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Why Bullet Journals Are The Best Thing To Ever Happen To You

Why Bullet Journals Are The Best Thing To Ever Happen To You

Have you ever wanted to keep a diary or planner? Here are some of the reasons why bullet journals are literally the best thing to ever happen to you.

Have you ever wanted to keep a diary or planner but didn’t know where to begin? Are you someone who is super organized? Have you ever heard of what a bullet journal is? From the official bullet journal website, “The Bullet Journal is a customizable and forgiving organization system. It can be your to-do list, sketchbook, notebook, and diary, but most likely, it will be all of the above. It will teach you to do more with less.” Here are some of the reasons why bullet journals are literally the best thing to ever happen to you.

1. Keeping Organized

If you crave structure and order in your chaotic life, bullet journals offer a safe haven! You can design your own bullet journal to fit your needs and schedule.

2. Track Your Habits

As they say, practice makes perfect. When it comes to setting goals for yourself, it’s nice to have somewhere to track your success.



3. Bucket List

Whether it’s what books you want to read or what states you want to visit, you can find these inside your bullet journal.

4. Cute Fonts

You don’t have be a master calligrapher to have a unique font for your bullet journal. These cute fonts can add a touch of elegance or can just be for fun.


5. #ClassNotesGoals

Now when your classmates as to copy your notes, you’ll happily hand over your bullet journal to show off your awesome and stylish note taking.

6. Weight Loss Progress

If your New Year’s resolution was to get ready for bikini season, use a bullet journal to follow your weight loss journey. You’ll feel a surge of pride when you look back at your bullet journal’s progress as well as your body’s.

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7. Key to Success

When starting your bullet journal it’s smart to create a simple yet creative key for symbols or objects that will reappear throughout the journal. These symbols can make your journal look more like artwork instead of pages of words.

8. For The Aesthetic

Bullet Journals don’t have to just be for tasks and planning, they’re also great for creating mini mood-boards or regular journaling and doodling.

Why do you think bullet journals are the best thing to ever happen to you? Comment below!
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