Categories: Horoscopes

Which Disney Villain Are You Based on Your Zodiac

Are you looking to find your inner Disney Villain? Then you came to the right place. Keep in mind, these are based on what I know of the Zodiac signs as well as my personal opinion. Feel free to comment down below if you think another Disney Villain is best suited for them.

1. Aries (Mar. 21 – Apr. 19) as The Evil Queen

This go-getter sign can come across as abrasive or overly aggressive. As the zodiac’s first sign, the Aries has a concern for self-advancement. When it comes to winning, they can get up to anything. If they say they will do it means you will stick to it no matter what comes in their way. You would put extra effort into work and pull and push your strength and reserved energy to accomplish your desired goals. You are at times insensitive to the emotions of others as you feel that you have more knowledge and capabilities than anyone around.

It can be a “blind spot” for them. Aries are born with an innate sense of entitlement, which helps them shatter glass ceilings but can also be off-putting to people in extreme doses.

In the classic Disney film, the Evil Queen is cold and cruel towards her step-daughter, Snow White. She’s extremely vain, owning a magic mirror, and obsessively desiring to continuously remain the “fairest in all the land”. She demands it. She would easily get irritated when she doesn’t have it. She, clearly, always wants to be the center of attraction for everyone and thus making this the perfect Disney Villain for the Aries sign.

2. Taurus (Apr. 20 – May 20) as Cruella De Vil

When they’re worked up about something, steam pours out of the Taurus’ ears. You’ll see them pacing, muttering the same thing over and over, clenching their fists and looking like Bulls ready to charge! They can be materialistic, drawn to the more luxurious items within their shopping sprees.

Sometimes, their connection to the material world can make them a bit possessive with both people and things. They lack maturity and have low self-esteem. They simply hate when someone checks out or praises their partner. They tend to be possessive for all things that are necessary for them. The people might think the Taurus’ possession as self-indulgent and greedy if they don’t understand that the Taurus is craving for material things is actually for security.

Cruella is revised downward, making her a loud and obnoxious woman whose only personality trait is that she loves fur. When she had a passion for something, and she will have it. Across all portrayals of Cruella, the common denominator is an unapologetically selfish nature. Cruella will do what she wants whenever she feels like it.

3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20) as Hades

Gemini people can come across as clever, quick-witted, and manipulative. Part of the fun (and curse) of the Gemini is that you’re never quite sure which personality you’re going to experience. Will it be the vivacious, pun-dishing jokester, or the snarky, mean-spirited critic?

Geminis are smart and intelligent but they become overly analytical due to it. They will agonize for hours on what to do. Hence, they are not able to make the right decision in a given time frame as they are constantly in two minds. They may even lose good opportunities due to this. Sometimes, they may make the wrong decisions in haste. They are often anxious and nervous during certain major events of life like moving or changing careers and marriage and unable to make the right decision.

Hades is, without a doubt in my mind, my absolute favorite Disney Villain. So, I figured I had to give him justice. His relentless cynicism and relatable nature made him the perfect choice. I mean, he contemplated his movements for taking over Olympus for several centuries and when he found that Hercules was still alive, his decisions became rushed. He manipulated Herc into making a rushed deal for his strength by using Megara.

4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22) as Mother Gothel

Cancer individuals are also known to have a moody attitude, especially whenever they are jealous. They are normally protective and courageous. They can be very brooding and moody if they feel that their emotional needs are not being met. They switch moods rapidly. They will be laughing and joking at a moment and shedding their tears after a few minutes.

Cancers will cling and obsess over the situation until they have all of the answers. They can’t turn off the feelings once it is ignited.

They have intense mood swings, as well as sensitivity. It doesn’t take much for them to go from friendly and outgoing, to totally introverted as a way of protecting themselves. And it can prove quite confusing and unpredictable to the people in their lives.

Mother Gothel stole baby Repunzel and locked her in a tower to use Repunzel’s magic to retain her youth. But we’re focusing more on the way she treats Repunzel, here. She becomes distant, manipulative, clingy, and shifts between loving guardian to overbearing, scary villain in an instant. Most traits shared with the sign of the Cancer.

5. Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22) as Scar

Okay, I know it’s cliche to have the lion sign be the lion of Disney Villians. But hear me out, okay?

At times, the Leo sign’s dominance and confidence can be seen as more like arrogance and conceit. Leo individuals ooze with confidence. They think that if they have arrived at a conclusion at first, then they’re right. Their confidence to lead people can turn into arrogance at times. They may get self-centered and thinks they are the best in everything.

