College Life

Why The End Of College Is Just As Great As The Beginning

Maybe you’re more than done with your time on campus; maybe you just miss the good old days. I’m talking to you, freshman year. Never the less, it’s time we stopped being so “woe as me” and thrive with the short time we have left. Here’s some realizations on the greatness that comes with nearing towards the end of college.

1. You’ve learned more than you ever thought you would.

Academically, it’s insanely impressive what you have accomplished by the end of college. Research projects, conferences, article annotations, finals, group presentations, juggling (PSY 2012 General Psychology anyone?), a million and one discussion posts, essays that were two digits in page length-to name a few. You did those things and pulled through, regardless that they were submitted a minute before 11:59 p.m..

2. You can still do freshman things.

Market Wednesdays? Still thriving. Memory Mall? There’s more hammocks than you’ve ever seen. Free stuff in the Student Union? Yep, you do want that free Knightro shirt more than you think. Do this stuff. All these things used to make you so proud and excited to be on campus. Check the very last items off of your bucket list, both on-campus and off. Just because you’re a little older and near the end of college doesn’t mean this must stop. Besides, UCF won’t be your normal anymore.


3. Nostalgia is a good thing.

I have endless web course assignments to complete, but here I am scrolling through albums on my phone. I think there’s something that makes us so happy when we’re caught up reminiscing in photos. It’s not a waste of time, it’s a replay of things we should be thankful for. When you’re thinking the end of college is the worst, change that. You could be making memories right now for future nostalgia.

See Also

4. You’re so close to graduation.

May 3rd– 5th 2018, that is all.

5. You’re incredibly vital to UCF and to the rest of the world you’re stepping into.

You secretly feel blessed whenever walking across Gemini Boulevard because you remember how you’re a part of a something bigger. That being 66,000 plus students. Talk about a family. Each of us brings so much to the table of Orlando and beyond. This university has valued you, your hard work, your enthusiasm, your school spirit, and your gifts and talents. Plus, you’re about to change the freaking world wherever your job or path leads you. This is the the end of college. Enjoy it while it lasts.

Share how you feel about the end of college in the comments below!
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