Categories: Horoscopes

Which Stranger Things Character Are You According To Your Zodiac?

Who’s excited for the new season of ‘Stranger Things’? We are!

In honor of our favorite ensemble cast, we’re here to tell you which ‘Stranger Things’ character you are according to your zodiac sign. Are you the town sheriff? The telepathic crazy kid? Or maybe you’re feeling a little Demogorgon-y (okay, we’re not really including this one in our list). Read on to find out who exactly you are!

Aries, Eleven

She’s the girl who started it all – and that’s true of Aries signs too.

Eleven is the escaped telekinetic girl with a headstrong attitude. She’ll dive into any situation as it requires, often without thought for her own self and other’s reactions. Maybe someday she’ll stick with Hopper’s plans, but not today.

Taurus, Jim Hopper

Stubborn beyond reason, Hopper usually survives all the crazy shit going down in Hawkins out of spite – and that sort of persistence is very Taurus of him.

Also in keeping with Taurus’ spirit is his immovability in his convictions, even when it erred towards Eleven’s detriment.

Gemini, Dustin Henderson

Gemini signs are characterized by their inquisitiveness – often wanting to see things from multiple perspectives in order to fully comprehend a topic or subject.

And if keeping a Demogorgon baby in your room isn’t Gemini AF, well, we don’t know what is.

Cancer, Jonathan Byers

Cancer signs are known for being moody – and the moodiest of all of Hawkins’ residents has to be Jonathan Byers. He feels his brother’s disappearance very deeply and wallows in grief (as opposed to Joyce, who literally refuses to wallow in order to get shit done).

Leo, Billy Hargrove

This spot might’ve gone to dear Steve Harrington if Billy hadn’t come along and toppled that social ladder.

He’s a showoff, refuses to share the spotlight. Not that Leo signs are all self-absorbed assholes, just that Billy represents that energy the best.

Virgo, Nancy Wheeler

Aside from being a dedicated student and goody-two-shoes – well, she’s also a badass with a gun, and is generally a girl you do not wanna fuck with.

And while Virgo signs might look nice and pure, they certainly are capable of flipping the switch if anyone tries to mess with them and their own.

Libra, Lucas Sinclair

He’s not the party-pooper – just the one with the level-head to see the consequences and well as the positives of taking on an insidious government organization.

See Also

He’s someone who weighs his options but is loyal and cool at heart, just like any Libra sign.

Scorpio, Max Mayfield

Edgy and apathetic (at least on the surface), Max embodies the Scorpio spirit in its essence. No nonsense Barbz embodies the same, but Max wins out on account of her not being, ya know, dead.

She’s level-headed and one of the more intense characters on screen – like when she beats the crap out of her abusive brother? Yeah.

Sagittarius, Mike Wheeler

The kid who let a stranger stay with him, who leads their group headlong into madness, and is unafraid to tread new territory. That adventurous spirit is very Sag-like, as they refuse to limit themselves or their world to mundane possibilities.

Capricorn, Steve Harrington

Steve Harrington might once have been concerned with high school popularity – but soon discovered there were bigger things on the horizon. Like many Capricorn signs, popularity is important, but they also see a life beyond it.

Aquarius, Joyce Byers

Aquarius signs might not be the most forthcoming, but that doesn’t mean they don’t feel deeply. Joyce, in face of unimaginable tragedy, holds it together long enough to know that she isn’t crazy, her son isn’t dead and searches for him in spite of everyone else. It’s a very Aquarian love, and why she embodies this zodiac sign the most.

Pisces, Will Byers

Pisces signs are keep-to-themselves introverts with a side of spirituality – and that so totally epitomizes Will Byers that there was literally no other possibility for this zodiac sign. Even down to the visions to the Upside-Down, he’s totally Pisces.

Do you like your ‘Stranger Things’ character? @ Us about it in the comments!

Featured Image Source:
Kaitlyn Loft

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