Leos have a hard time learning when to stop ruling and start listening. For this reason, they’re extremely domineering and tend to overpower those around them. They will always demand respect and expect everyone around them to behave subserviently. They can interfere in other matters, throw orders, bully, and expect them to follow without any arguments. When they are not able to control others then they get frustrated and throw fiery temper tantrums.

They always want to be the best, the brightest, and most beautiful in the world. They simply hate it when someone outshines them in any way. At that time, they tend to be jealous and competitive. They won’t hesitate to use lies, and trickery to discredit your opponents and rivals.

All of these things are found in the Lion King movie, with Scar as the one doing most of them. He lied to the entire lion pride that Simba killed his father. He believes he should be to one to rule and raises an army of hyenas to do his bidding as henchmen. Thus, making him the perfect Disney Villain for the Leo.

6. Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sep. 22) as The Queen Of Hearts

Virgo individuals are one of the few zodiac signs who are difficult to get along with. They are not always easy. They can be overly critical and demanding. It is because they already have a clear picture in their minds about how things should be done.

Virgo personality types are too judgemental. They tend to appraise and judge people based on one particular viewpoint in that person’s life. They don’t care about looking at a person as a complete person. This causes lots of interpersonal conflicts.

Virgo is also known for being fussy as sometimes they get lost in the details. Their strong likes and dislikes make them quite fussy which can be very irritating to other signs. Virgo individuals are a bit conservative and old fashioned. They’re not really into modern changes and prefer things in their old traditional ways. They act pedantically sometimes.

These traits are all known within the Queen of He 

7. Libra (Sep. 23 – Oct. 22) as Hans

Libra individuals have a tendency to manipulate others. Since they can dig deep and know the weaknesses of others, it is easy for them to manipulate anyone and get them to do things they want. They strive for everything to be smooth-sailing. They can grease all the troubles and mend fences if required as they are a pro-diplomat. However, all their empathy, listening, deep understanding, opinions, and desires will never be known. At times, they may not even really know their own mind.

What makes them unreliable is your several personalities. They are sometimes unable to stand for even themselves so it is hard for anyone to rely or count on them to have their back in serious situations.

This makes Hans the perfect Disney Villain for the Libra sign. He mirrored Anna’s personality in attempts to manipulate her into marrying him, then to kill and take over her kingdom when the timing was right.

8. Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21) as Lotso

Scorpio is the mysterious and secretive sign of the zodiac. Scorpios hardly ever reveal something about themselves to people to protect their feelings and due to their secretive character. In relationships, Scorpios become quickly enraged if the partner pays a little too much attention to anyone they deem as a threat. They are a bit more possessive in the case of their loved and near ones.

If you do something to a Scorpio that they perceive as a betrayal. There’s a pretty good chance that your actions will cause some big-time resentment to them. They will allow it to damage them, afterward come back more powerful and smarter from the experience.

Lotso is a stuffed bear who used to belong to a young girl in the movie Toy Story 3. She loved him very much and was devastated when she lost him. So, Lotso went on a journey to find his owner, only to find her with a replacement, causing him to feel betrayed. And well, we all know what happens next.

9. Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21) as Captain Hook

Sagittarius is self-assured, optimistic, verbal, and are prone to exaggerate and make everything, whether good or bad, more significant than it is. They are hyperbolic and boastful. Sagittarians never want to slow things down. They are restless and impatient.

Sagittarians are also known for being irritating attention-seekers, time bombs. They are usually very nice and decent, but when they freak out, it’s going to be an explosion you’ll never forget; they will do anything and everything and say just about anything nasty.

Captain Hook is definitely attention-seeking and rather impatient. I mean, look at the scene of him interrogating Tinkerbell. When things are not moving as per him, he ends up getting frustrated and grumpy.

See Also

10. Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19) as Maleficent

Capricorns are overly serious and sober individuals having a strong sense of built-in responsibility to protect and provide for others. Reserved personality of Capricorn and serious demeanor can make them appear standoffish, aloof, and rigid to the point of not being fun.

Capricorns are very suspicious when things are too easy, as they hate when things are going too well and think everyone is out to get them. They are naturally suspicious people and will trust you until you give them a reason not to. There could be times when the Capricorns might seem melancholy and also depressed. They have the tendency to become melancholy due to which they want someone who can make them happy as well.

One of the unknown traits of Capricorns is their unforgiving nature. They are notoriously unforgiving when it comes to perceiving others as lacking in ambition and diligence.

