Why Luke P. From The Bachelorette Is The Actual Worst

While she was on Colton’s season of The Bachelor, I wasn’t the biggest fan of Alabama Hannah. So, when she was announced as this season’s Bachelorette, I wasn’t really looking forward to watching it. But because I’m so invested in this show and its drama, I ended up watching her season anyway, and I’ve grown to be quite fond of her awkward and quirky personality during her run as the Bachelorette. I really do want her to find the love that she deserves. However, I’ve got a bone to pick with Miss Alabama, and it’s the fact that she’s been giving Luke Parker a rose every single week despite the numerous amounts of red flags he’s shown. This isn’t even The Bachelorette anymore, it’s become The Luke Show. Luke P. is the actual worst, and I’m here to tell you why.
He’s the type of guy that says what you want to hear.
Let me bring up the first group date where his “talent” during the Mr. Right pageant was to confess to Hannah that he was already falling in love with her. Just that alone is a huge red flag. Spare me the “love at first sight” explanation. He absolutely calculated this confession. He got up on that stage, strategically used the fact that the rest of the guys were watching, and confessed his feelings for the sole purpose of being the front-runner of the show and getting Hannah’s full attention. I mean, I know feelings in the Bachelor world happen fast, but 48 hours and you’re already stating that you’re falling in love with her? Please. There was nothing sincere about that confession. Luke is very charming, no doubt, but he uses his charm in a way that manipulates Hannah into thinking that what he’s saying is wholehearted.
He refuses to take “no” for an answer.
During a sit down with Luke P. about how he needs to be more respectful of the other relationships that are forming with her in the third episode, Hannah specifically tells Luke to back off. But of course, when you tell a child to do something, they do the complete opposite. He acted like a baby the entire night and continued to try and barge in during any conversation she had with the other guys. What part of “back off” does he not understand?!
He’s a blatant liar and knows how to play the victim.
During the episode where Hannah takes the guys on a rugby group date, an encounter between Luke P. and Luke S. escalated. According to the guys who witnessed what happened, Luke P. body-slammed and kneed Luke S. in the face while the game was getting heated. When confronted about the situation, Luke P. made himself to be the victim stating that Luke S. tried to swing at him, causing Luke P. to use “self-defense”. While I can’t say whether this is actually what happened, it’s hard to believe anything that comes out of Luke P.’s mouth, especially when most of the other guys backed up Luke S.’s version of the story. He even made a comment on how Luke S. was only on the show to promote his tequila business, which wasn’t even an actual thing yet! C’mon, man. How do you straight up lie to a woman you’re allegedly falling in love with?
He’s controlling.
Who else got furious during the episode when Luke got upset at Hannah and Garrett’s naked bungee jump one-on-one date? Afterwards, Garrett went back to the house and told the rest of the guys about it, and Luke became visibly upset. He didn’t even believe it at first, but when Hannah confirmed what happened during the date, he went on to say that she made a “bonehead mistake” and inferred that he was hesitant about introducing her to his family because of this kind of behavior. He even stated during a confessional, “This is a woman I want to spend the rest of my life with, and I totally feel like that was crossing the line. Her body is her temple, and to expose it to anyone who isn’t her husband, is a slap in my face.”
When Hannah later confronted him about how his comments made her feel, she called Luke out, like the bad bitch that she is, for trying to control what she can and can’t do with her body. “You’re not my husband. You don’t own my body. You don’t own me. It’s my body.” Although Luke admitted that he handled the conversation poorly, he tried so hard to convince her that she “misunderstood” what he was saying. To say that my eyes rolled so far back into my head that I was able to see myself think during this discussion is an understatement. Just accept that you were wrong and move on, dude.
Don’t even get me started on Fantasy Suite Week when Luke threatens to walk out of the relationship if Hannah has slept around with the other guys. First of all, Luke, it’s not your body. And second of all, IT’S NOT YOUR BODY. We get it, you’re religious and conservative. But that still doesn’t give you the right to dictate what a woman decides to do with HER body.
He’s literally the cause of all the drama.
As much as I love the show for its dramatic content, Luke plays the common denominator when it comes to who stirs up all the chaos. In order for him to continue his façade, he uses most of his time during his one-on-one conversations with Hannah to throw somebody else under the bus and make himself look like the better candidate. In the words of Alabama Hannah herself, “Stay in your freaking lane.” Obviously no one is on the show to make friends, but for Luke to try and place himself in between other relationships that are forming instead of using his time with Hannah to focus on their relationship is annoying, disrespectful, and needs to end. It’s no wonder why nobody in the house likes him, and even Chris Harrison questioned what Hannah sees in him.
Luke P. is the poster child for toxic masculinity, and we see it in every episode of The Luke Show. His jealousy and constant gaslighting is not good for our sweet Hannah B. It baffles me how he’s made it so far as to take Hannah to meet his family, but to each their own, I guess.