Why You Should Join a Small Sorority

If your school is small like mine, its sororities may not be as big as you see in movies, at other schools, etc. You might hear rumors that you won’t get the “full experience” if you join a smaller sorority, but that’s not true at all. My sorority has 40 women, not a hundred, not even 50, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Here’s why:

  1. Rush/recruitment will be less daunting.

If you’re kind of shy like I am, just the thought of going through rush might freak you out, but when there the sororities are smaller, that means there will not be hoards of people to overwhelm you. It may still be nerve-wracking to meet so many new women at the same time, but usually you will only be talking to one or two women at a time, so you can have more meaningful conversations and get to know some women a little before you make your final decision on which chapter to join.


  1. You will be able to get to know all of your sisters better.

When you’re surrounded by a group of 100 women, you may know all of their names, but it’s difficult to get to know each of them on a more personal level. With a smaller group of women, you have the opportunity to talk, spend time, and learn more about them. Even if you’re not best friends with every single one of your sisters, you can genuinely say that you know something meaningful about each and every one of them.


  1. You will be able to get to know women in other chapters more easily.

Smaller chapters usually means a smaller Greek Life system, and just like how you can get to know your own sorority sisters better, you can also get to know women in other chapters better. Just because you’re in a different sorority than someone else doesn’t mean that you can’t be friends! It’s nice to have a bond with women from other chapters beyond just chatting at mixers and other formal events. Even though you’re in different sororities, you still share the fact that you’re a part of Greek Life and part of a sisterhood.


  1. Your chapter house will be more quaint and charming.

Sure, your chapter house may not look like a Greek temple or a mansion, but it will have its charming qualities and will be a great place to do homework, hang out with sisters, or just relax. Plus, if you decide that you want to live in your chapter house, you will gain a very special bond with the few other women living in the house with you.


  1. Social events will be more intimate.

If huge parties really aren’t your thing, a smaller chapter is perfect for you! Socials, mixers and any other social event will usually have a smaller number of people, so you don’t have to be intimidated by a large number of people or a lot of people who you don’t know. And if you do enjoy a large party once in a while, there will still be plenty of opportunities for you to attend a bigger event too! It’s the best of both worlds!

See Also


  1. There is a bigger feeling of accomplishment at philanthropy events.

Every sorority has a philanthropy that they sponsor. A big part of philanthropy events is fundraising, whether it is as a group or individually. When you’re part of a smaller group, it is an amazing feeling to reach or even exceed a big goal, since you know that you each worked so hard for a long time to get there.


  1. You will still get the “full experience.”

While your experience may be different than that of someone in a bigger chapter, that doesn’t mean that you’re getting anything less than them. Your experience will be unique and special no matter what. As long as you put something into it, you will get something special out of it.

Image source http://i.huffpost.com/gen/910626/images/o-SORORITY-GIRLS-facebook.jpg

Kayla Menzie

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