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Why All Decision-Making Abilities Go Out The Window When You’re Horny

Why All Decision-Making Abilities Go Out The Window When You’re Horny

Take a look at why your decision-making abilities go out the window when you're horny AF. The reasoning is pretty fascinating!

You have sex on the brain. This is all you can think about. It might be the guy or girl you have been seeing. Or a whiff of perfume or cologne from someone walking by sets you off. It could be the hottie you saw at the bar last night. All you know is that you are horny and there is nothing else you can focus on and you’re trying to do adulting things. But why can’t you just not change focus like you do when at work and need to switch gears from one project to another? Lets break this down. These are some of the examples of your decision-making when you’re horny.

Why is your mind so singly focused.

When you are horny your limbic system is working in over drive. The amount of dopamine and adrenaline that is released increases and all starts to flow from other parts of your body to your genitals causing your body to prepare its self for sex. The amount of blood that is sent to the genitals causes other areas of your brain and body to work with the bare minimum needed to operate. This causes your cortex to become extremely focused on one thing and only one thing. Having SEX!  When your brain signals to your cortex that you are horny you become a single focused driven individual. This is one of the examples of your decision-making when you’re horny.

Does your body show you’re horny?

If you are a man you may get a semi-hard on. Your penis will become sensitive and it may even be difficult to walk. Your hands may become sweaty, numb or tingly. If you are a woman your body will also show signs. This can be from your nipples and clitoris becoming erect (YES ladies your clitoris can become erect) , your face, neck or chest become flushed, boobs swell, and you become wet. Either men or female can also have the same reactions. They blink more often or start sneezing. Your pain tolerance will increase drastically due to blood flow. The one downer could be a headache. Some get a headache due to all the excitement happening in their body and having sex will only cause it to become worse. BUMMER! This is one of the examples of your decision-making when you’re horny.

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What can do to stop being so horny?

Is there a way to stop this focus or change the direction of the signals. Well yes of course there is and that involves releasing all the hormones and blood that is being sent to your genitals. The obvious choice is to have sex, but this may not be an option at the moment or at all. You could masterbate and release all the oxytocin that has been built up. There is always the old saying to think about grandma or grandpa getting it on to gross you out and kill the desire. Whatever option you choose will stop the blood flow to your genitals and reduce the hormones that are sending signals to your brain to be singly focused on the fact you are horny when you’re horny.

Which of these points about when you’re horny do you relate to? Let us know below.

Featured Image: weheartit