Why The Rainforest Cafe Is A Cute Date Idea

You’ve most likely heard of the jungle themed restaurant Rainforest Cafe, but depending on what part of the U.S. you live in, have rarely been to it. Their locations may be scarce and a bit of a trip to get to, but if you and your significant other are looking for a cute date night experience, here’s why the Rainforest Cafe is worth the trip.
Jungle Theme Environment
When you walk into the restaurant, the lights are dim and the walls are covered in leaves. Part of the restaurant is surrounded by a barrier of drizzling rain that you can run your hands through and the soundtrack of the tropical birds plays in the background. Not to mention you walk through a fish aquarium arch when you first enter. You definitely feel like you’re entering a different world that you two can enjoy.
Animatronic Animals
Probably what the Rainforest Cafe is best known for is their lifesize animatronic animals spread throughout the cafe, such as monkeys and elephants. These animals are set on a timer where they’ll move and make noises during your dining experience every so often. They’re quality entertainment as you enjoy your meal. They also make great additions to you’re Instagram and Facebook posts when it’s time for the typical date night picture!
Thunderstorm Show
Every 20-30 minutes you’ll get to experience the Rainforest Cafe’s “thunderstorm” show. It’s fun and exciting to see the restaurant light up in strobes, hearing the increasingly loud thunderstorm soundtrack and watching the animatronic animals come to life as they vigorously move back and forth, giving off the experience of being in the middle of the rainforest during an actual thunderstorm!
Shooting Star Ceiling
When you first enter the Rainforest Cafe, I suggest that you ask for a table underneath the shooting star ceiling. It is a spot in the middle of the restaurant where the ceiling is covered in twinkling stars. It is by far the best and romantic seating area by far. While you eat, you can peep a flash of a shooting star soaring across your heads every few minutes.
The Menu
Much like the Rainforest Cafe itself, their menu is just as unique and exotic. Your date and you will have a hard time choosing what to get with the different combinations of food. Don’t worry, if you’re not someone who likes trying new things they do have the classic burger to resort to. But it can be nice for you and your date to each get something different and taste each other’s foods.
The Drinks
Fruity, tropical drinks are a must when dining at the Rainforest Cafe. Not to mention most of them come in a cool souvenir glass that you can actually take home with you! That way you’ll always remember your unique, cute date experience. Don’t worry, if you’re not a cocktail fan you can always order a classic beer. But trying their different flavor Coronoritas will not disappoint you.
The Volcano
No, there isn’t a legit volcano in the Rainforest Cafe, but this menu item makes the same explosive impact… of flavor that is! The Volcano is the dessert of desserts, two chocolate brownies built around vanilla ice cream covered in chocolate syrup with a sparkling top! If the dessert doesn’t catch your attention then the waiters chant while they bring it to your table will, both making your experience memorable.
The Gift Shop
If you decided to skip out on the free souvenir cup, don’t worry, there’s an entire gift shop that you have to walk through to exit. If you want something to give your date as a memorabilia of the great night you just had, there is plenty to choose from. If a stuffed animal doesn’t seem special enough, you can always go to the Rainforest Cafe themed photo booth! Nothing ends an adorable, cute, unique date like making silly faces in the photo booth to keep forever. Five dollars gets you three copies of your photo, one for each of you and an extra just in case.