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Which Starbucks Drinks You Should Order On Thanksgiving Morning

Which Starbucks Drinks You Should Order On Thanksgiving Morning

Before you start your day surrounded by love, even if it’s loud love, you might need some liquid courage. Luckily there’s plenty of Starbucks drinks that will put you in the seasonal move and please your tastebuds.

Pumpkin Foam Cold Brew

If you’re not in a place where Thanksgiving comes with a frosty morning, go for this cold drink with a caffeine punch. The Starbuck’s cold brew drink has gained fast popularity for the bitter dark coffee taste cut through with vanilla foam. This seasonal drink is one of the most in-demand when it comes to Starbucks drinks because the foam gets sprinkled with pumpkin spice seasoning. This means each sip gets its own little hint of the season. It’s sure to put you in the festive mood on Thanksgiving morning. 


Cold Brew with Dark Cocoa Almondmilk Foam

If cinnamon, spice, and everything seasonally nice isn’t your flavor palette, this non-dairy alternative might be just what you need in your life. Coffee and chocolate just might be the adult version of peanut butter and jelly. It is one of those Starbucks drinks you get as a treat and it quickly becomes your go-to order. The non-dairy foam doesn’t lack in flavor and will give you just the right amount of a chocolate tease to get you moving on Thanksgiving morning. Find your serenity in each sip as the chaos of the most thankful holiday begins to unfold around you.

Pumpkin Cinnamon Coffee

So you’re in the fall mood but you don’t want all the fluff in your coffee. You just want to get a drink and get down to business on your Thanksgiving morning. Order a black coffee at Starbucks and just add a touch or a pump of fall. It’s one of those Starbucks drinks you might not find out right on the menu, but it can easily be made. Pumpkin and cinnamon embody Thanksgiving and Starbucks has the power to put that in a cup for you. Now that’s truly something to be thankful for. 


Pumpkin Spice Latte

If you’re really looking to get an energetic start to your day, order this festive espresso and steamed milk drink. The iconic PSL survived the public criticism and mockery of the popularity. Wanna know why? Well, it’s fall in a cup and if there’s anything recent history has taught us is girls freak out for fall. And obviously, as the wise and ever perfect Beyonce has taught us girls run the world. So, long live the Pumpkin Spice Latte. This is one of the Starbucks drinks proven it will withstand the test of time. The delightful topping of whip cream and pumpkin pie seasoning will let you have your dessert early on in the day. 


Salted Caramel Mocha

As many flavors as Thanksgiving brings to the table, one sweet one seems to be missing from the spotlight. Caramel shines on other holidays but gets left out of the one where you give thanks for all that you’re thankful for. Well, fear not, show caramel you still appreciate the sweet it brings with one of the Starbucks drinks that don’t need pumpkin or cinnamon to put fall in a cup. With toffee, salt, and caramel in your coffee, you won’t have any choice but to be in a good mood from the very beginning on this holiday. 

Dirty Chai

Even if this isn’t one of the traditional seasonal Starbucks drinks, it will put some pep in your step and some spice in your life. There’s no pumpkin required in this drink for fall feelings to spread throughout your system. The earthy spices of cinnamon and cloves infused in black tea settle the soul before the high energy day begins. What makes this a dirty drink? Just a shot or two of espresso to get you moving. Just a touch of coffee flavor for those who can’t handle the overpowering flavor of the bean. 


Cinnamon Dolce Latte

Starbucks seasoned up their classic espresso in this drink. Cinnamon dolce flavored syrup whipped cream make this one of the seasonal Starbucks drinks you’ll want to try before it’s gone. It will warm you from the inside out and be the perfect way to start your Thanksgiving morning. Add a little extra to your coffee on the day you know you’ll indulge. 

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Caramel Apple Spice

With this drink, it’s socially acceptable for a caramel apple to be your first meal of the day. Plus, it’s Thanksgiving there are no rules. This is the perfect drink for non-coffee drinkers who still want something warm on Thanksgiving morning, it’s one of those Starbucks drinks you’ll want every day of the year. Doesn’t the sound of a drinkable caramel apple just make your mouth water? Honestly, who would have known something as simple as steamed apple juice could be so heavenly. Make yourself the favorite cousin or aunt and bring one to the Thanksgiving gathering for the young ones who don’t need the caffeine for energy. 


Fall Iced Tea

Put some fall flavor in your classic tea order. If you’re up early and it’s already hot, you don’t have to sacrifice the cozy flavors to keep your cool baristas recommend Teavana® Shaken Iced Black Tea with two pumps of pumpkin spice sauce and two pumps of cinnamon dolce syrup. Although it’s not as popular as the iconic PSL, this drink is sure to surprise and please any customer. It’s one of those Starbucks drinks you’ll order on Thanksgiving morning and go back in the afternoon for another fix. 

Pumpkin Spice Hot Chocolate

Will anyone know it’s hot chocolate in that cup and not coffee? Absolutely not. Is it socially acceptable to order hot chocolate as an adult? Absolutely. But on Thanksgiving morning, make it pumpkin. Just ask for a pump of pumpkin spice to take your hot chocolate to a new level. Starting one of the most loving holidays of the year off with something sweet is sure to instill a thankful mood in you for the rest of the day.  


What other Starbucks drinks are fitting to order on Thanksgiving morning? Share your favorites below!

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