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Why Being Single In College Is A Great Choice

Why Being Single In College Is A Great Choice

In college, there’s a lot of pressure put on us to be in a relationship. Many people think of college as an opportunity to meet their future spouse. You’re working towards your degree, thinking of the future, and you’re starting to picture a little family. That’s completely normal. But why put all that pressure on yourself on top of the already overwhelming college experience that you’re going through? You’re still young when you’re in college. You have so much more learning and growing to do, and you don’t know what the rest of the world has to offer you yet. I’m here to tell you why being single in college is a great choice, and I hope it takes some of the pressure off wanting to find a serious relationship so fast. 

You can focus more on school

A great reason to stay single in college is so you can focus on why you’re there in the first place – to get your degree. College is already hard because it’s most people’s first time away from home and being their own person. Add the heavy amount of workload that classes require and your plate is absolutely full. When you’re single, you can put complete focus on maintaining good grades in all your courses, which makes the amount of money spent worth it. 


Relationships are time and energy consuming

Being in a relationship while you’re trying to earn your degree can be overwhelming, especially if it’s your first year and you’re still trying to get accustomed to the lifestyle. You’re trying to find the time to balance a relationship, maintain a social life, keep up with your studies, and may even have a part-time job on the side. It’s exhausting. You don’t want to feel like you’re neglecting your relationship, but you also don’t want to fall behind on your priorities. When you’re single in college, you can use the extra time and energy that you would’ve put into a relationship on taking care of yourself.


You can drink and party as much as you want

With college comes college parties, and with college parties comes booze. Lots of it. When you’re single in college, you can go out to the clubs and get lit at parties as much as you want without having to worry about getting into a huge argument with your significant other because you were being sloppy and looking like a fool. You can be completely unapologetic for your drunkenness last night when you’re single because you’re just living your damn life and having a good time. No explanations needed. 


You can focus more on your social life

Balancing your school life and social life is important during college. You get to meet so many new and different kinds of people that make your college experience the best. They might even end up becoming your lifelong friends. If you’re single in college, you won’t have to worry about a jealous significant other getting pissed off at you for going to events or talking to certain people. You’re free to hang with and talk to whoever you want without feeling guilty about it. 

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You have so many more opportunities 

Ever thought about studying abroad? Well, it’s hard to do that when you’re not single because in the back of your head, you’ll constantly be thinking about your relationship while you’re away, and you won’t be able to fully enjoy your experience as a student in another country. Maybe you’re interested in taking a course that your university only offers during the summer, but you forgot you made plans to spend the entire summer with your boo. What if that class could’ve changed your life? 


You get to figure out who you are

You learn a lot about yourself in college, but in order to do that, you need to be with yourself. When you’re single in college, you’re able to really focus on what you like, what you want, and what you need. As you go through this experience, you’re learning all about who you are as an adult. This isn’t high school anymore. You’re setting up for the real world and you need to be able to be an independent person in it. Being tied down in college prevents you from getting to know who you really are. How are you going to find yourself if you don’t even know how to be with yourself?

Why do you think being single in college is a great choice? We’d love to hear your reasons in the comments! 

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