Which Office Character Are You Most Like Based On Your Astrological Sign?

Answer the following three questions: Do you keep up to date with your astrological sun, moon, and rising charts? Do you follow several zodiac inspired meme pages on Instagram? Do you have an undying love for the cult classic comedy show, The Office? If you answered yes to all of these questions then we have a treat for you. Scroll down to discover which Office character you are most like based on your sign!


March 21 to April 19

Aries, you are a natural born leader. You go for what you want, and won’t let anyone stand in the way of accomplishing your goals. So, it goes without saying that you’re most like Darryl Philbin! Stay fierce, stay confident, and bibbity bobbity, give me the zoppity.

You can also relate to… Jan Levinson.


April 20 to May 20

If you’re dependable, down-to-earth, and also a bit sensual, then you are obviously Phyllis Lapin. Like Phyllis, you are patient and nurturing, and you are also not one to be messed with! You will stand up for yourself, and for your loved ones, without hesitation.

You can also relate to… Erin Hannon and Meredith Palmer.


May 21 to June 20

Oh Gemini, you are such a social butterfly. Though sometimes you can be scatter-brained and vain, you are also incredibly brilliant and hilariously sassy – just like The Office’s, Kelly Kapoor! Do you have what it takes to be the next business bitch?

You can also relate to… Mose.


June 21 to July 22

Cancers prefer to keep their personal life private, stick to a routine, and stay at home whenever possible. As someone who can occasionally be moody or pessimistic, it makes total sense if you find yourself most in Stanley Hudson. Like Stanley, you’d rather be sipping margaritas on a Florida beach than at your 9 to 5.

You can also relate to… Kevin Malone.


July 23 to August 22

You exude warmth and confidence and you tend to be the life of the party, Leo. You are passionate and love to be the centre of attention. You are none other than The Office’s, Andy Bernard. Rudit-dit-do-doo!

You can also relate to… Todd Packer.


August 23 to September 22

Virgo, you tend to be analytical, practical, and incredibly well-organized. As someone who follows the book, it makes complete sense to find yourself in Angela Martin. Though at times you can be overly critical, people always come to you for an honest opinion.

You can also relate to… Gabe Lewis.


September 23 to October 22

Libras, you are undeniably charming and have the ability to get along with pretty much anyone. It’s no surprise that The Office character you’re most like is Jim Halpert. Both of you are hopeless romantics who will do anything for the love of your life, no matter what that takes.

You can also relate to… Holly Flax.


October 23 to November 21

Without a doubt, The Office character you’re most like is Dwight Schrute. With you’re all-or-nothing attitude and unwavering loyalty to your loved ones, you have a truly un-beet-able spirit like Dwight. You would make a great Assistant to the Regional Manager, but an even better Regional Manager (just please, no firearms in the office.)

You can also relate to… Creed Bratton.

See Also


November 22 to December 21

As someone who exudes confidence and unrelenting positivity, you are none other than the World’s Best Boss, Michael Scott. Though you have the tendency to over-exaggerate certain situations or emotions, your large, generous heart makes up for it. Both of you will do whatever it takes to see your loved ones smile, no matter how long or hard that can take (“That’s what she said.”)

You can also relate to… Nellie Bertram.


December 22 to January 19

As someone who values hard work and exceptional manners, you are none other than Oscar Martinez. With your highly competitive, no-nonsense attitude, you’d be a perfect player on any trivia team. Maybe there’s a spot still open on Aesop’s Foibles?

You can also relate to… Bob Vance, Vance Refrigeration and David Wallace.


January 20 to February 18

You’re an independent thinker who marches to the beat of your own drum, Aquarius. The Office character that you’re most like is none other than Ryan Howard. Some of those around you may see you as selfish or emotionally detached, but we all know at the end of the day, you have a heart of gold.

You can also relate to… Robert California.


February 19 to March 20

With your highly creative mind and keen intuition, you’re none other than Pam Beesly. As a Pisces, you tend to keep your true thoughts and feelings to yourself – and for way too long. Even though it takes time, you and Pam can express yourself (you just may have to walk on some hot coals first!)

You can also relate to… Toby Flenderson.

Which Office character are you? Comment below!

Featured Image Source: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/AQqVwxMyPYoKXClX0WUYm2faFGr-bRosDVabIPThekemdGr_pjz3BVo/
Alex Arsenych-De Castro

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