No matter what kind of skin you are dealing with, acne is not only a confidence decreaser but a hassle to deal with on any occasion. We’ve all been there, some more than others. For years I tried multiple cleansers, treatments, and spent loads of money on products that just didn’t do what I wanted them to. I’m always on a search for acne canceling products, or products that bring out my inner beauty with glowing, non-inflamed, clear skin. Luckily all of my skin turmoil has come to great use, here are some great products that will wipe out any and all acne issues you come in contact with!
This little bottle of power and freedom is $17 at Ulta and will bring you the ingredients to dry out inflamed zits and pimples. With salicylic acid, zinc oxide, calamine, and sulfur, your whiteheads will seem to disappear overnight. You’ll wake up with little to no bump so you can go about your day feeling as confident as ever.
With a higher percentage of Salicylic acid, all you need is a little bit of the product to apply to acne prone skin. This product is perfect for resurfacing your skin and relieving you of those pimples that just won’t go away. At a price of $5.30, The Ordinary gives you the best ingredients that are cruelty-free and vegan without sinking your wallet in debt. But beware that this product is considered an exfoliant and will dry pimples out, so be sure to hydrate your skin as much as you can and to avoid any cleansers with alcohol in them as they will irritate your skin.
I splurged on this product and I never once regretted the purchase! The mini size comes in at $25 and it can be used for spot treatment or a full on mask. It’ll work wonders for oily skin, clogged pores, uneven or dull skin texture. While the mask dries on your skin you’ll be able to see just where the oiliest sections of your face are. Not to mention, the product is sulfate, paraben, formaldehyde, and phthalate free AND it’s vegan. Sometimes I would use the mask before applying heavy makeup to ensure pimples didn’t grow or arise. But I mainly used this exfoliating mask on Sundays to put my best face forward for the week.
Tati Westbrook, an amazing and trustworthy beauty guru who has been slaying the youtube community with beauty reviews and tips has finally graced us with vitamins that do wonders to the skin! The vitamin comes in at $29.95 and after just one month, my under eye area, which is usually as dark as the depths of hell, is way lighter than any under eye cream can accomplish!
I’ve had a tough time with everything from small pimples to massive cysts that never subside. I’ve been taking the vitamins for five months and I haven’t seen one cyst on my face since taking them, my skin is glowing, and I rarely get zits or pimples. I am able to wear light makeup or none at all and feel beautiful, confident and ready to take on the world. If you struggle with acne, you need to put everything down and TRY THIS VITAMIN.
Acne is something we can all relate to. I’ve gone to a dermatologist, taken prescriptions, birth control, anything to help clear up my acne. One thing I’ve learned and stuck to over the years is to use non-comedogenic products that won’t clog your pores or strip the skin of necessary oils. If you have oily skin it is essential that you’re using a sensitive skin face wash! I use Cetaphil and have tried Mad Hippie Cream Cleanser, both great options for people of any and all skin concerns. Keep your skin regimen simple, skin friendly, and inexpensive with these cleansers that’ll pair nicely with acne clearing products.
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