Why You Should Do An Internship

With summer just around the corner, you may be wondering how you want to spend all your free-time. While the thought of sitting at home is tempting, internships are far more worthwhile. Rising seniors should especially consider taking on an internship. If you’re still torn on whether or not you want to send in your application, here are five reasons why you should go for it.
1. Experience
This might seem like an obvious answer, but internships will provide you with experience in your field of interest. For many rising seniors, this summer will likely be your last before working at a full-time job. Before you can accept any permanent positions, it’s important to beef up your resume. Employers will be searching for relevant experience and skills that pertain to the future job you’re applying for. Not only does an internship look good on paper, but it will also prepare you for your career. Internships will teach you the basic knowledge to working in your given occupation. I’ve learned so much from my previous internships in marketing, writing, and account management that I wouldn’t have been taught in school. Internships will familiarize you with the ins-and-outs of different industries, from technological skills to how to effectively communicate with clients.
2. Inspiration
Maybe you still don’t know what your career path will look like. That’s okay! You’re still a student and have plenty of time to sort things out. My advice to you would be to apply for internships of various fields of work. Whatever sounds interesting to you, you should send in your application to. Finance internship? Go for it. Social media internship? Why not. It doesn’t matter how much you know about the industry; you’ll learn everything you need to know during your program. Internships will help you to explore different career possibilities. Even if you’ve already declared a major, you can still look for a position that don’t necessarily relate to it. For example, one of my friends is a psychology major starting a role in business. Maybe you’ll end up liking another field of work more than the one you envisioned for yourself. You’ll never know unless you apply!
3. Learning Life Skills
Naturally, internships will train you to work in a certain industry. With that, internships will also teach you necessary life skills. Time management is a big one here, and something that a lot of college students struggle with. It’s very likely that your employer will give you deadlines for your tasks that you’ll have to meet. While you can persuade your professor into giving you an extension for an assignment, in many situations, it would be unprofessional to do that to your employer. That said, internships will teach you how to make the most out of your time. In the same vein as time management, internships will help you become more organized and diligent. I swear, I hardly used my planner until I started my first internship. In order to keep track of all the work you have, you’ll need to write lists and reminders. Having organizational skills will prove to your overseer that you’re a conscientious and self-sufficient worker. These are all great qualities to have, both as an employee and as an individual.
4. Building Confidence
I’ll admit, I’m not the most extroverted person in the world. Before I began interning, I often found it difficult to communicate with people in professional and casual settings. Even though every internship I’ve had has been remote, I’ve gained the confidence to speak up in meetings and engage with my co-workers. It helps to know that you have a supportive group of peers and supervisors that value your opinions. When I completed my first internship, I noticed a change in my behavior around people outside of a work environment. I became more outgoing and willing to engage in conversations with people I don’t know. It’s true that confidence is key to success. When you’re at an interview in the future, you’ll want to sell to your employer that you’re sure of yourself and fit to work as part of a team.
5. Keep Yourself Busy
Does anyone else ever find themselves spending an entire summer day on the couch, doing nothing but scrolling through TikTok and basking in the air conditioning? No? Just me? If you want to beat the boredom this summer, find an internship to keep you busy. Internships will add structure to your days, keeping you from waking up past noon or wasting your waking hours doing nothing. They’ll also get you out of the house, which is something I often struggle to do. Just don’t fall too deeply into hustle culture. Allow yourself time to unwind, and try your best to maintain a work-life balance.
6. Opportunities in the Future
Maybe you’re such an impressive intern that your overseer offers you a full-time position. Or maybe your supervisor will recommend you to other companies. Internships can lead you to unlock exciting opportunities after graduation, so long as you prove yourself as a skilled, hard-working individual. From what I’ve heard, the post-grad job search can get stressful. If you’re offered a permanent role at a company early on, that solves all your problems. Between finals and senior theses, you don’t want to add the weight of job applications to your already-heavy pile of things to get done. Approach your internship with a positive demeanor, a strong work ethic, and a willingness to learn. Who knows where that might lead you?
Though I’m sure you’ll find something, internships are not easy to get. Don’t be so hard on yourself if no one responds to your application. Take it from someone who knows: internships are extremely competitive, especially among college students. Some companies might not even be looking to hire, or have already fulfilled their quota of interns. Try not to get too discouraged, and prove to everyone that you’re the best fit for the job. I know you’ll kill it!
Know someone who’s thinking of applying to an internship? Share this post with them for some advice!
Feature image source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/576390452319061275/
Hi everyone! My name is Jill, and I'm a senior at Trinity College in Hartford, CT. There, I'm studying creative writing and sociology, with plans to work in publishing. Aside from reading and writing, I enjoy traveling and practicing self-care. If you want to connect, follow my Instagram @jillschuck!