What I Wish I Knew Before Syracuse Orientation

This is everything I wish I knew before going to Syracuse orientation as a freshman… Orientation week is the very first time you will get to meet your future classmates so it’s better to know what to expect and have fun rather than stress out the whole time!
1. Everyone is anxious and nervous.
All the students coming to Syracuse orientation are just as nervous and anxious as you are. Remember that you are not alone in this new environment, and almost everyone is away from home.
2. Making the first move is okay (and not that kind of first move).
I was so nervous walking up the stairs of the College of VPA, but some of the girls who first introduced themselves to me made me feel so much better and much more comfortable. The best part is, they are still my friends today, and we meet up to study together. I just wish I could go back and introduce myself to someone, so that they could have felt less nervous, just like how my friends made me feel.
3. The pre-orientation programs are more important than you think.
Because I was so excited for this new school year, I decided to pay the extra money and be part of a pre-orientation program that Syracuse offered. There are so many great programs, and you really get to meet wonderful people from all over the world. The people you meet in this program might or might not end up being your friends throughout the year, but it is really fun getting to know some people before the school year even starts (and you get to have a little fun on our beautiful campus)!
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4. Syracuse gets really hot in the summer.
It was SO hot during my orientation, because Syracuse gets really humid this time around. You might feel a little sticky and you probably will want to bring some sunglasses to protect your eyes from the strong UV rays. And make sure to bring your H2O to keep yourself hydrated!
5. Emails are worth your time.
Checking your college email is going to be your number one priority. Trust me on this. Every information will be provided through the email. You will contact your peers and professors through the email. Your Peer Advisors will probably have sent an email by now, so go check right after reading this!
6. The photo on your Syracuse ID card is for all four years!
I didn’t know this, but the photo that you have to send for your ID card will be used for all four years, so choose a cute picture. Don’t take a picture the day before it’s due, like I did!
7. The season ticket package is not necessary, unless you are really thinking about going to every single game.
There are a lot of Syracuse games, and it’s so much fun to show school pride by covering yourself with orange. But let’s be real. You won’t go to every single game throughout the year, because things are going to come up and not everyone has a package deal. But if you are willing to go to every game, you deserve a medal!
8. Making that tight group of friends is going to take time.
I was so focused on the idea of making friends, that I totally forgot that friendship takes time. I found my group of friends during second semester but I am so glad that I took the time to really get to know everyone. Don’t force it. The people that you meet in the beginning might not even remember you, or vice versa! Take your time with the people that you meet, but I promise you, you will find your group of friends.
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9. I wish I knew the importance of Peer Advisors.
I might be being a little bias just because I am a Peer Advisor myself, but we are seriously there for you. We go through training so that we can be the best help you can receive. You are going to meet us on the day of orientation, so come talk to us and get to know us! Add us on social media and keep in contact with us. Because we are in the same major as you are, we can help you with class schedules, teach you tips and tricks on school work, give advice when picking professors – the list goes on! We are here to help.
10. It’s okay to be lost.
There is no doubt you are going to get lost in this beautiful campus of ours. The buildings can sometimes all look the same, and you might even walk in circles (trust me, I have done this). But remember, you are in a new place and it’s going to take some time to know where everything is. You can’t help but look lost and THAT’S OKAY. I once asked a person walking across from me where a building is, and helped us and walked us all the way to our destination. In a couple weeks – maybe months – you will get to know the campus, so just be patient with yourself, enjoy being a freshman, and slowly get to know the campus!
Featured image source: youvisit.com