10 Whiter Teeth Life Hacks That Will Make Your Smile Glow

Everyone wants to have whiter teeth, but not everyone wants to pay for it. There is a common misconception that in order to brighten your smile you have to pay for expensive dental treatments, buy pricey products, or invest in several sessions of bleaching. But that is not always that case, here are 10 Whiter Teeth Life Hacks That Will Make Your Smile Glow.
1. Charcoal toothpaste / powder
It does not matter the method, this life hack will definitely get you whiter teeth. Charcoal absorbs toxins that are inside the of your body, this includes any stains that may be on your teeth, The powder option can get a bit messy at times as it is a loose product. If you are looking for a quick solution to add into your morning and nightly routine, the toothpaste is your best choice.
2. Coconut Oil mouth rinse
In what seems to be the 64826764th use we can now use coconut oil to get whiter teeth. You can use it for the oil pulling method. Similar to the charcoal, coconut oil naturally absorbs toxins that are on your teeth. Take a spoon full of oil and use it as a mouth rinse. The hardest part is to keep it in for about 2o minutes.
3. Baking soda
Baking soda has tons of uses and one of them is that is has a brightening quality. Mix with water to create a paste and put it on your toothbrush in place of toothpaste.
4. Eating the right foods
Many people think that in order to to get whiter teeth, you have to use a product, A surprising way to keep your teeth looking their best is to simply increase the amount of water rich fruits that you consume such as strawberries. Strawberries have natural whitening properties.
5. Lemon / orange peel or rinse
Lemon and orange peels naturally have acidity which can be used to safely and naturally whiten your teeth. There are 2 ways to utilize this method. The first is to rub the peel on your teeth to allow the juice to soak in. The second and easier option is to squeeze a few drops of either lemon or orange juice into baking soda to create a paste.
6. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar is another option that again has so many uses. You can dilute this with water and use it as a mouth rinse. Afterward, follow up with your regular mouth wash or use water to remove any lingering after taste.
7. A Whitening regimen
If DIY and creating your own products are not for you, take the traditional route and choose an established product line. Several companies such as Crest, and Oral – B offer several whitening products. Choose a strip, toothpaste, and mouth wash to watch your smile brighten.
8. Sea salt and baking soda
This is a whitening hack for those who want to get creative. This is a safe and natural way that ends with you having whiter teeth, get rid of plaque, and keep your mouth healthy. Both have whitening elements within them and the sea salts gritty texture washes away plaque and buildup.
9. Tumeric Powder
Tumeric powder naturally has antioxidant, inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties, so along with giving you whiter teeth, your mouth will be kept healthy and fresh.
10. DIY toothpaste
For this white teeth hack, you literally will be making your own toothpaste, all with ingredients that you can get at the store. Combine coconut oil, bicarbonate soda, lemon juice, and peppermint oil.
Which of these suggestions or tips will you be using to get whiter teeth?
Featured image: https://www.istockphoto.com/photos/woman-brushing-teeth

Based in the NY/NJ/PA area, Amber is an upcoming graduate with a passion for writing about all things beauty, fashion, and lifestyle.