Maleficent is sadistic and merciless, which she proves when she mercilessly places a sleeping spell on Stefan’s baby daughter, Aurora, that before the sun sets on her sixteenth birthday, she will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and fall into a sleep-like death, leaving Stefan’s castle with a sadistic laugh at the sweet revenge she just attained. She enjoys watching Stefan plead for his young daughter’s life. During the final battle, Maleficent willingly allows Stefan to fall to his death, proving that she never forgave him for his betrayal despite regaining her wings and coldly stands over his body after his tragic demise.

Despite her dark side, Maleficent still possesses traits from her good side. This is proven by her relationship with Diaval and Aurora. Although sometimes irritated with him, Maleficent openly shows that she does care for Diaval a great deal, saving his life twice. The first time from a farmer and the second time from Stefan’s men.

Maleficent’s relationship with Aurora is that of a mother/ daughter relationship. At first, Maleficent despises Aurora, even trying to frighten her when she was a baby, to no avail. Despite her hatred of the child, Maleficent reluctantly begins to watch over and secretly raise the young girl from afar. During their first encounter, Maleficent is less vicious, softening from her experiences with Aurora. During her time with the princess, Maleficent begins to transform back into the woman she used to be, finding her happiness again.

11. Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 19) as Te’ka

They are fast thinkers and barely care about repercussions that may result. Aquarians have a sense of freedom and they never want to be limited by what others think of them and how they will want them to be. They want to express their freedom and are often quick at that. It might be difficult to predict what will they do next. They tend to be very unpredictable, just when you think you are starting to know them, they do something that completely surprises you.

Aquarius does things crossing the limits. Even their anger is also beyond one’s imagination. They can be very sad, depressed, agitated and or very happy to an extent. Aquarians are known as extremist people. As open-minded as they are, Aquarius is a fixed sign. This means that they are stubborn people, and it is often hard to change their mind about something once it is set for. They are very stubborn when it comes to their opinions.

Massive in size, Te Kā towers above all who encounter her, and is usually depicted with a hollow scowl and an expressionless, skull-like face. She is comprised completely out of lava, with molten skin and flames as her hair. Always surrounding her slender form is a dense pyrocumulus cloud, coupled with bolts of lightning and volcanic ash. She has no legs, her lower half made of a shapeless mass of lava, and she moves about by crawling with her hands. On her chest is a spiral carving of where her heart once was; should it be reattached, Te Kā will return to her true form.

Te Kā’s lava skin surprisingly turns to molten rock and crumbles away, releasing Te Fiti from her age-long torment. Te Fiti silently restores her island and undoes the damage caused by Te Kā across the world, as well as Moana’s boat. Thus making her the perfect Disney Villain for the Aquarians.

12. Pisces (Feb. 20 – Mar. 20) as Michael ‘Goob’ Yagoobian

Pisces are sweet people, but they are also known for their attitude and moody tendencies. When they are moody it is best to just give them some space. This watery sign, half of the time are moody and they do not know the reason. When feeling down a Pisces feels every negative thought all at once. They do not get over things easily, which often prolongs their recovery time after a bad experience and during that period they are likely to become negative.

Pisceans because of their idealistic nature, often find themselves walking alone. Their idealistic natures usually mean that they can be overly trusting and often leave themselves betrayed, hurt and vulnerable. Some call Pisces as an escapist. They are dreamers and escapists who get lost in their own mind and imagination. Just when you think you have them, they elusively slip away from you.

As a 12-year-old boy, Michael is more interested in baseball than his roommate’s inventing hobby. He is mature for his age as he is willing to let go of his problem.

However, in one of Lewis’ timelines, after he missed the winning catch, his fury became uncontrollable as he was constantly in a bad mood. Once the orphanage shut down, as time progressed (and as he grew up), his resentment of Lewis grew.

As a result of shutting himself from the world for three decades, Goob never properly matured as an adult as his anger caused a stunted mental development. His childlike attitude suggests that he dropped education after finishing middle school, given that he lacked the knowledge and common sense for many things in life as a side-effect of his self-destructive obsession of destroying Lewis.

He has displayed extremely childish mannerisms, such as running on the table in the meeting room of Inventco. during his failed presentation of Lewis’ Memory Scanner. He also has a habit of committing childish mischief as evil deeds in his terms which greatly crippled his attempts for revenge before meeting DOR-15 and even during his partnership with her. It took many of his misdeeds to fully wake him back to his senses when Doris takes over the future and betrayed him to his death (which was erased by Lewis later).

Did you enjoy this list? Do you feel another Disney Villain suits one better? Feel free to comment below on how you or someone you know reacted!

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Hailey Brown

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