s safety works, and don’t put yourself in sketchy situations.
It seems to me that this is virtually unavoidable, but you can limit it by getting a job, using a meal plan instead of eating out, and saving money by not buying every awesome thing you see. Like living in the dorms, having no money is kind of a right of passage for us college kids. At least you’re not alone!
This is totally up to you, but the way I see it is that college is a time to date people and see where it takes you. Lots of people go through high school dating one person, thinking that this is the person they’re going to spend the rest of their lives with. For some people, this idea of marrying a high school sweetheart could become a reality, but for many, it isn’t. One thing you could do is take a break to try dating other people and plan to come back to each other if the dates don’t lead anywhere. In any case, I think that wherever you are meant to end up is where you will be.
Everyone has some morals that they’ve built up in their life so far, whether it be through religion, your parents, or just standards that you have for yourself. Some are more extreme than others, but everyone has them. College is full of temptation, but it’s avoidable. You don’t have to do anything you don’t feel comfortable with, and that is totally okay.
What I’ve been told is to make sure you go to office hours! This is the way to make sure your professors know who you are, and it is important to do this, because when you get to final exam time, you’re going to want your professors to know you and like you.
This kind of depends on the rigor of your high school in comparison to college, so I don’t know whether it will be harder, but I do know that it will be different. Talk to people you know who are already in college and see if you can get an idea of how your classes will be at your specific school. Also, don’t forget to check out the site, Rate My Professor!
Well, are you going to a school where you need a car to get around? Lots of schools have bus systems that will get you around, so you may not need a car. However, if you’re just a few hours away from home, you may want to take a car so that you can get home when you want to without trying to catch a flight.
YES!!!!!!! I haven’t even started yet, but I know we’re all going to love it. This is our time, and in the wise words of a brilliant film, “we’re all in this together!”
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