Why You Shouldn’t Care About The Freshman 15

The Freshman 15: a myth that freshman will gain 15 pounds during their first year of college.
But is it true? Maybe. Should you care? No.
You’ve probably read about it, heard your friends or siblings talk about it in such a hostile way. The articles you read, and the people who talk about it make it seem like the Freshman 15 is the ugly and annoying friend that they warn you about. Maybe you’ll befriend that person, maybe you won’t. Either way, that person should be non-existent in your mind.
These days, too many girls and guys of all ages have begun obsessing with their bodies. In the modern day Instagram, famous, slim models have a huge following, especially young girls. Some struggle with body issues already, photoshopping their pictures to look like them. And the thought of gaining an extra 15 pounds is very nerve wracking.
For quite some time I had something called body dysmorphia, which occurs when you obsess over a flaw in your appearance. It leads to depression and anxiety. At 125 lbs, someone told me I was going to gain 15 lbs next year, my immediate reaction was fear. I had already thought I was fat, and I was about to get fatter. But that wasn’t the case. I stopped caring about my weight because I wasn’t even fat. I stopped my extreme workouts and diets. I ate the things I wanted without feeling bad about myself. I unfollowed the models and celebrities that made me hate my body. I was finally happy. I found my happy body.
Wear your stretch marks with pride, hell, even show them off. Be confident with your body, whether or not you gained weight, or managed to maintain your weight. College is already stressful enough, but don’t let the Freshman 15 be one of those reasons. And if someone asks about the Freshman 15…