Gorgeous, Prestigious And Original: Why I Chose To Join A Multicultural Sorority

The media portrays sororities as a group of women that thrive off drama within their sorority sisters and spend weekends and weeknights at the bars, but after being introduced to Gamma Phi Omega International Sorority Incorporated I found out that those depictions were not true. Not many know this until they arrive they college campus and I am guilty for it too, but there are multicultural sorority. The environment, rules, and Greek life within a multicultural organization is completely different than the typical Greek life. These are the reasons why I am glad I joined a multicultural sorority.
1. Quality > Quantity
My organization may be only 18 members but I truly feel I have a genuine relationship with all my sisters. Although sometimes it seems ideal to have large numbers to make your sorority’s house seem top house, sometimes quality over quantity is a better mindset. In having a smaller organization, it truly does create stronger bonds and a pure and genuine sisterhood.
2. Surround yourself with like minded women.
Although the goals of each and every sister in my sorority differ, we have all joined for professionalism and want to empower one another and other women of color for higher education. It creates a safe environment knowing you are surrounded by great women who empower you to become the best form of yourself.
3. We stay woke!
It may difficult at times to remain silent with all the political tensions at rise, but in joining a multicultural sorority I feel that it gives more opportunities to show that individuals in oppressed communities are present and should not be belittled to a stereotype. In joining a multicultural organization it helps you become more politically woke whether it is by hosting events that educate other on certain issues or presenting dances from certain different multicultural backgrounds to attempt to stop arrogant misconceptions.
4. You are never bored.
A sister is a text away for either a venting session, a quick cup of coffee or a studying buddy. In creating bonds with every sister it ensures that there is never a dull moment. You all catch up in each others inside jokes, boy drama, and feel comfortable reaching out to any sister whenever.
5. The time commitment is worth it.
Although it may feel like everyday is a busy day with Greek Life, it truly is rewarding. Dedicating time outside of class and work to volunteer regularly, grinding to prove our academic excellence, and educating others on sensitive topics, shows that everyday is a day in which we represent our organization in the best light possible. We all come from parents who have migrated to the United States to give us nothing but the best and in return we give back to the community and also prove to the institution that we are more than just a statistic.
6. Genuine Sisterhood: Now and Forever
“Unity and Sisterhood,
Now and Forever,
One and Inseparable”
This is actually my sorority’s motto in which I everyday we experience whether it is through random hangouts that turn out to be low-key therapy sessions, laughing about the dumbest things till we cry from laughter to looking at each and every of your sister and thinking about how grateful you are they have been placed in your life. I know this sisterhood isn’t seasonal, its something that is hear for ever that each and one of us works everyday to better. These ladies become your hype women, study buddies and everlasting sisters.