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Why There’s No Need To Worry About Having A Relationship In High School

Why There’s No Need To Worry About Having A Relationship In High School

Highschool is a peculiar time of life. You may find yourself spending the first few years striving to be popular and then realize that popularity isn’t what’s important. You may have the level of maturity to date someone your freshman year or you may not develop that maturity until your senior year. Everyone has different experiences, however, I’m here to tell you that having a relationship in highschool is something you shouldn’t worry about; Here’s why:


High school is stressful. Between balancing time among sports, schoolwork, extracurriculars, and friends, there is little time for much else during the year. It’s not impossible to balance a relationship with other things, however a relationship can bring additional stress. Sometimes tension felt due to school can be seen in behavior, and can make for a rocky relationship that you don’t even have control over. That being said, there are also times where a relationship is exactly what someone needs to help alleviate the stress in their life, and can be a productive scenario. It’s impossible to give a perfect solution for each scenario, and having a relationship in high school is something that is ultimately decided on a person by person basis, however starting and growing a relationship in an environment as stressful as high school is difficult and will never be as productive as doing so in a less stressful state. 

There are plenty of cases where a relationship in high school works well, and isn’t something that should be avoided, but if you already feel stressed over school there’s no need to worry about having a relationship in high school. 


Going to college at some point:

Most students nowadays graduate and then attend a four-year college, sometimes staying close to home and other times escaping from the area. A high school relationship is almost always interrupted by the looming prospect of college and of what will become of things in the future. You shouldn’t avoid a relationship if it feels right, but the idea of college is something that should be talked about and considered when it comes to a high school relationship. 

Long distance rarely works, though if it does, proves your relationship to be withstanding and durable. However, the toll the long distance takes makes a late blooming high school relationship risky to try. Once again, each relationship is unique so there’s no one way to go about things. There’s nothing wrong with starting a relationship even with college on the horizon, but just be aware of it as it sneaks up. 


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Young Age:

You’re only young once so it’s important that you have fun as much as you can before having dozens and dozens of responsibilities to deal with. A relationship can sometimes limit and restrict your activity and ability to have freedom, so dating during a young age in high school isn’t necessarily beneficial if you’re looking to live it up. 


Maturity Level: 

When it comes to high school a mature relationship isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. High school is a time of growth, experience, and adaptation so while being in a relationship can be beneficial for learning, its level of maturity isn’t through the roof. Humans don’t mature until a late age so you could make the same argument for multiple different ages, however high school can be an especially chaotic time. Experience never hurts when it comes to a relationship, just don’t feel overly pressured to jump into any sort of relationship if you aren’t ready for it.

Do you think a high school relationship is necessary? Why or why not? Comment below to share!

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