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Working Fitness into College

Working Fitness into College


Finding time to add in fitness in college can be a challenge especially in the first couple of weeks after you move in. Let’s face it, there is ALWAYS something more fun to do on campus than going to the gym especially if you’re not already a gym go-er by nature.

Treat your workouts as part of your schedule


The first step to get motivated to work out is to treat it like a part of your daily schedule. When you have a bio lab scheduled at 8.30 am, you get out of bed and get yourself there because you don’t have a choice (well at least that’s what should happen).  Look at your class schedule and reserve some time for the gym. If you are more of a morning workout person then try and fit it in before your first class. Wear your gym clothes to class, a lot of the time they’re super cute and the opposite sex finds it attractive that you work out.  You can also time it with your favorite show so you can watch it on the treadmill.  That “perfect time” to hit the gym, almost never happens, if you wait for that you will never go. Once you start working out a couple of days a week, it becomes very addicting and it is much easier to make time for the gym. The first 2 weeks are the hardest, remind yourself of that. When going to the gym don’t even think twice about it, just do it like Nike says.

Find a workout Buddy or be that Buddy

If you’re one of the few lucky kids that end up having the random freshmen roommate as a workout aficionado, you will be much more likely to follow suit, awesome!  If not, find a buddy at the gym or become that buddy and motivate yourself.  You will always be more likely to do something if someone is holding you accountable to be there, don’t let yourself or your friends down!


Load up your phone or iPod with music, videos and apps

7 cool apps to bring to the gym

Fantastic workout playlist


Netflix  shows on your phone and get $10 cash back just for using the free trial!

Rhapsody on your phone to download and listen to thousands of songs on the go, and get $5 cash back just for using the free trial.

See Also
These Amazon college essentials will help you get ready to head back to campus this Fall 2018! You will feel comfy and cozy in your new space!


iTunes download the best pump up songs by genre on your playlists, variety will keep you interested and earn 5% cash back at the same time .

Come up with a power workout plan

If you are a busy bee in college, you want to come up with an hour long “power workout” for the days when you need to squeeze the gym between classes. Always make sure you combine cardio and weights, and try to alternate your workouts 40/20 – 40 minute cardio session/20 minutes weight and vice versa. This blog has some great advice to come up with a quick and efficient workout routine. Follow our Fitness Pinterest board for great cardio, arm and ab workouts to make the most out of your hectic schedule at the gym.


Get cute workout outfits and accessories

Going to the gym in college is kind of a social phenomenon. It basically means running into every hot guy or girl on campus while you are sweating your butt off and more than likely if you’re actually there to workout, you’re not feeling too hot yourself. Feeling good in your workout outfit is part of a great gym adventure; it will push you to work harder and longer to obtain the goals you want to reach.  Check the fitness section at Forever 21 and bebe Sport and Reebok for some great sneakers, sports bras, capris and tanks. There are also some really neat accessories to make your workout more fun and make sure you don’t leave any of the essentials in the locker room! Check out this water bottle or this workout bra with compartments to keep you student ID and money.  Check out this fitness board on Pinterest for more great ideas and inspiration.