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Why I Chose To Go To University Closer To Home

Why I Chose To Go To University Closer To Home

For a lot of young adults, university is a place of freedom and self-discovery. Therefore, some people might not want their parents knowing their every move. I get it. However, going to a university closer to home has its upsides. Personally, choosing a university closer to home was one of the best decisions I ever made.

1. You can live at home and save money

Choosing a university closer to home means you have the option to live at home and save tons of money while you’re at it. On average, student living costs such as housing, food, and transport in Australia can cost upwards of $20,000 per year. Yikes! Therefore, if you live at home whilst studying at university you’ll save on rent/housing costs, food expenses and so much more. If you choose to live at home instead of a dorm room/house share whilst studying, you’ll also most likely have fewer distractions and more living space. Yes please!

2. More stability, less stress

Starting university is extremely exciting, however, it can be very daunting and overwhelming. For me, going to university closer to home made the whole transition easier as I was familiar with my surroundings. Knowing you’re close to home can also help relieve any feelings of homesick or stress.


3. Your pets are close-by

If I had to part from my dog for university, I would’ve been a complete mess. Don’t judge, she’s like my baby. So if you guys are like me and don’t think you’d be able to cope without your pets heart-warming cuddles, then going to university closer to home is perfect as your beloved best friends will be around the corner!


4. You’re able to continue your high school part-time job

Going to university closer to home also allowed me to keep my high school part-time job. I was so grateful for this as it saved me from a lot of the stress, energy and time that comes with finding a new job. As I got to keep my high school part-time gig, I also didn’t have the stress of starting somewhere new – having to learn a different role or new systems and procedures.

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5. Maintain relationships with family, partners and high school friends

Going to a university closer to home meant I was lucky enough to be able to regularly catch up with my family, my boyfriend, and my closest high school friends. I wasn’t torn between my “uni life” and my “home life” as I was able to maintain my relationships with my old friends, family and my partner, whilst forming new friendships with students at my university. My family, my boyfriend, and my friends are a big part of my life, so having my sister, my best friend from high school, my boyfriend and my uni friends all close-by was incredible. It’s always good to have a great support system close-by whilst at university as uni can become very stressful and hectic very easily.


6. Avoid the “Freshman 15”

The “Freshman 15” is an American expression that refers to the 15 pounds of weight a student gains their first year of college. You can easily avoid the “Freshman 15” when you attend a university closer to home as you can substitute the quick fix fast food and sugary cereals for regular healthy, home-cooked meals. Even take a few meals back to your dorm room to have as leftovers, that way you’re not tempted to binge on pizza and soft drink while you catch up on your fave Netflix series.

Which do you prefer? Going to university closer to home or farther away? Let us know in the comments section below!

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