Why It’s Important For Women To Support Women More Than Ever

It’s a well-known fact that women have always had an undercover issue supporting other women. No one knows exactly why, not even us women. However, given the insanely harsh and outright evil times we are currently living in, it is vital for us women to support one another. The society will live in today is not necessarily evolving for the better. There are frequent mass shootings, daily societal injustices against minorities and an extreme narcissist and proud racist is the leader of the free world. With all that said, we are in a crucial time where supporting women, should be a no-brainer. This is why it’s important for women to support women.
We, women, are the backbone of everything! Women are the greatest givers of love and we are glorious birthers of life! We have a remarkable way of soothing even the tensest of situations and we have a built-in lie-detector called our “intuition”, that lets us know what we need to know. Yet, even with each of us possessing all that, along with having our own unique skills and gifts, we continuously compete, bash and persecute each other.
There is such great power in us women standing together and supporting one of another. The annual Women’s March, for example, shows just how incredibly powerful, intelligent and magnificent we are when we support each other. We can evoke such real and great change in this world if we would put aside the petty shit that we allow too often to divide us and pit us against one another.
Women supporting women has got to stop being a foreign concept. Men support one another way more than we women do. They mock and ridicule us for it too. The time has come for us to realize just how immensely powerful and necessary it is for us to support one another. Imagine all of the incredible things we can accomplish by doing so. This is why it’s important for women to support women
Let’s cut the bitchy bullshit and rise up as the bad bitch bosses we are, together!
Let us know what you think about why it’s important for women to support women in the comments below!
Featured image source: weheartit.com

Kennisha is currently studying at Southern New Hampshire University to obtain her bachelors in Creative Writing. She is an avid lover of art and poetry. Her favorite word is "create" because she feels the word "represents the endless possibilities and marvelous creations the mind can conjure".