Why You Shouldn’t Stress If You Can’t Land A Job After College

Landing a job after college is a really tall task. It might seem tougher to get a job post graduation than all the courses you took that led to you earning your degree. You may feel stuck in the middle of being done with school and applying for jobs that don’t seem to be noticing, and this can be a really stressful time, but don’t worry. You are certainly not alone on this path.
Thousands of students every year are left in a months long layover after college graduation. Many students that find themselves in this position begin to get anxious and worried that they’ll never land a job in their field of study, that all the long nights reviewing notes and procrastinating major projects would be all for not.
If you struggle to find a job right away after college, again, there are thousands in the same boat as you. I, too, was once in your shoes, applying for position after position, waiting and hoping for a response, for a scheduled interview, and for acceptance. I’ll share with you a few things that helped me cope with the stresses of not finding a job after college!
Remain Calm!
Breathe in. Breathe out. Relax. This is not a code red. Everything is going to be just fine.
Staying positive is the most important thing you can do. It’s uncommon for a college grad to walk right into the job of their dreams. In fact, that’s quite rare.
No matter how many months it may take, know that you are more than worthy and qualified, you’ve worked and grinded to earn the credentials for these positions. Your time will come. Just remain calm and believe in yourself. You’ve made it this far doing just that!
Keep Applying!
Apply, apply, apply, and then apply some more.
Get your name out there. Make sure you’re on big time job recruiting websites like Indeed and LinkedIn. Have a resume with all your achievements and accolades ready to share. If there’s a hiring event in your area, consider attending to see if a position attracts you. Somebody is going to see your body of work and give you the opportunity you’ve been waiting for!
Broaden Your Job Search!
Don’t put all of your eggs into one basket!
This was a mistake I was making myself, trying to search for a specific area of work instead of broadening out to anything related to article writing. Know what you want to be, but also know that you don’t have to be that right from day one.Â
Broadening your job search after college will of course give you more options to choose from for work, which will give you more than a specific area to apply for and as a result, a higher percent chance of being employed. Sometimes you have to take a little detour, so be open to taking the road less traveled!
Maybe you end up doing something in your field of study that you weren’t expecting to, and maybe you don’t plan on staying in that area, but always remember that everybody has to start somewhere!
Take Time To Yourself!
Spend time around friends and family you were missing while in college. Plan trips and travel out of state for vacations if possible. Decompress from the long journey that was college. Just take a break from all the studying and working in your life.
Doing this will help ease your mind of the thought of unsuccessful job searches, and can help uplift you by being around people that are all so proud of your academic accomplishments and will keep you motivated as you wait to take the next step!
Get A Side Gig!
So you’re not having any luck finding a job after college, eh? Look into getting another job in the mean time!
If you’re struggling to land a job, look into other, smaller jobs around where you live to see if you can’t get a spot there in the mean time. Look into restaurants, grocery stores, your local mall, the cash register at a nearby gas station, at the movie theater or bowling alley, or even as an Uber driver. Look everywhere!
Jobs like these won’t be so knit picky about your credentials and your experience, are flexible with their scheduling, and are ways to pull in some sort of income as you wait for the big one!
Live At Home!
No need to be embarrassed by this one, remember thousands of students are going through the exact same situation!
As badly you want to move out into your own place after graduation (believe me, I know), the best thing you can do for your wallet is to live at home with your parents for awhile as you search for a job after college.
This way, you’ll have an established living space with home cooked meals and all the necessities. And if you pick up a temporary job until you land the one you want, you’ll have some income to save up for when you’re ready for a home of your own!
Applying for a job after college can be a strenuous process, one that might make you want to throw in the towel at times. I remember waiting for several months, and then a year, and then a year a half for somebody, anybody to finally give me a chance to show what I can do. Application after application submitted, face-to-face visits, email conversations and phone calls all piled up as I kept trying and trying, slowly believing that I was simply destined to deliver pizzas forever.
As impatient a person as I am, I kept my head down, kept pushing through all the times I wanted to quit, continued submitting job applications, took personal time for family vacations, and with the help of loving friends and family, maintained my faith that I would soon get an opportunity to put my skills to action, and finally my time had come.
Always know that the work you put in and the long nights in the study rooms, at the library or in the computer labs will all pay off for you. Know that you are qualified and worthy, and when your time arrives, prove just how hard of a worker you really are!