5 Reasons All Women Should Be Going Braless This Summer

The braless movement has come into full force over recent years. Women should not be subjected to wearing bras because society makes them feel like they have to. Here are 5 reasons all women should be going braless this summer! #freethenipple #burnyourbras
1. Save that money!
Buying bras, bralettes, and sports bras gets expensive, fast. Especially when they’re bought for date night. In the summer, when friends are going out, it’s easier to spend more money than during the school year, when there’s less opportunity for get-togethers. Spending 30 dollars on a bra seems excessive in comparison to using that money for memorable experiences, like grabbing bites with friends a few times. And with date night, isn’t lingerie bought only to be taken off anyways?
2. Boob sweat be gone!
There’s a distinct difference between regular sweat and boob sweat. Regular sweat is gross in itself, but boob sweat is oilier, due to a numerous amount of sebaceous glands on breasts that secrete a waxy sebum. Heat from the outdoors combined with heat from trapping boobs behind fabrics is bound to instigate an uncomfortably sweaty feeling. Furthermore, this oily sweat can stain straps and cups even more than regular sweat would, making lingerie appear visibly darker.
3. Straps are pesky.
Off the shoulder tops and tiny spaghetti straps are trends for this season’s summer tops, and are most elegant with minimal lines. It can be frustrating and take away from the focal point of an outfit when a thick bra band is prominent. Another irritating thing about bra straps? They seem to teeter off shoulders as the day goes by, and require constant readjustment. Even when readjusted, they can feel too tight and create little dents in skin. Oof.
4. Women are sexual creatures in control!
The phrase ‘free the nipple’ still refers to a woman’s sexuality, but in a different light. Women are no longer comfortable or tolerant with men controlling their sexuality, or making them feel ashamed of it, and are embracing the idea of owning their sexuality. No more toying unless it’s on our part. We know our nipples will be associated with sex, and yes, that’s why we’ll show them. Simply because we live in an age where we’re unapologetically proud of what’s ours and what we can do with what’s ours, just as men are proud of what’s theirs down there.
5. To Promote body acceptance.
For years, society has fashioned bras like push-up bras with specific goals of making everyone’s breasts look perfectly perky and full. However, the majority of women’s natural breast shape differs from what companies strive to instill as ‘ideal’ or ‘sexy.’ But, ideal is preservation. Sexy is natural. By shedding our own bras as well as observing what other women look like without bras, we can feel more secure in knowing those truths, and love our bodies in their everyday forms more.
What do you think of going braless? Let us know your thoughts down below!

Nursing major because it’s necessary. Writer because it’s vital. Currently creating for Society19, and fabricating a poetry collection.