Important! There are definitely spoilers throughout this article, so if you aren’t all caught up on Big Brother, you might want to wait until you are to read this!
I’ve been watching Big Brother since middle school, when my parents finally decided I was old enough to. What’s been called the Game Show of the Summer, Big Brother puts a group of house guests into the Big Brother House all summer, as they fight to win challenges, gain power in the house and evict each other until only one is left standing.
What’s great about this season is that it’s All Stars! For season 22, Big Brother brought back the best of the best. Well, mostly. We’ll get to that later.
If you’re relatively caught up, you know that Zingbot just made his annual appearance. This year, Zingbot was themed to be like a spin off of Tiger King. Zingbot was out for blood this year, as he roasted the house guests in places where it hurt. From Cody’s IQ to Nicole’s voice, nothing was off limits. Zingbot then hosted the veto competition, which was also Tiger King themed, and had the house guests running around the backyard to get stuffed tigers to their correct cages. Competitions like this one and many more push house guests to the limit to earn power, and be able to control the game.
A big aspect of this season has been the conversations the house guests have been happening about the climate in the outside world. Specifically, surrounding the Black Lives Matter movement, and LGBTQ issues.
Da’Vonne, Bayleigh and David have engaged in many conversations about why it is important for them to be representative of the Black community, and Da’Vonne has been extremely vocal about how important it is for her to win, so the winner board of Big Brother includes someone who looks like her. It’s tough when some were against them in the game to not see it as personal, but through the conversations aired, I was happy to see that all house guests were really open to hearing about Da’Vonne, Bayleigh and David’s experiences and motivations.
Kevin, a member of the LGBTQ community, has expressed that his driving factor to win the game and the $500,000 prize is so he can begin the process of having a child with his partner. Kevin has also engaged in conversations with other house guests about how he struggles to try and be representative of the LGBTQ community and he hopes his efforts do them justice on the platform he has.
One of the interesting parts of the season has been the cliques that has formed based on when the house guests played. For example, Janelle, Kaysar, Memphis and Keesha sort of stuck together in the beginning, as they are all from older seasons. The rest of the players played Big Brother much more recent, and may not have known the older people as well.
I can’t help but shout out some of my favorite players. I loved Enzo on season 12, and I was so happy Big Brother brought him back as an All Star. Maybe he’s the super-Italian uncle I always wished I had, but something about him as a player is really likable. I think that he plays the game great. He doesn’t get very involved in drama, but he seems to be relatively in the know of what is going on. He played a pretty solo game for a while, with a couple lowkey alliances, but he isn’t obviously aligned with one or a group of people, which I think is keeping him safe.
Christmas is another player I’m a fan of. I know she isn’t the most liked in the Big Brother house right now, but I have a lot of respect for her as a player. I think that she isn’t afraid to make decisions that will benefit her and only her, which honestly is a great strategy to advance your way in the game, and I think can earn some respect in the Jury house. She is in an alliance, but she also works to make connections outside of that, which is important as the game progresses.
Now, on to a player who I was surprised to see: David.
I knew I wouldn’t be the only one who was surprised to see David return as an “All Star.” David played his first time on season 21, but went home after an opening-night twist sent him packing. For someone who didn’t make it past week one on his first time playing, I don’t know if I would qualify him as an All Star, especially in the company of some of the greats that came back. And the other house guests have definitely picked up on it and used it against him. I don’t really know if they are right to treat him differently for it, but I definitely don’t blame them when they are reluctant to work with him or trust him on things, because so much of how he plays the game is just so unknown.
Let’s take a minute to talk about my queen Julie Chen Moonves. Truly the hostess with the mostest, Julie has been an icon for the show for years. From her #ButFirst dramatic look on live shows, to her adorable commentary and banter with the house guests, the show wouldn’t be as great and flow as smoothly without her.
Whether you’ve been a Big Brother fan since the start, or picked it up recently, I think Big Brother is a great summer watch for anyone. It can be laugh out loud funny, but what I’ve enjoyed the most this season is how real some of the conversations have been, surrounding the climate outside the house. I appreciate the house guests using their platform to raise awareness around important issues, and I applaud Big Brother for incorporating those into the episodes so they’re aired.
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