Why A Plan B Is Much Needed After University!

After university, we all have the same fantasy of how we want our lives to go post uni. Somehow our minds jump to multiple unrealistic conclusions that go in the following order;
Step 1: Graduation- finally getting that degree and walking down that stage like an absolute boss!
Step 2: Miraculously landing that dream job we went to uni for to get!
Step 3: Living the lifestyle we all see in the movies, from the money to our dream house, the walk in closet to the all the designer clothes we fill it with!
[Pause- for a return back to reality…]
It is only truly when we are finished taking off our gowns, hanging our diplomas on our walls and most importantly posting our graduation day pics on Facebook, that we finally get a grip onto reality. In this case, the build up to actual doing something with that beloved piece of paper we have been given has come for us, and if you have not already guessed it, it has done so with a vengeance!
Let’s face it… we have all done it, fresh after university we log onto our computers, hop on over to LinkedIn or Indeed and start our journey into finding employment. However, the truth is that we either don’t find what we are looking for, or we do and enthusiastically hit that apply button with all the confidence and charisma we as millennials are programmed to have and ultimately get rejected!
With this being said, we start to navigate ourselves into making a U turn. We either give up our souls and look for any random job we can find just to get that much wanted ‘employed’ label attached to us or we mindlessly carry on applying like a livelihood hungry robot hoping that this strategy somehow will increase the odds of us finding something!
Regardless, the whole agonizing process teaches us that we were, in a way wrong to ‘dream big’ or at least straight away!
This is purely why it is vital to have a so called ‘Plan B’ after university, one that does not rest solely on you becoming the CEO of your dream company within a matter of months from graduating!
Having a Plan B is almost like a safety net below you as you try to reach for the stars when trying to navigate your career, it is there to catch you and keep you safe and stable if you fall whilst aiming too high too earlier on!
A Plan B after university is thus highly subjective, it should be something you would like to do/ can do for the time being whilst trying to make it to the big time. This can consist of getting a non-paid internship which will look impressive on your CV for future employers, whilst also helping you to gain all the valuable skills and experience needed in any work place. For example, most internships work around the idea of interns helping out with admin- this is something which every job and company requires from its employees. So if an employer sees you have experience writing professional emails, are good on the phone with clients and in general have already worked in a professional organization- even just as an intern, they will surely be interested in you! However, it is important to keep in mind that although internships are highly regarded to employers, this does not mean you are automatically guaranteed the job. In this instance, it does help to set you apart from other candidates whilst also giving you an opportunity to learn as you go on your way to eventually finding your dream job!
Another good Plan B is trying to find some volunteer work.
This can be anything like working for a charity. All employers want to see potential employees who are passionate and hardworking people. Volunteering, therefore makes you appear like both of these things as you are willing to selflessly devote your time into helping others whilst also giving you the generic skills everyone needs to have in any work place: communication skills, being a team player etc…
However, if you are really broke after uni (like the majority of all students) finding a standard part time job somewhere is the way to go. Jobs like bartending, waitressing and tutoring are always advertised for and you can definitely try to rake in as much money as you can if you are realistically unable to find the job you want straight away!
Lastly, you can also try to kill two birds with one stone by finding some part time work AND a part time internship/ volunteer position where you can make money whilst also adding on some great experience onto your CV!