Why You Should Attend A College Fair

Attending a college fair can be an overwhelming experience! Between the various colleges, universities, and crowds of people, you may feel like it is a waste of your time. We can tell you that it is completely worth your time! We’ve compiled a list of eight reasons why a college fair is a great resource for high school students considering further education.
1. Meet Ambassadors
At a college fair, you will meet college ambassadors from around the country. These people can be current students or alumni. Their job is to recruit potential students by convincing you that their college is the best fit for you. In a way, they are like salesmen and women for their school. They will provide you with pamphlets informing you about the programs offered at their college. They may even give you a few stickers or pendants with the college logo. Although they are trying to convince you to attend their school, their job is not to intimidate you. They are more than happy to answer your questions and talk about their experience!
2. Talk To Students
College ambassadors will tell you all about their experience as students. You will get to hear plenty of information from them, but you will also meet other potential students. If your school is hosting the college fair, you and your friends might get to attend together. This will give you a great opportunity to explore colleges with friends and meet future classmates!
3. Practice Asking Questions
It can be intimidating to talk to new people! Ambassadors and college staff know that you might be overwhelmed walking into a college fair. They want to make your experience as fun as possible by being outgoing, kind, and helpful. Consider writing down a list of general questions for each school before you go to a college fair. You can ask about dorm life, on-campus clubs, or what activities are available in their college town. If you are strongly considering one or two colleges at the fair, write down some more specific questions for their ambassadors. They love talking about their experiences!
4. Understand The College’s Mission
Any college can look good on a website or a piece of paper. It is much harder to put up a good appearance in person. Don’t be afraid to ask ambassadors about the mottos included in their promotional material!
When you interview ambassadors at the college fair, ask them about their college’s values. They should have those memorized! You can ask them about the mission statement of the college, and how they feel like the college has upheld that statement. You will also want to ask about how they have grown as a student. These questions will help you gauge whether the college is a good match for you. A college fair is a learning experience, so make sure that you approach it with an inquisitive mind!
5. Get Insider Information
You can’t get insider information on a college from their website! Current students and alumni will be more than happy to share about their favorite restaurants, coffee shops, stores, and activities around campus. They can also tell you what places to avoid while attending their college. This information is so valuable since they are speaking from first-hand experience!
If the college is close to a big city, ask the ambassador about activities to do in the city. They might recommend getting a train pass or renting bikes as you explore. They can also tell you whether or not you should bring a car during freshman year. Some colleges put restrictions on freshman cars, so it might be easier if you just borrow a friend’s car, use the train, or ride the subway. If you need to find a job on or around campus, they can also recommend the best places to find a job.
6. Financial Aid Options
College is expensive! If you can get through it debt-free, that should be your goal. At the college fair, ambassadors will share the scholarship and financial aid options that their school offers. You will definitely need to apply for these scholarships or other financial aid. If you start the application process early, you should be able to meet the deadlines for receiving the scholarship. Your college advisor will help you fill out the necessary paperwork and complete the work to apply. Financial aid applications can be difficult, but they are worth the hard work!
7. Learn About Academics
You can find a complete list of the degree options offered by a college on their website. There should also be a detailed description of the academic field that is covered by each major or minor. But nothing compares to hearing a firsthand account of someone’s experience in their career field. At the college fair, make sure to ask the ambassadors what they are studying. You may encounter someone who is currently pursuing your field of interest! Ask them about what made them choose the college, what they enjoy about their major, and what is the most challenging part of their college experience.
Make sure that you take notes as you talk to the ambassadors! You may develop an interest in a new career field as you talk to them. Write down their answers to your questions as you talk so that you can reference your notes during the application process.
8. Review The Information
Once you leave the college fair, take time to process all the information you received. You will be bombarded with information about financial aid, campus life, living expenses, career fields, and more. Put your notes away for a few days, and then look at them with fresh eyes. Your notes may spark a new passion in you for hearing peoples’ stories! Make sure that you lean into the activities and academics that energize you. If you pick a career field that fuels your passion, you will be excited and motivated during the long application process!