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Why You Can Never Go Back Being Best Friends With Your Ex Best Friend

Why You Can Never Go Back Being Best Friends With Your Ex Best Friend

People think that it is acceptable to befriend their ex-best friend once they ended, and hunny let me tell you, that is not the case you want to be involved in. Many people think that befriending your ex, will overshadow the reason behind the breakup. There are plenty of reasons why you shouldn’t go back to being best friends with your ex-best friend.

Open Door For Rekindling

When you open the door for rekindling with your ex-best friend then you propose the idea is not only their head but in your head as well. There is a level of manipulation that gets introduced in the motive of why you want to be friends again.


Though there are genuine reasons as to why some people feel the need to become friends with their ex, once the relationship ends can be a wide range of things, like separation anxiety, loneliness, heartbreak, regret.

Stages Of Remorse

The stage when deciding to go back to being best friends with your ex-best friendĀ is the level of remorse that is felt. You feel as though the relationship didn’t have to really end if both of you guys learned to talk out the problems that came up.


Many times there are problems that come about when you don’t have a full understanding of what the root of the problem is between you and the other person. It becomes easy to point fingers and not take responsibility for the actions that you opened up.

The feeling of Being Alone

No one enjoys feeling like they are alone in this big world when you don’t have someone close to you besides your mother, you have that close best friend. But what happens when you no longer are friends, your world feels like it is empty, that it is not going to function the same way.

I know and understand that feeling very well. I know that when my best friend and I got into a big blow out, we stopped talking to each other for months. In those months, I felt like my world was not the same because I was so used to talking to her every day, hanging out with her so much, it consumed me.


There Were No Boundaries Set

There were no boundaries set between the two because there was that much comfortability. The comfortability that was recognized in the relationship eliminatedĀ the reason for setting boundaries.

See Also
There are SO many quality breakup songs that it is difficult to condense this list down, but since Iā€™m the one sharing here not you, I will be vulnerable for all to see and share my go to songs. Donā€™t judge me. Or do, whatever. Here are my 20 best breakup songs you should probably add to your playlist.

When you don’t make a point known that boundaries are important, then you lose the ability to feel some type of way because it wasn’t addressed at the beginning of the relationship. It’s the beginning of a relationship that rules need to be made plain as day.


Personal Growth Needs To Be Achieved Individually

The best part about being apart from the person that you might want to go back to being friends with is acknowledgment. Being able to acknowledge what the problem is within yourself and doing what you need to do to be better.

Most people have a hard time accepting the fact that they have minor setbacks that they need to get in order before they try to connect with another person. When you can identify the problem it is easier to handle it on your own because only you know what you need.


To be the best version for yourself is a lot healthier than being the version of yourself that doesn’t see change as a positive trait.

Having best friends is great to have in life, but it also is a learning experience for both parties involved. Comment down below and let me know what you think of this piece.

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