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Why it’s Okay to Become a New You in College

Why it’s Okay to Become a New You in College

Starting college is like having New Years Day come in September (or August, depending on your school). People everywhere are making resolutions to keep up their GPAs, exercise regularly, fall in love… the possibilities seem endless! A brand new semester at a brand new school can seem like starting a new chapter in your story. But for some people that’s not enough. Guess what? That’s perfectly fine. Here’s why it’s okay to become a new you in college.


There are no written rules about what’s acceptable and what’s not once you’re in college. This is the time for you to be totally independent and really find out who you are. Like I said, some people like to start new chapters, and some people may want to start a whole new book. Whatever you choose to do, just make sure it makes you happy! Here are 5 reasons on why you should try to become someone new in college.



Your previous reputation doesn’t carry over.

This is a time of total self-discovery and exploration, and it’s completely fine if you discover you want to change! In fact, most people do. Maybe you were a slacker in high school? Now is the perfect opportunity to turn over a new leaf and really give your studies some extra love and attention. Maybe you were quiet and kept to yourself? If you want branch out, be loud, give new things a try! What’s the worst that could happen?



Popularity isn’t a thing anymore.

Popular and unpopular are less common terms in college, especially in a big school. Everyone tends to be in the same boat you are, doing their own thing with their friends or trying to make new friends. NOTE: You may run into people who think that being popular is still important, run away! They’re stuck in high school and aren’t worth your new-self’s time. Which brings me to my next point…

There’s a difference between changing for yourself, and being fake.

 If you’re worried that people will take you changing as you being fake or not being yourself, then you’re worrying about the wrong thing. These next four years are your years to be totally selfish. Do what makes you happy, be the kind of person you want to be! Don’t worry about what people from high school might think when you go home. Live for yourself and no one else.


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These are the years you get to be completely selfish.

It’s probably one of the only times you get to be completely in charge of you, yourself, and no one else. Take advantage of this time. While you’re in college, your number one priority is to get an education and have a good time. At this stage in your life, you probably don’t have too many bills to deal with, or dependents that you’re responsible for. That may change once college is over, so take this time to “do you” and know yourself better.


You’re exposed to so many new things.

It’s almost harder not to become a new person! You’re going to be exposed to a million different things that maybe you’ve never seen before. New people, food, places, activities, classes, etc. Some you’ll like, some you won’t, but you’re allowed to follow your newfound passions and see where they take you! You may find that you have a hidden love for something, and in turn meet some really cool people who share similar interests. My best advice for you then is to just go for it. Go all in, because college is the greatest time of your life and you should spend it doing what makes you happy.
