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Why Living In NYC In Your 20’s Is Life Changing

Why Living In NYC In Your 20’s Is Life Changing

I tell everyone who’s path I cross, “You need to move to NYC in your 20’s, trust me.”. Sometimes people reply with an excited “I know! I’ve always wanted to.”. Others reply with a snarky comment about the smell or hating the city in general. Honestly, I get it. New York City, or any city for that matter, is not for everyone but I challenge even you big city haters to try it for one year. Manhattan has an energy to it that I can’t begin to explain but make everyone a different person than they were before. Here are some main reasons living in NYC will change your life. 


Moving to New York City will bring a newfound independence out of you instantly. For most people, I’m willing to be you’ll be scared sh*tless upon moving to the city but the good news is, that fear will be what pushes you to figure it out. You have to grow up pretty quickly and learn to not rely on other people for things pretty fast. If you don’t know how to get where you’re going, figure it out. If you see a fight on the street, help out or watch out for your own back. NYC has such a family feel to it when it’s important. If there was an accident on the subway, you’ll see many people come together to help but if things are just running smoothly, don’t rely on anyone to have your back because they are all too busy focusing on their own lives to care about yours. 


Going Out

Going out in New York City is unlike any house party I’ve ever experienced. Personally, since I was in the city for college, while most of my bffs were at house parties in frat basements I was sitting in the booth at Up & Down getting bottle service. Not to suggest either scenario is better than the other because trust me, the clubs in NYC are not always the best time but it is an experience of a lifetime. Whenever you go out in Manhattan you are opening yourself to have the night of your life. For all you know, you could end up at a bar with Scott Disick or Kourtney Kardashain. Most clubs in NYC also will be crawling with promoters who are on the hunt to take good pictures of pretty people so you are bound to get some Instagram content. The upscale vibes that come with going out in NYC also require a certain dresscode for you to “fit in”. My small town self came to the city ready to go out wearing riding boots and blue jeans, boy was I in for a shock. Going out in New York City proved to be one of the most influential parts of my city experience. I was forced to grow out of my comfort zone and start riding in the fast lane very fast. 

The Passion

The Passion and drive you’ll feel immediately upon entering NYC is one of the main reasons it is called “the greatest city in the world”. Everyone in New York is working for something and hustling for something else on the side. We all know what it’s like to feel on top of the world and at rock bottom because when you want something with all of your heart, it’s hard to ever give up on it. This creates a strong sense of community throughout the city. Whoever you pass on the streets is always living in their little world the same way you are. All of this energy is the reason NYC is famous for making dreams come true but really, it’s not the city at all. It’s the people. New Yorkers get a bad rep, from what I’ve experienced, New Yorkers are some of the most hardworking and loyal people I’ve ever met.

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We’ve hand-picked 10 unique bars and restaurants in Aliso Viejo, CA for you to sink your teeth into. Like the city motto says “experience it all” explore and enjoy!

Hustle & Bustle

Baby, the speed of New York City is another world. If you’re coming from a small town like I did, the culture shock of walking into this city is similar to being in the middle of a NASCAR race stuck on the track. If you don’t move, you’ll get run over. Although it’s intimidating, the speed of the city is actually a main reason the city is so important to anyone in their 20’s. You will learn how to get sh*t done and fast. The speed in the city teaches you that you are always replaceable and can be left in the dust if you don’t keep up. I’m sure this is a big reason why the work ethic in NYC is always non-stop incredible. 


Living in NYC is like a crash course in adulting and how to have the most fun possible. There is a surplus of bars, clubs, hot guys, dream jobs, and dollar pizza slices that WILL make for the most incredible stories to tell your kids about one day. I grew up as a young woman faster in the first 6 months of living in Manhattan than I did in the first eighteen years of my life total. So go to the city while you can deal with living in a shoebox with six roommates and, when you’re willing to work a shitty coffee shop job to make ends meet and, when you’re looking to sleep with four different men in one week and go out on a tuesday night. The only rule in this city is, don’t blink because baby, years pass like seconds in this city and in the blink of an eye, you’ll be the woman you always dreamed of being. Remember, foucs on making your dreams come true, this is the perfect city for it but don’t forget to have lots of fun and make lots of new friends. NYC is your oyster, baby! Comment down below if this made you want to move to NYC! If you already have lived there, comment on your favorite spot in the city.