Categories: Lifestyle

Why Following Your Dreams Should Never Take The Backseat

Following your dreams is the path to happiness that instills a sense of self-worth during your journey forward. The ultimate goal in life is to be content with your lifestyle. Content comes from doing something you enjoy. However, in most cases following your dreams has taken the backseat based on the reality of living a stable life.

Stability Versus Following Your Dreams

Following a path you’re unsure of can be very confusing. But intertwined with negative feedback from your peers and community makes following your dreams seem as if your trying for the impossible. Stability in first world nations starts with money and income. If your dreams are unclear as far as how much money it will bring in then assume that society will try to sway you to safer pathways. This isn’t to be negative. Your friends and family want to see you succeed. However, their mindset is built upon the idea of taking opportunities that will benefit you the most.

Maybe you love painting but an opportunity in business management comes along. Most likely, the advice you will be given will sound similar to this, ‘Which job is going to pay the bills?’

You already know what job is going to pay the bills but have you thought of what job is going to make you happy in the end.

Organize Your Time And Priorities

Being in love with what you do in life is very important to your mental and physical health. Following your dreams, ambitions and goals create an exciting atmosphere packed with surprises. You enjoy talking about your passion, therefore, you’re going to put your all into whatever you choose to do.

Following your dreams should never take the backseat because that is ultimately putting yourself last. Individuals don’t necessarily have to go full blown in chasing their dreams but they do need to try for them.

If you want to be a writer, you don’t have to quit a good job to follow your dreams. Write in your spare time. Organizing your time and priorities is key. If something is keeping you from doing what you love to do then you need to discover how to fix the problem.

Take Large Footsteps Toward Following Your Dreams

Every footstep toward following your dreams is meaningful regardless if you failed or not. The words chasing or following your dreams means you are heading down a path that will be long and sometimes dangerous. But the greatness of going on a long journey is the fact individuals will learn through the trial and error method. You try and if you don’t succeed you try again or try something new.

See Also

When you do become successful in catching your dreams you’ll look back on your journey and have the wisdom to mentor others who are going through the same thing you did.

Never Give Up On Yourself

You are your biggest advocate. If you preach that your goals are impossible then they will become impossible. There are enough negative people in this world that want to see you fail. Therefore, don’t root against yourself. The moment you give up on something you wanted to do in life is the moment you really failed following your dreams. There is nothing wrong with recollecting your thoughts or changing your dreams.

People grow up and their dreams, ambitions, and goals blossom alongside them. Embrace this growth and let it guide you to happiness. Because change is good and as long as you have faith in something you’ll be okay.

J.K Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series followed her dreams to be a writer. Though she struggled in her life during the writing process for the first book and she was rejected multiple times. Rowling still came out on top because she never gave up. Individuals need to believe in themselves and know that their dreams matter. Rowling is now doing what she loves to do because she made the choice to follow her dreams and stray away from the norm.

Nothing is impossible when you have the right mindset and believe in your dreams. Following your dreams is no joke and you will understand in the end why your dreams matter. Let us know in the comment section what goals are on your list to achieve.
Feature Image Source:
Annie Russell

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