10 Workouts Without Weights That’ll Sculpt Your Booty

If you are looking to get fit but trying to ease into it, check out these workouts without weights that will totally have you feeling the burn!

There’s one thing that every woman wants right now: a big juicy booty. The Kardashian gang, Nicki Minaj and Beyoncé have turned the past few years into the era of the ba-donk-a-donk. Now, everyone wants to be “slim thicc.” Those famous ladies definitely are genetically gifted in the back, but it also takes work to build up your bottom. You can go to the gym every day and squat until your face turns purple, but that’s not really going to do much for your booty. You don’t even need to go to the gym to sculpt your rear end! Or weights! With these 10 bodyweight workouts without weights that you can do anywhere, your rump will need its own area code.

1. Bridges

For this exercise start out laying on your back with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle with your feet close to your butt. Then, raise your hips as high as you can and really squeeze your booty at the top. For an added challenge, lift one leg into the air to do single leg bridges!

2. Donkey Kicks

Start out on your hands and knees for this one. For a modification, you can get down on your elbows if your arms are tired. Then, raise your bent leg up behind you. This should really target your hamstrings in order to give your booty a lifted appearance! Make sure you don’t do this one to fast. By slowing it down you’ll really feel the burn and see results faster. These workouts without weights may seem simple at first, but you will really start to feel the impact as you keep doing them!


3. Rainbows

You can stay down on your hands and knees (or elbows for a modification) for this next exercise. Keep your leg straight and bring it out to one side, then swing it up and over to the other side. Pretend like you’re drawing a rainbow back and forth with your tow. To really tone your butt up, make sure you bring your leg up high while tracing the arc!

4. Side Lunges

Now you can get off the floor for the next exercises. For side lunges start standing with your feet hip distance apart. Then step one leg out to the side and squat back on that leg. Make sure your knee stays behind your toes for proper form! Push back up to the original position and you’ve done one side lunge! You can either alternate sides or stay on one side in order to really have a targetted burn per set.

5. Squat Lunge Combo

Your feet should start a little farther than hip distance for this one. First, do a bodyweight squat. For good form, make sure your quads get at least parallel with the ground when you go down and that your knees stay behind your toes. Once you come up from the squat immediately step out into a forward lunge. You don’t need to take a huge step forward for this. Just step about two or three feet out so you don’t lose your balance. For an advanced version, don’t come all the way up from the squat before you lunge forward! These workouts without weights will definitely have you sweating!


6. Bulgarian Lunges

You’ll need to get a chair or use a step for this exercise. Prop one leg up behind you on an elevated surface and then lunge down with your other leg. This is more challenging than a normal lunge, so if this is too difficult, just do a regular lunge to modify!

7. Single Leg Deadlifts

These are definitely a balance challenge as well as a great leg exercise. Start standing upright with one leg off the ground. Then tip forward with your back perfectly straight and a slight bend in your supporting leg. Try to keep your hips square to the ground. Once you’re about parallel with the ground, bring yourself back upright using the muscles in your leg to pull yourself up. If you can, try to keep your leg off the ground the entire time to get some ab work in there too!

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8. Ski Squat Sumo Squat Combo

First, start with your feet close together and go into a ski squat. Once you come back up, step one foot out to the side and dip into a sumo squat. Repeat the ski squat and then step your opposite foot out for the next sumo squat. For a more challenging version, don’t stand all the way up in between squats!

9. Lunge Lifts

Begin with your feet about hip distance apart and then step back into a reverse lunge. Then, as you come back up, balance on your leading leg in order to lift your rear leg into a lift. At the top of the lift squeeze your booty to really tone it up! Try to move from one position to the next without letting your foot tap for an added challenge.

10. Curtsy Lunge Leg Lift

For the last of these workouts without weights, start with your legs hip distance apart. Then, take one leg behind and diagonal to where it began, as if you were curtsying. When you come back up, lift your back leg up and to the side. Again, if you can move from one position to the next without letting your foot down, you’ll tone up even more!


 Are there any other workouts without weights you recommend? Let us know in the comments below!

Featured Image Source: www.pinterest.com