What I Wish I Knew Before ASU Orientation

If you’re going to Arizona State University, this is your orientation guide from students that attended. Here’s what I wish I knew before ASU orientation.
1. Bring a map.
Download one, or download the free ASU app, “ASU GO,” because regardless of what campus you’re on (Tempe, Havasu, polytechnic, downtown phoenix), you’ll probably end up getting lost; and you don’t want to be late for orientation. You’ll end up dealing with long lines.
2. Bring water.
It’s Arizona – way too hot (trust me on this one).
3. Don’t forget to charge your phone (or just bring a portable charger).
Orientation is a long process of a lot of talking, flyers, and signing up for classes. So you`ll want to end up checking up on your social media!
4. On a serious note, don’t be afraid to ask for help!
If you have any questions on financial aid, Greek life, or studying abroad, just ask! Trust me, no one bites.
5. At orientation, stop at every booth and get flyers.
You`ll end getting home and having a stack of just bunch of papers from orientation, but keep them! It gives you so much information about classes, move in dates, etc.
6. Be open minded and make friends!
There’s going to be a ton of girls and guys there, so don’t be shy and sit next to someone who is sitting alone! You`ll probably end up having someone you met at orientation in one of your classes.
7. Download the “Schools App.”
It`s an app for incoming freshmen only, so you`ll connect with future Sun Devils! I met so many people from that app, it`s like a twitter but for incoming freshmen, also you can find your future dorm mate as well.
8. When signing up for classes that day, go on ratemyprofessors.com.
And make sure you choose a good professor. I made the mistake of not checking out the site and got stuck my first semester with a professor whose passing rate was 30% chance.
9. Take advantage of the free stuff.
You`ll get so much free stuff and it honestly comes in very handy! Who doesn’t want free stuff?
10. Look cute!
CUTE BOYS ARE EVERYWHERE. Oh, and also, you take your ID card picture that day, and you don’t want to have a horrible ID photo for the rest of your college career.
11. Have a good orientation day!
Be happy you’re meeting potential classmates and that you’re officially now a future Sun Devil baby!
Are you excited for ASU orientation?! Share any questions or tips you may have in the comments below!
Featured image source: asualphaphi.tumblr.com
is currently a sophomore at Arizona State and is the Editor-in-Chief for the ASU SOCIETY 19 Chapter. When she’s not busy editing and writing blog posts, she’s watching reality television and eating frozen yogurt.