Winter Date Ideas In Tallahassee

Maybe it’s all the Hallmark movies making a winter date look like the most magical thing on earth, but this article felt like a must. It seems that every town has its own festivals, traditions, and activities around this time of year. If you are new to Tallahassee, you are most likely unaware of all of the adorable dates you could be going on this season. Since I am in a long-distance relationship, the holidays are my favorite time of year because we get to close that gap and spend the most time together. I am a Christmas fanatic, so our dates a little more inspired than usual this time of year. For a wonderful winter date, utilize some of my all-time favorites:
1. Hot chocolate and Christmas lights
If you’re in the mood for a late-night drive, step it up a notch by grabbing some hot chocolate and driving around town to look at the lights. This has been a tradition in my family since I was little, my brother and I couldn’t wait for the season to start so we could go see all of the amazing decorations. People really went all out where we’re from. Now I have made that tradition my own by grabbing some hot chocolate and making it a cute date night.
2. Baking and holiday music
Baking is perfect for a night in. Prepare by picking a couple simple recipes from Pinterest and grabbing the ingredients from the store. Play some Christmas music to get yourselves into the spirit and bake your favorite recipes, being sure to taste test them with some hot chocolate at the end. The best part about baking together is the fun of the mess and being able to bond over a fun activity. Sugar cookies and gingerbread cookies are the best to make so you can design the baked goods too. You can also make fun of each other’s poor decorating skills. If neither of you is good at baking, buy the pre-made gingerbread houses and build them as a fun activity.
3. Celebration of lights
This year Tallahassee is celebrating there 33rd annual Celebration of Lights. Each year is a different theme which they use when decorating the trees. Their theme this year is Candy Cane Dreams and Holiday Scenes. Festivals like these are a fun way to go out and celebrate the holidays with the community and create a tradition out of it. I am a sucker for these kinds of community events because they become an important part of the holiday season and it’s always so much more fun to celebrate with someone else.
4. Christmas movies and snacks
I know and can quote just about every single classic Christmas movie. In fact, I do quote them, quite regularly. How my boyfriend puts up with it I will never know. But we have found it fun to spend a relaxing winter date inside with Christmas movies and our favorite snacks. There are a few movies he hasn’t seen and I take it upon myself to keep him educated in the classics. Plus, how am I supposed to quote them if he doesn’t get my reference? If you are a fan of movies, this could make for a fun date night or even something to consider for your next girl night.
5. Decorating
This one may be a little difficult if either of you lives in dorms, but even then there are some cute, small decorations you can add here and there to celebrate the season and liven up your space. Some ideas could be hanging lights together, decorating a Christmas tree, or hanging the garland. Decorating is always more fun when you do it with someone else anyway so why not make it a fun date idea. I’ll be honest, I put on Christmas movies when I decorate, which quickly put my boyfriend in a trance as he watched one he had never seen before. This meant that the most help I got was a few ornaments on the tree, but it was still a fun night anyway.
6. A viewing of the Christmas Carol
This is a relatively new tradition for Tallahassee. Their third annual viewing of a Christmas Carol takes place this year Thursday through Sunday nights December 12 through December 22. It is put on by the Theatre Tallahassee and is only $15 for students and $25 dollars for adults if you are going with someone who is not in college. I love this event because A Christmas Carol is an essential story that is so important to the traditions of Christmas. The moments I heard my boyfriend had not seen it, though he knew the basic plot, I immediately rented it and made him watch it. Going to see a play is a much better experience though because it is an overall fun experience. Plus, there are so many different renditions of this classic and I love seeing them all.
7. Ice skating
On a list of my particular skills, ice skating would be at the bottom. In fact, it probably wouldn’t even make the list. My partner has always been the wall because you will not catch me falling on ice. But that doesn’t make it any less fun. Skating with someone else is always a good way to get practice and even lean on each other to learn to get better, or you can fall together–either way you’re together. The Centre of Tallahassee has an ice skating rink you can go to for an adorable winter date.