Categories: Lifestyle

Why Chickens Actually Make The Best Pets – We’re Serious

When you first read the title I’m sure you’re thinking w-t-f. When you think of chickens you probably think of Nando’s, or scary farm animals but that couldn’t be further from the truth. They actually make great pets, whether you’re a country bumpkin or not. Yeah, we’re serious. There are so many reasons why and we’re going explore them. So, without any crazy ado here is why chickens actually make the best pets.

They give you food

I mean come on, that’s amazing! All my foodies will agree with me. Free eggs! Chickens often lay an egg a day or every other day and they are so fresh and delicious. Much tastier than the typical store-bought ones. Plus different breeds lay different sizes and colours which is really exciting.

They have individual personalities

This might be so crazy for you to believe but is so true and by spending just a day with them you will see that. Affectionate, bossy, timid, loud, standoffish, funny. There are so different traits they can have and seeing how they all interact with one another is interesting.

Are super cute

Don’t deny it. Their pretty feathers and gorgeous eyes will have you melting.

Save them from a life of pain

By having a chicken as your pet you’re potentially saving them from ending up on someone’s dinner plate or living their lives caged up as a battery hen and abused.


A chick is possibly the cutest baby animal on the planet. They are actual balls of fluff who make the cutest little noises. You can have a chick in your life by buying one to raise or by having your existing chicken do the deed and hatch. Either way, you certainly won’t regret it. They are far too cute.

Won’t ruin your house

No house training puppies or kittens that will poop on the carpet and couch and chew and destroy all your favourite belongings. Chickens stay firmly outside and help you live sustainably rather than messy.

There are so many different breeds

When you imagine or picture a chicken you probably see a classic white or brown one but there are hundreds of different breeds of crazy colours, shapes, sizes, and patterns. Have a look around to see what you aesthetically like the most but also read more into the specific personality and care required.

See Also

Can be affectionate

Obviously, this doesn’t apply to them all but is very common. They become much more tame over time and if raised from a chick will be very friendly. They’ll sit on your lap, ask to be stroked and cuddle. There’s also a story of a chicken who would run up the drive every day to meet his friend off his school bs and jump into his arms. Adorable!

Make clothes for them!

The cutest and funniest thing I’ve ever seen. Will keep them warm in the winter and a fab activity if you like to knit or you can buy outfits online. And the designs don’t just stop here. There are hats and even tutus.

Get along with your other pets

Sounds unlikely but I know from experience it is possible. Dogs can get along quite well with them and even cats will tolerate them. It isn’t something to risk but depending on the breed and personality is likely. If they’ve grown up together they really can be lifelong friends.

Chickens are the perfect mix between dogs and cats: they are independent, love people who bring them food, and love to be their own crazy selves. It’s different and unique to have a pet chicken. You’ll definitely stand out. Chickens are the most “chic” pet you could possibly have. And we think it’s time everyone knew.

Do you have a pet chicken? Tell us your favourite thing about them.

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Tags: chickens
Milly Cooper-Britland

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